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City of Masbate
K to 12 Basic Education Program


S.Y. 2023-2024

DIRECTIONS: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the best answer. Write it on a 1 whole
sheet of paper. Erasures and any form of alliteration is strictly prohibited.

1.What is the first step in spotting a trend?

A. Conduct market research
B. Analyze historical data
C. Identify potential influencers
D. Create a trend forecast
2. Why is analyzing historical data is important in spotting a trend?
A. It provides insight into consumer behavior.
B. It helps identify potential competitors.
C. It saves time and resources.
D. It guarantees success in trend-spotting.
3. What is trend forecast?
A. A prediction of future trends.
B. A report on past trends.
C. A list of current trends.
D. A marketing strategy.
4. How can trend-spotting help business?
A. It ensures immediate success
B. It allows for better decision-making
C. It has no impact on business performance
D. It guarantees high profits
5. Why is trend-spotting an ongoing process?
A. Trends are constantly changing
B. Trends do not exist
C. Trends are easy to predict
D. Trends last forever
6. How can social media platforms be useful in spotting a trend?
A. They only show outdated trends
B. They have no relevance in trend-spotting
C. They provide real time data on popular topics
D. They can distract from the trend-spotting.
7. What is one characteristic pf a trend?
A. It last only for a short period of time.
B. It is unpredictable and chaotic.


City of Masbate, 5400 Philippines    (056) 333-4444
In God We Trust
C. It follows a consistent pattern over time.
D. It has no impact on consumer behavior.
8. What role does innovation play in shaping trends?
A. Innovation has no impact on trends.
B. Innovative ideas can create new trends.
C. Innovation only affects outdated trends.
D. Trends limit the need for innovation.
9. What is the connection between demographics and trends?
A. Demographics have no impact on trends
B. Trends are shaped solely by demographic factors
C. Different demographic groups may embrace different trends
D. Demographic are irrelevant in trends analysis
10. How can globalization impact trends?
A. Globalization has no impact on trends
B. Globalization leads to uniform trends across regions
C. Globalization can introduce new trends from different cultures
D. Local trends are not influenced by globalization
11. How do trends influence consumer behavior?
A. Trends have no impact on consumer behavior
B. Consumer shape trends, not vice versa
C. Consumers follow trends to express their identity
D. Trends only impact businesses, not consumers
12. How does the longevity of a trend contribute to its significance?
A. Short-lived trends have a greater impact on society
B. Longevity indicate stability and popularity
C. Trends that change quickly are more desirable
D. Long-lasting trends are more quickly to fade quickly
13. What is the main difference between a trend and a fad?
A. Trends last for a long time, while fads are short-lived
B. Trends are popular with a small group of people, while fads are popular with a large group
C. Trends are easy to identify, while fads are difficult to spot
D. Trends refer to past behavior, while fads refer to current behavior
14. Which of the following best describes a trend?
A. Something that gains popularity quickly and fades just as fast
B. A consistent change or pattern in behavior over a long period of time
C. A temporary fad that only certain individuals are interested in
D. An unpopular idea or behavior that never catches on
15. How is a trend typically influenced?
A. By celebrities and influencer
B. By companies and marketers
C. By government regulation
D. By random chance


City of Masbate, 5400 Philippines    (056) 333-4444
In God We Trust
16. How can you differentiate between a trend and a fad?
A. By looking at how long it has been popular
B. By observing if it appeals to a wide niche audience
C. By checking if it’s mentioned in a mainstream media
D. All of the above
17. Which of the following is a NOT an element that makes up a trend?
A. Popularity
B. Longevity
C. Short-term interest
D. Persistence
18. Which of the following is an example of a trend element related to consumerbehavior?
A. Cost-effectiveness
B. Social media influence
C. Seasonality
D. Brand loyalty
19. What is the significance of consumer demand in trend identification?
A. It has no impact on trend development
B. It determines the success or failure of a trend
C. It is unrelated to the longevity of a trend
D. It is a temporary factor that influences only fads
20. In what way does cultural influence contribute to trend formation?
A. It has no influence on trends
B. It shapes societal values norms, which can drive trends
C. It does not impact the popularity of trends
D. It is only relevant to fads, not trends
21. How does the media play role in trend propagations?
A. It has minimal impact on trends dissemination
B. It prevents trends from gaining traction
C. It is irrelevant to trend development
D. It accelerates the adaptation of trends through widespread acceleration
22. Why is adaptability an important trend element?
A. It stifles creativity and innovation
B. It limits the growth potential of a trend
C. It allows trends to evolve and stay relevant overtime
D. It cause trends to fade quickly
23. Which of the following best describes intuitive thinking?
A. Relying solely on data and statistics
B. Making decisions based on gut feelings and instincts
C. Utilizing logical reasoning and critical thinking
D. Consulting with expert advisors and analysts
24. Strategic analysis is an ongoing process that involves:
A. Adapting to changing circumstances in the industry


