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True good

Means does not justify the ends or vice versa. Sometimes decisions while in anger is not a good idea.
Malicious intent for one’s own benefits but at the expense of others or the majority is evil itself as its
essences is pure distraction of life itself. Abuse of power does making everyone who are subjected to
suffer more and killing their only hope. People who choose or elected that person for a position for the
hope that their life might be renewed but it was never happened. Making them feel that they made a big
mistake and they themselves did that to their selves. Politics means how to run a city, a country, or a
society with a laws and regulations as the ruler for a democratic that is established by the people to
protect their rights against the abusers. It is in the constitution that to respect, value, and protect the life of
the individual. Also, not just a life but a good a and quality of life.
In the article that was written in a story of a poor and powerless family wherein the family was suffering
by the unjusticed doings of the authorities. Whereas it is not just the abuse that is being portrayed but the
if we will evaluate the situation with some questions: why is this happening, who is behind of this, what
drives them to make of this such injustices? Is their conscience still tickles their sleep or it is covered with
callus as it is repeated again and again and become normal? Or it is just their job they are doing? And if
we dive deeply into these questions we will arrive at the root of all this and that is poverty. Anyone can
srand with the injustices but they are afraid for something. Afraid of: losing their job, no earnings in
killings, reputation of a person’s rank or office, or the fear of losing one’s fame. It is the poverty that
makes these things happened, because not just as the poverty that we comprehend is about the lack of
resources but it is the poverty within ourselves. We have this great enemy and it is in ourselves. As stated
in the first line of the paragraph that means does not justify the ends or vice versa means that we should
aim for the real good or if we will not attain the real good or moral art least we might just distinguish the
possible evil of our own action as it will lessens the wrong doing. We are not animal that really only in
instincts but ears gifted with such intellect and will. It is the will that we will clear.
Continent is the answer of this poverty as one of contended cannot find the means to abuse its neighbor.
One can comprehend the needs of others and together we will end this kind of poverty. Of course it
should be started to someone and that is in the leader that we will choose that will influence us as it will
not just think of itself but the others. I believe that if a person is just and righteous or just good in its
essence can produce good in all that he/show does. If we will experience unreasonable sufferings then
there is something with the goodness and it is not good at all.
-Cynel Javier

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