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To Report No. 21579/DBBPAO
Date: June 17,2021
lssuing Office:
Phone/Facs: +62 21 88321 176/021 88321 I 66
Page 6 of 14 Jl. Arteri Tol Cibitung No. 1, Cibitung Bekasi 17520, lndonesia
Email: cs.cbt@sucofi

Sample ldentification : Sample Air 6 Sesudah Dialirkan ke Produk PIPA SNI Rucika Safe and Lock
Date of Analysis : June 4, 2021 to June 17 , 2021

Test Threshold Methods')

Parameter Unit
Results Limit Value Part Number
Parameter I
d. Microbiolooical
Total Coliform Colonv / 100 mL 0 0 92228
Escherichia ali Colony / 100 mL 0 0 9222G
b). lnorqanic Chemical
Arsenic mq/L < 0.001 0.01 3114 C
Fluoride mo/L 0.19 1.5 4500 F-D
Chromium Total mo/L < 0.01 0.05 3120 B. 3030 E
admium mq/L < u.0u1 0.003 3113 B
Nitrite as NOr- mq/L < 0.003 3 4500 NOz-B
Nitrate as NOs- mq/L 0.80 50 4500 NOsaB
Cvanide mq/L < 0.01 0.07 4500 cN--E
Selenium mq/L < 0.001 0.01 3114 C
Parameter ll
a). Physical
r)dr)r rr * Odourless Odourless PO/LK/1 56 (Orqanoleotic)
Colour TCU < 1.5 15 2120 C
Total Dissolved Solid mo/L 168 500 POILW4O (Electrometric)
Turbiditv at lab NTU 0.2 5 2130 B
Taste * Tasteless Tasteless PO/LK/1 56 (Oroanoleotic)
Temoerature at lab c 23.7 AmbientTemp.+3"C 2550 B
0. Chemical
Aluminium mq/L < 0.04 0.2 3120 B
lron mq/L < 0.02 0.3 3120 B
Total Hardness as CaCO: mo/L 63 500 2340 B
Chloride mq/L 5.2 250 4500 ct-D
Manqanese mq/L <oot 0.4 3120 B
pH at lab 8.2 6.5 - 8.5 4500 H'-B
Zinc mq/L < 0.01 3 3120 B
Sulfate mq/L < 0.6 250 SNI 06-6989.20:2009
Coooer mq/L < 0.(]1 2 3120 B
Ammonia mq/L < 0.01 1.5 4500 NH"-F
Additional Parameter
lnoroanic Chemical
Mercury mq/L < 0.0008 0.001 3112 B
AntimonV mq/L < 0.001 0.02 3114
Barium mq/L < 0.(]1 o7 3120 B
Boron mq/L < 0.01 0.5 3120 B
Molybdenum mq/L < 0.01 0.07 3120 B
Nickel mq/L < 0.02 0.07 3120 B
Sodium mo/L 8.86 200 31208 /.;r;a*\,
Lead mq/L < 0.003 0.01 3113 B ,*? ** \'"\
Parameter I is the parameter whach have direct conneclion wth human healthy
Parameter ll is the parameter which have indirect connection with human heatthy
') Standard Methods,23'o Edition 2017, APHA-AWWA-WEF II
'i Excluded the scope of accreditation KAN
< = Less than the detection limit indicated +#riiii'i

Based on attachment I of the regulation Health Minister Decree No. : 492/MENKES/PER/|V/2O10, all parameter above must be te
requirements for Drinking Water Quality and ongoing quality monitoring.
For .^^rhar
another parameter .lrinkinfl weler dralilv urhi^h are n6t
^f drinking waler quality which
^e.^n^tar of mentioned in this tesl result.
not menlioned result, it should be tested e
Deciallv if there is

ll of the
pollution substance i.e. ; Microbiological, lnorganic chemical, Organic Chemical, Pesticides Compound and Radioactivity, as per aftached in appendix

l ilrll lffi ltil ]lil tfl ililillril lil lll


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