City of Masbate, 5400 Philippines    (056) 333-4444
In God We Trust
B. Limiting analysis to historical data only
C. Making decisions based on the status quo
D. Ignoring feedback from stakeholders
25. Strategic analysis includes:
A. Assuming there is only one right answer
B. Incorporating multiple perspectives and scenario
C. Ignoring industry trends and competitive analysis
D. Focusing only on internal strength and weaknesses
26. Intuitive thinking is often used in situations where:
A. There is ample time for extensive research and analysis
B. The decision involves complex data and statistics
C. The outcome relies heavily on personal judgment and experience
D. The decision requires absolute certainty and predictability
27. When identifying parts of a whole, one should focus on:
A. How the parts work together
B. The individual characteristics of each part
C. The size of each part
D. None of the above
28. Which of the following is NOT an example of identifying parts of a whole?
A. Recognizing the different components of a cell
B. Understanding how the parts of a car work together to make it run
C. Looking at a pointing and appreciating the colors used
D. Analyzing the different elements of a story
29. When identifying parts of a whole, it is important to consider:
A. The function of each part
B. The color of each part
C. The shape of each part
D. None of the above
30. The parts of the jigsaw puzzle, such as individual pieces, are important for:
A. Making the puzzle complete
B. Adding complexity to the puzzle
C. Enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the puzzle
D. None of the above
31. What is an emerging pattern?
A. A pattern that has already been established
B. A pattern that is beginning to form
C. A pattern that is completed
D. A pattern that will never form
32. Which of the following is NOT an example of an emerging pattern?
A. A child learning to walk
B. A plant growing from a seed
C. A repeating geometric design


City of Masbate, 5400 Philippines    (056) 333-4444
In God We Trust
D. The changing colors of the sky at sunset
33. What is the first step in identifying an emerging pattern?
A. Establishing a hypothesis
B. Making a plan
C. Observation
D. Ignoring the data
34. How can recognizing emerging patterns enhance creativity?
A. By limiting possibilities
B. By fostering innovation and originality
C. By promoting conformity
D. By discouraging imagination
35. When observing emerging patterns, what should you look for?
A. Consistency and predictability
B. Randomness and chaos
C. Inconsistency and uncertainty
D. None of the above
36. How can emerging patterns be used in problem solving
A. They are only useful in art and design
B. They can help identify trend and make predictions
C. They offer no practical application
D. They are purely for entertainment
37. How can a trend be identified?
A. By analyzing short-term fluctuation
B. By observing consistent and repeated patterns over term
C. By ignoring past data
D. By disregarding future prediction
38. In what areas can trends be observed?
A. Only in fashion and music
B. Only in economics
C. In all areas of society, including technology, fashion, and culture
D. Trends do not exist
39. How does understanding trends help individuals make informed decisions?
A. By ignoring societal changes
B. By anticipating future developments and adapting accordingly
C. By resisting change and innovation
D. By isolating oneself from current events and trends
40. What distinguishes a trend from a random occurrence?
A. Trends are temporary and short-lived
B. Trends are consistent and recurring
C. Trends have no impact on society
D. Trends are unpredictable and chaotic


City of Masbate, 5400 Philippines    (056) 333-4444
In God We Trust
City of Masbate, 5400 Philippines    (056) 333-4444
In God We Trust

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