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LEVEL I 1 All the following are ways in which teacher professional development can occur except…………
A. discussing and learning with colleagues on an issue.
B. observing student behaviours during instruction.
C. seminar of the lesson plan and teacher delivery.
D. workshop on the common core curriculum
LEVEL 2 2. Which one of the following can be considered as the best reason why a teacher allows her
learners to reflect on their project?
A. Enhancing self-directed learning
B. Heightening their level of imagination
C. Improving their verbal abilities
D. Promoting their punctuality

3. The head teacher of a school has developed herself so much that she constantly shares her
LEVEL 3 experiences, knowledge and ideas to newly posted teachers to her school every year with the
aim of assisting them to practically implement the new basic school curriculum. Which of the
following best describes the head teacher’s action?
A. Coaching
B. Counselling
C. Mentorship
D. Training

4. You have been tasked to advise a class teacher who has identified a student with leadership potentials.
Which of the following will be the most appropriate advice for the class teacher?
A. Allowing the student to attend leadership workshops
B. Motivating the student to participate in class discussions
C. Putting the student to be in charge of classroom activities
D. Speaking to the parents regarding the child’s potentials

LEVEL 4 5. At a professional development workshop, a teacher sought knowledge about ways in which
he can promote reflective teaching. Which of the following will you consider as the odd
amongst the strategies for promoting reflective teaching?
A. Allowing colleague teachers to sit in your class and provide feedback
B. Conversing with the pupils and taking their criticism from the teaching
C. Making experts take notes while teaching and data evaluated thereof
D. Recording videos of your instructional period for evaluation purposes
LEVEL I 6. Which of the following persons will you consider as the most immediate active executers of
community of practice in the school?
A. Food sellers
B. Parents
C. Students
D. Teachers

LEVEL 2 7 Which of one of the following concepts describes the systematic collaboration and interaction
between schools and groups of people residing within the school vicinity with the aim of
addressing a common issues? Community………..
A. development
B. empowerment
C. engagement
D. meeting

LEVEL 3 8. The conduct of some teachers prevent children from the right to social activities. You have been
invited by a school head to educate teachers about some of their behaviours that constitute misconduct on
the children’s right social activities. Which one of the following can best be considered as teacher
behaviour that constitute misconduct?
A. Asking a student not to participate in a school activity with a just cause
B. Depriving a student of participating in sports based on health grounds
C. Detaining a student after school as a form of punishment without supervision
D. Restricting a student from going out to play during instructional hours

LEVEL 4 9. You have observed a high rate of absenteeism among children in your school. You therefore took an
initiative to research into this unfortunate incident in order to provide solution. Which of the following
will be the first step to take?
A. Educate other teachers on the need for inclusive lessons
B. Encourage parents to send their children to school
C. Explore the causes of the children’s school dropout
D. Persuade the children in the community to attend school


LEVEL I 10 Which one of the following best describes the role of the National School Inspectorate Authority
(NaSIA) at the pre-tertiary schools?
I – Undertake reviews in schools
II – Do periodic evaluation in schools
III – Set and Enforce standards to be adhered to
A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II, and III

LEVEL 2 11 All the following are objectives of school feeding programme in Ghana,
A. increase school attendance.
B. increase school enrolment.
C. increase teacher retention.
D. reduce parental burden.

LEVEL 3 12. There have been heated arguments among teachers regarding Free Senior High School. Which of the
following was the main purpose for the introduction of the Free Senior High School policy in Ghana?
A. assist the management of senior high schools in feeding the students.
B. help parents purchase learning materials for their wards in school.
C. provide an incentive to teachers in senior high schools in the country
D. take out the element of cost as a hindrance to educational access.


LEVEL 1 13. In the New Basic School Curriculum, the concrete actions the student should be able to
perform as a result of participation in the lesson is referred to as the……
A. content standard
B. performance indicators
C. learning indicators
D. learning outcomes
LEVEL 2 14. A graduate from one the public universities is aspiring to become a teacher and wanted to
know more about the new primary school curriculum in Ghana. As a teacher, which one of the
following will best describe the new primary school curriculum?
A. It abolishes assessment at the lower and higher primary level
B. It is more learner-centred than teacher-centred
C. It places less emphasis on ICT utilisation in schools
D. It significantly reduces the number of instructional hours in school

LEVEL 3 15. An I.C.T teacher developed a strategy for teaching through improvising and designing a
calculator system. Through this innovative demonstration, one of the learners was also
motivated and designed a similar but different calculator system. Which of the 4-key emphasis
of the new primary curriculum is reflected in this situation?
A. Arithmetic
B. Creativity
C. Numeracy
D. Reading

LEVEL 4 1. 16. A pre-service teacher on her internship programme in your school practically wanted
to know the difference between the scheme of work (SoW) and lesson plan (LP). As her
mentor, she took the opportunity to ask you for clarification. Which of the following will
be your best response?
A. SoW defines the content and structure of a subject whereas LP defines the short-
term learning outcomes
B. SoW is a broach document that provides an overview of pieces of LP
C. SoW is a long-term of what one aims to teach whereas LP is a short-term and
specific work to be done
D. SoW reflects the specific objectives while LP covers the learning goals of a course


LEVEL 2 17 In planning his lessons, a teacher considered the socio-cultural background of the pupils
before preparing the lesson plan for delivery. Which of the following will you say the teacher
took into consideration to enable him meet the needs of learners?

