Md-Ii Focused Short Answer Question (Gyroscope)

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1. What do you mean by stability of a four-wheeler?

Explain the effect of different factors on the
stability of a four-wheeler with sketch for the
following condition.
i) Engine roter counterclockwise wheel
takes right turn seen from the rear.
2. Find out an expression for critical speed of a four-
wheeler for which the vehicle will be unstable
when it takes a right turn and the engine roter is
rotating CCW seen from the rear of the vehicle.
3. Derive the expression for maximum gyroscopic
couple during pitching of a ship?
4. An aircraft consists of a propeller of mass moment
inertia 150 kg.m2 . The engine rotates at 3600rpm
in a sense clockwise looking from the rear. The
aircraft completes half cycle of radius loom
towards left when flying at 360 km/hr. Determine
the gyroscopic couple on the aircraft and state its
5. What is a gyroscope. Explain gyroscopic couple
with a suitable diagram.
6. An Aeroplane complete half circled of 15m radius
towards left when flying at 200 km/hr. The roter of
the plane has a mass 400 kg & the radius of
gyration is 0.3m. The engine rotates at 2400 rpm
counter clockwise when viewed from the front.
Find the gyroscopic couple on aircraft and state its
effect with the same direction of rotation of the
roter if the nose of the plane is raising. What will
be the gyroscopic effect on it?
7. The rotor rotating clockwise and the ship takes left
turn. Write down the effect on Naval ship during
pitching with a neat sketch?

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