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Ex. 1 p.


1) Memorable CV - резюме, що запам’ятовується

2) Potential employer - потенційний роботодавець
3) Professional-looking photo - професійна фотографія
4) Working experience - досвід роботи
5) Professional environment - робоче середовище
6) Work-related points - важливі моменти
7) Relevant letter - супроводжувальний лист
8) Positive effect - позитивний вплив
9) Cover letter - супроводжувальний лист
10) Job search - пошук роботи

Ex. 2 p. 63
1) skills - d)
2) responsibilities - g)
3) neatly - a)
4) selective - f)
5) to highlight - c)
6) to exaggerate - h)
7) bullet points - b)
8) to encourage - e)

With her diverse skills, she easily finds employment in various industries.
The company announced a job opening with a large number of responsibilities.
Neatly folded clothes are easier to organize and store
She has a selective memory, often only remembering the things that suit her
The highlight of the trip was definitely the breathtaking sunset we witnessed on the
Ex. 4 p. 63

Tips in this text stand out as particularly crucial when writing a CV:
Relevance: Tailoring the content of the CV to the job you're applying for.
Highlighting relevant skills and experiences is essential.
Conciseness: Keeping the CV concise yet informative. It should ideally be one to
two pages long, providing enough detail without overwhelming the reader.
Accuracy: Ensuring the information provided is accurate and up to date. Falsifying
details or exaggerating can backfire.
Clarity and Layout: Creating a clear and well-structured document. Using bullet
points, appropriate spacing, and a professional font helps readability.
Cover Letter: Including a cover letter or email to complement the CV. This is an
opportunity to showcase interest and enthusiasm for the role.

Ex. 5 p. 66

1) True
2) False
3) False
4) False
5) True
6) False
7) False
8) False
9) True
10) False

Ex. 6 p. 62

1) What should a good CV show your potential employer?

A good CV should show your potential employer several key things, including:
Your relevant skills and qualifications
Your work experience and achievements
Your educational background
Any relevant certifications or training
Your professional goals and objectives
Your contact information
Any relevant hobbies or interests that may demonstrate your suitability for the

2) What CV style should it be better to focus on if you are applying for a job
When applying for a job internationally, it's better to focus on a CV style that
emphasizes clarity, simplicity, and a universal appeal. The key is to make your
CV easily understandable and appealing to a diverse international audience.

3) What contact details should it be necessary to include?

When creating a CV, it's important to include the following contact details:
Full name Phone number Email address LinkedIn profile (if applicable and
professional) Home address (optional, and depends on local customs and privacy
considerations) These details allow potential employers to easily get in touch with
you for further discussions and interviews.

4) Where does the law prohibit employers from asking for a photo?
In certain countries and regions, such as the United States, Canada, and the
European Union, there are laws and regulations that prohibit employers from
asking for a candidate's photo as part of the job application process. These laws
are in place to prevent discrimination based on factors such as age, race, gender,
or physical appearance. It's important to be aware of the specific regulations in
the country or region where you are applying for a job.
5) What should you start with when listing the jobs and the companies you
have worked for?
When listing the jobs and companies you have worked for on your CV, start
with the position or job title, followed by the company name, location, and
dates of employment.
6) How should responsibilities and achievements be highlighted?
When highlighting responsibilities and achievements on your CV:
Use bullet points
Quantify achievements
Use action verbs
Prioritize relevance

7) What skills could be included in your CV?

When creating your CV, consider including technical skills, soft skills,
transferable skills, industry-specific skills, and any relevant certifications or
licenses. This comprehensive approach will showcase your qualifications

8) How long should a good CV be?

A good CV is typically around one to two pages in length. However, the length
can vary based on your level of experience and the specific requirements of the
job. For individuals with extensive experience, a longer CV may be appropriate,
but it's important to keep the content relevant and concise. Ultimately, the goal
is to provide a comprehensive overview of your qualifications and work history
without overwhelming the reader with unnecessary details.

9) What grammar structures should be used to describe your achievements?

When describing your achievements, use action verbs, quantify results, use past
tense, and be concise and clear with your language.

10) Is it possible to lie or make mistakes in your CV?

It is not advisable to lie or make mistakes in your CV, as this can have serious
consequences if discovered.
Ex. 8 p. 62

1) C
2) A
3) B
4) D
5) B
6) C
7) A
8) D
9) A
10) C

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