A. Knowledge of the curriculum

B. Knowledge of the parents
C. Knowledge of students
D. Knowledge of resources
LEVEL 3 18 A teacher had a class with students from a diverse socio-cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
The teacher had some difficulties with instruction and needed advice. Which of the following
will serve as the best advice for the teacher?
A. The teacher must group the class based on the culture before planning instruction
B. The teacher must learn about the diverse culture and integrate them into her
C. The teacher should learn how to speak the languages of all the students in the class
D. The teacher should read extensively about the way of life of the various groups in the

19 A teacher had a student in her class who had mathematics difficulty in algebra. The teacher
designed an instructional approach to help the child. How can the teacher accurately monitor the
progress of the child?
A. Asking the child whether he/she has improved via oral means
B. Asking the parents whether the child is able to do tasks in mathematics
C. Observing the child from afar as he/she interacts with peers in class
D. Studying and analysing the child’s samples of projects or exercises

LEVEL 4 20 A student reported to his teacher that he could not see clearly from the board. What is the best action
to be taken by the teacher take?
A. Inform the parents on the issue and constantly follow up the case to find out the parent’s
B. Move the child to sit at a place where he feels more comfortable to read
C. Move the child to the front seat and take the child for assessment of visual problems
D. Report the issue to the headmaster and later take the child to meet the headmaster
LEVEL 1 21. All the following are types of classroom learning environment EXCEPT……..
A. assessment centred
B. demonstration centred
C. learner centred
D. teacher centred
LEVEL 2 22. You have been invited as a resource person by a school head to educate her teachers about
how to create and manage a positive classroom learning environment. All the following
conditions are significant EXCEPT…….
A. establish routine
B. minimise distraction
C. maximum teaching
D. set targets
LEVEL 3 23. A class three teacher discovered that her pupils were not interacting in class, to the extent that
every child preferred doing their own thing. What can this teacher do to promote an interactive
classroom environment?
A. Instruction materials and physical objects should be used during teaching and
B. The teacher must encourage the pupils to participate in extra-curricular activities
such as sports.
C. The teacher should adopt teaching methods such as brainstorming, discussion,
and group work.
D. The teacher should consult the parents of the pupils to teach their children how to be
socially active.

24. A class teacher discussed and agreed with the students in her class on the rules and regulations of the
class concerning lateness to school. In what way can the teacher make these rules effective?
A. Involving other teachers to also have similar rules and regulations.
B. Putting students in charge of monitoring themselves in adhering to the rules.
C. Punishing students who first flouts the rules to serve as a deterrent to others.
D. Discussing these rules and regulations with parents to help their wards report early to school.

LEVEL 4 25. At a staff meeting, the head teacher admonished teachers to adopt appropriate classroom
management strategies. Which of the following best explains why the head teacher stressed
classroom management?
A. Appropriate classroom management places the school above other schools in their
B. Classroom management builds the confidence of parents regarding the training of
their wards.
C. Classroom management promotes healthy relationships among teachers and the head
D. It creates a serene environment for pupils to learn and teachers to teach


LEVEL 1 26. As a teacher, which of the following concepts denotes what a learner will have acquired
and/or be able to do after a period of instruction?
A. Expected learning goals
B. Intended learning outcomes
C. Learning goals
D. Scheme of work

27. A teacher wishes to improve class participation and was careful not to choose a teaching
approach that will lead to a low participation level. Which of the following methods of teaching
results in lower levels of class participation among students?
A. Discovery approach
B. Discussion method
C. Lecture method
D. Role play approach

LEVEL 2 28. A basic school teacher wishes to ensure inclusiveness in her teaching. How can she best
achieve this in the classroom? The teacher should…………..
A. allow the pupils to put up any preferred behaviour in the class.
B. be aware of the specific needs of every child in the class.
C. encourage participation of all learners in class activities.
D. make use of different languages during teaching and learning.

