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Mata Kuliah : Listening for General Communication I

Kode Mata Kuliah : G1B1202
Kredit / Semester : 2 SKS / V
Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Jenjang Program : Sarjana
Hari / Tanggal : Jum’at/ 10 November 2023
Waktu : 09.30-11.00
Sifat Ujian : Take Home
Dosen : Ida Maulida, M.Pd

A. Answer the question below correctly. Do not discuss with friends.

1. Make a project video to arrangement mid test examination. The criterion video as below:
a. Theme/topic the video as follows.
 Make “descriptive texts” about: Food” Present the hottest issues “Sport or Food”
 Practice and made in a video assignment
 Duration as long as you need to make a clear description.
b. Score of Video Content (Total Score: 30 points):

1. Clarity of Message (10 points): How clearly does the video communicate its main
message or purpose?
0-3 points : Unclear or confusing message.
4-6 points : Message is somewhat clear.
7-10 points : Message is very clear and concise.
2. Relevance (10 points): Does the video content stay relevant to the topic or subject
0-3 points: : Irrelevant content.
4-6 points : Partially relevant.
7-10 points : Completely relevant.
Engagement (10 points): How well does the video engage the viewer?
0-3 points : Not engaging.
4-6 points : Somewhat engaging.
7-10 points : Highly engaging, keeps the viewer interested throughout.
4. Visual Quality (10 points): How well is the video shot and edited in terms of visual
0-3 points : Poor visual quality, distracting elements
4-6 points : Average visual quality.
7-10 points : High-quality visuals, well-shot and edited.
Audio Quality (10 points): How clear is the audio, including the quality of sound and
voiceovers or narration?
0-3 points : Poor audio quality, hard to understand
4-6 points : Average audio quality.
7-10 points : Excellent audio quality, clear and well-produced sound.
Audience Engagement (10 points): How effectively does the video engage the target
0-3 points : Minimal engagement, viewers lose interest quickly.
4-6 points : Some audience engagement.
7-10 points : High audience engagement, viewers are captivated.
Information Delivery (10 points): How well does the video deliver the intended
information or message?
0-3 points : Poor delivery, key information is missing or unclear.
4-6 points : Adequate information delivery.
7-10 points : Excellent information delivery, all key points are well-explained.
Call to Action (10 points): If applicable, does the video effectively prompt viewers to
take a desired action?
0-3 points : Weak or unclear call to action.
4-6 points : Somewhat effective call to action.
7-10 points : Strong and compelling call to action.
9. Length (5 points): Is the video an appropriate length for the content it covers?
0-1 points : Too short or too long.
2-3 points : Slightly off in length.
4-5 points : Ideal length for the content.
Creativity and Originality (15 points): Does the video demonstrate creativity and
originality in its approach and content?
0-5 points : Lacks creativity and originality.
6-10 points : Somewhat creative and original.
11-15 points : Highly creative and original.

==============================Good Luck ============================

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