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Colégio Estadual Baldomero Barbará.

Disciplina: Inglês Profª Roberta 3º ano

English Activities

1.) Preencha as lacunas com o Futuro com Will:

a- It´s summer. I think I ______________________to the beach. (go)
b- They don´t have much money. They probably ______________________that house. (not – buy)
c- My son doesn´t want to have a lunch now. I think he _____________________a snack later. (have)
d- When ____________Jane _______________her homework? (do)
e- I like your friend. I _____________________him to go to the movies with us. (go)

2.) Complete as frases com o futuro com going to:

a- He ________________________ her mother tomorrow. (not – help)
b- _________they ________________next Monday? (travel)
c- Carla ___________________________in London this afternoon. (study)
d- I ______________________________this magazine till 9 p.m. (read)
e- We __________________________ at the club tomorrow morning (swim)

3.) Marque a resposta correta com um X.

a- Tarah _______ to the airport to pick up her sister who _____ from London next weekend.
(A) will go – are going to arrive
(B) will go – am going to arrive
(C) will go – is going to arrive
(D) go will – am go to arrive

b- Leia o texto abaixo.

George Orwell's 1984 provides challenging reading, stimulating themes of dehumanization, isolation, repression,
loneliness, social class disparity, and abuse of power.
1984, written in 1948 and published in 1949, is a frightening look at an imaginary future world in which people's lives
and even thoughts are controlled by the state.

I. O título 1984 é relativo a______________

(A) uma revista
(B) um filme
(C) um seriado
(D) um livro
(E) data de nascimento de George Orwell

II. O único tema que não é tratado em 1984 é:

(A) solidão
(B) abuso de poder
(C) auxílio aos necessitados
(D) repressão
(E) isolamento

c- A forma negativa da frase “I´ll talk to her again.”

(A) I not talk to her again.
(B) I don´t talk to her again.
(C) I won´t talk to her again.
(D) I am not talk to her again.

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