9 класс СОЧ 3 четверть

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Tasks for the Summative Assessment for Term 3


Task. Read and listen to the text. Complete the sentences with the names of the people.

1 _______________ went to a wedding about a month ago.

2 _______________ gives advice about what to do and what not to do at a wedding.

3 _______________ gives information about the order of events at the main wedding.

4 ________________ has been to a lot of weddings.

5 ________________ is going to a wedding at the weekend.

6 ________________ describes the clothes the bride wears

Total [6]

Task. Read the text and add the sentences. Write a-e in the spaces in the text.

a) It has more than 27 million visitors spending over $770 million a year.
b) I just turn on the radio and listen to whatever comes.
c) You don’t want to play rock music and get them even more worked up.
d) But later on, it’s quieter.
e) But if we’ve got a big cup match and we play We will Rock You, they will clap.


Music is all around us. However, we rarely think about who chooses the music, and we’ve no idea how
they decide what to play. ‘It is a science,’ explains Liam Collins, 41, who is DJ at the Bluewater
Shopping Centre in Kent. 1. _____________ ‘We play music in the dining areas, entrance halls and the
country yards, you can hear a whole range of different music, from Paul Oakenfold mixes to Frank
Sinatra.’ ‘In the morning, the music is generally on loud. 2. ____________. The busier the shopping
centre gets, the more relaxing the music needs to be. People listen more carefully to the music than you
might think.Once we accidentally played White Christmas At Easter. A huge crowd of people came to
reception to tell us.’ ‘I don’t actually think the crowd care about the music, to be honest, ‘says Richie
Tierney. PA announcer at Prenton Park football ground, the home of Tranmere Rovers. ‘3.
_______________.’ Otherwise, Richie and his assistant have clear rules. They play James Brown’s I Feel
Good when Tranmere score and they play a special re-mix of Going Home by Mark Knopfler when
people are leaving the stadium. We also spoke to several taxi drivers. What is important for them is to
have music playing, but what they actually listen to is nothing like as important as how loudly they play
it. ‘We play everything. No one complains about what it is, but the minute it gets too loud, then people
complain.’ ‘I don’t really care what I listen to,’ says Jed Strange, a London cabby. ‘4.
________________But I do change the music if the customer doesn’t like it. That way, the tips I get are
much better.’ he admits. We also found a taxi driver who only plays classical music. ‘Classical music is
just as enjoyable as rock,’ he says. ‘With classical music I feel far more relaxed, and I really need that
with today’s traffic, which is getting a lot worse every day.’ And in that he’s not alone – classical music is
also the preferred choice of Dr. Janet Highsmith, a dentist from Cambridge. ‘Most of my patients are
pretty stressed,’ she says. 5. _____________. It’s usually a piece of Baroque music that helps them to
Task 2. Read the text again and answer the questions.
When do they play relaxing music in the Bluewater shopping centre?
Total [6]
Task. In each of the following sentences a pronoun has been highlighted. What type of pronoun is it?
Write a letter next to each statement.

A. Personal
B. Reflexive
C. Possessive
D. Relative
E. Indefinite
F. Reciprocal
1. Let's contact one another once we've made some progress. ___
1. She wants to do it herself. ___
2. I can't find them. ___
3. I can't believe it's finally ours. ___
4. The girl who usually cuts my hair has won the lottery. ___
5. He wants to go to Scarborough. ___
6. Jim gave me the last copy. ___
Total [6]

Task. You are given questions to speak about for 2-3 minutes. Before you speak you have one minute to
think about what you are going to say.

Card 1
1. How often do you watch films?
2. What genre do you prefer?
3. What’s your favourite film?
4. How have films changed over the years?

Card 2
1. Do you like listening to music on a regular basis?
2. What kind of songs or music do you like listening to?
3. Where do you think people enjoy listening to music the most?
4. Do you think music is getting better as time goes on?

Card 3
1. What music do you enjoy listening to?
2. Where do people usually enjoy listening to music?
3. Is foreign music or music from your country more popular with people of your age? (Why do you
think that is?) 4. What do you think the effect of more music in schools would be?

Card 4
1. How many languages do you speak?
2. Should people learn foreign languages? Why? Why not?
3. Do you think that all children should learn foreign languages at school?
4. Why do some people have more difficulties than others while learning a language?

Total [6]
Total marks ____/24
Mark scheme
Listening and Reading

№ Answer Mark Additional

1. Kuanysh 1
2. Aisulu 1
3. Zukhra 1
4. Aisulu 1
5. Siobhan 1
6 Kuanysh
1. A 1
2. D 1
3. E 1
4. B 1
5. C 1
6 When the shopping centre is getting busier. 1
1 F 1
2 B 1
3 A 1
4 C 1
5 D 1
6 A 1
Total 18
Hi everyone! My name's Siobhan and I'm from Dublin, Ireland. My family and I have been living in
Kazakhstan for six months now - my dad works for an international company in Aktobe. We've made a
lot of friends here already, and one of them us to her wedding, which is going to be this Sunday K'm
really excited, but I'm also a bit confesed. I've been reading about Kazakh wedding framtitions and I've
found out the 2 is very different from the one in Ireland. And it seems are several parties! Can you tell me
more the traditions and the different parties?
When my eldest sister got married last month, we had a big party. I'd never been to a wedding before, and
I was really looking forward to it. I wasn't disappointed! It was a traditional wedding, so the -wore a
white dress, a and a special hat called saukele, which she'd made herself. My favourite part of the
wedding was 'Kyz uzatu' - the goodbye party for the bride. Have you got an for the bride's party, or are
you only going to the main wedding?
The wedding usually starts around noon, when the bride arrives in the groom's house and meets his.
There's a song, in which the guests sing the folk song Zhar-zhar. The most important ceremony is called
'Neke qiyu' and it only takes about half an hour. It's a religious ceremony for Muslim couples. Later, they
go to the registry office for another ceremony. After that, the often go on a tour of the city's sites and pose
for photos. This is followed by a wedding and friends. for family
I've got a big family and I've been to more than ten weddings-the first one was when I was only five.
There are always a lot of (sometimes more than 6001), and one thing I find strange is that no one ever
arrives on time. If the wedding invitation says five o'clock, you shouldn't go before six, because you'll be
the only person there! All guests must bring 11 -if you aren't sure what to buy, you can just put some
money in an "

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