29. The head teacher of a school encouraged her teachers to adopt instructional strategies that
promote self-directed learning. Which of the following would you consider as the motive behind
the head teacher’s admonition?
A. Opportunity is provided to the students to address the challenges they have
B. Students learn better when they can control the flow of their experiences
C. Teachers become the center of teaching and students can learn from them
D. The use of strategies that promote self-directed learning is less expensive

30. A Peripatetic teacher visited a school and encouraged the teachers to adopt inclusive
instructional strategies in their classrooms. Which one of the following best explains inclusive
instructional strategies?
A. Include diverse content, materials and methods of teaching and assessment.
B. Offer a high level of access to tuition and support for learners with special needs.
C. Pay more attention to those with special needs compared to the normal students.
D. Restrict the level of social interaction between the two categories of students
LEVEL 3 31. A JHS 1 teacher complained of the increasing number of pupils in her class. According to
her, it becomes difficult to have effective instruction. What advice will best help the teacher to
improve instructional delivery and to enhance learning?
A. Divide the class into a reasonable number and attend to each group one after the
B. Incorporate instructional activities like role play and demonstration in teaching
and encourage participation.
C. Report to the head teacher and explain to him that the large class size will not
enhance learning.
D. Use the lecture method of instruction bearing in mind the diverse background of

32. A teacher has a student with visual-impairment in his class and was worried about what he
can do to assist the student learn effectively. Which one of the following will you recommend
for the teacher?
A. Charts, Photographs, Textbooks
B. Computers, Filmstrips, Podcast
C. Photographs, Filmstrips, Textbooks
D. Verbal illustrations

33. A head teacher recognizes the essence of transferable skills in teaching and encouraged
teachers to design activities that promote transferable skills of their students. What will be your
advice to the teachers in achieving this objective?
A. Develop rapport with the students and respecting their values, beliefs and opinions.
B. Give students independent tasks to critically analyse them and solve the
C. The teacher should teach transferable skills in the classroom and allow the student to
demonstrate them.
D. Using appropriate teaching and learning materials that are appropriate for that grade

LEVEL 4 34. A class teacher observed that one of his students did not demonstrate any sign of
independence when learning. What advice will you give to the teacher?
A. Give several exercises in class immediately after teaching and evaluate the results
B. Give the student choices so that he/she can reflect on their own interest and
C. Keep asking the student questions and insist on getting answers immediately.
D. Make use of instructional methods such as role-play, illustrations, and
35 A newly trained teacher complained to the head teacher that her pupils were not able to apply
what they were taught to a real-life situations. Which one of the following should be the best
advice the head teacher can give to the teacher?
A. Adopting instructional approaches which encourage illustrations and role play.
B. Incorporating real-life scenarios in assessment tasks when assessing the students.
C. Teaching the students to be independent, critical thinkers and problem solvers.
D. Taking the students on field trips, tours and excursions.

LEVEL 1 36. Which of the following data collection techniques is useful for recording how often a
behaviour occurs, the child’s response to certain stimulus, and what triggers such response?
A. Behaviour-event observation
B. Event sampling observation
C. Stimulus-response observation
D. Time sampling observation

LEVEL 2 37 A teacher gave an assignment to his students and after marking he met them individually and
discussed with them what they did wrong. After this exercise, the students felt they have
developed their skills for the task. Which of the following best describes the teacher’s action?
A. Step-by-step guidance and support on the task were provided by the teacher.
B. The teacher adopted an effective and efficient instructional design on the task.
C. The teacher attempted to build the confidence of the students on the task.
D. The teacher gave constructive feedback to the students on the task.

LEVEL 3 38. A teacher entered her class and conducted a paper-and-pencil test on the basics of the issues
she was yet to teach. The outcome of the assessment was used by the teacher to inform her on
what, how, and the form the instruction should take. Which of the following best describes
teacher’s action?
A. She carried out relevant previous knowledge assessments to help her know what to
build on.
B. She conducted a test to understand the strength and weaknesses of the students.
C. Miss. Raye conducted an aptitude assessment to know what the students can do in
the future.
D. She did an achievement test to examine what learners have mastered over a period of

39. A teacher discovered that one of his students was gifted and consistently performed
academically higher than his colleagues all the time. Which one of the following actions will
you encourage the teacher to take?
A. Assess the child using group projects or assessments and limit individual projects.
B. Conduct more summative assessments for the gifted child in the classroom.
C. Frequently conduct out needs assessment for the gifted child in the classroom.
D. Give the child challenging assessment tasks and provide positive feedback.

LEVEL 4 40. A teacher wanted to know how a student who recently received intervention on a topic in
mathematics is improving over the academic year after engaging the student in series of
classroom exercises with his colleagues. What will be the best advice you will give to the
teacher in making this judgment?
A. Carry out a trend comparison of the student’s achievement on all the different
classroom assessments.
B. Compare the student’s assessment scores with the brilliant students’ scores on the
different classroom assessments.
C. Compare student’s assessment scores with the poor students’ scores on the different
classroom assessments.
D. Compare the scores of student with the scores of his colleagues on all the different
classroom assessments.

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