Employment Discrimination Research Paper Outline

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Are you struggling with crafting a thesis on employment discrimination? You're not alone.

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thesis can be a daunting task, especially when tackling complex and sensitive topics like employment
discrimination. From conducting extensive research to structuring your paper coherently, there are
numerous challenges that students and researchers face along the way.

Employment discrimination is a multifaceted issue that requires thorough examination and analysis.
Crafting a well-defined research paper outline is crucial in ensuring that your thesis effectively
addresses the key aspects of this topic. However, formulating a comprehensive outline demands time,
effort, and a deep understanding of the subject matter.

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Rochelle Manuel, a former cashier who is African American, witnessed a Latina supervisor at a
Cypress Del Taco refuse to give job applications to blacks or take completed ones from them. Hiring
new people allows for a company that will grow tremendously. Beatty, Jeffrey F., and Susan S.
Samuelson. (2007) Introduction to Business Law. Forms of Workplace Discrimination against Gay
and Lesbian Couples Discrimination based on sexual orientation is usually manifest during hiring,
termination, rewards, bonuses, and other decisions by employers. In order to avoid such situation in
future Maria should be more punctual and polite with the customers. Discrimination is still an
enormous issue among our nation and the rest of the world. We use cookies to create the best
experience for you. Exit incentive programs may deny valuable additional benefits to an older
worker and early retirement incentives may pressure older workers to retire early. Her everyday
responsibilities can’t serve as an excuse for her tardiness or absence. In the first scenario, sentence
can be analyzed from the view point of Employment discrimination. With that in mind, there can be
occasions where an employer may show some discriminatory intention. This is attributed from the
past psychological effect, as well as poor perception regarding parenting. Team work is necessary for
an organization to function efficiently and the cases of discrimination may spoil the team spirit
among the employees. Types of workplace Discrimination As mentioned earlier, workplace
discrimination happens when some employee suffers unjust treatment, perception of or even
interaction with, due to the fact of a physical attribute of the offended prejudiced by the
discriminator. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. This is 100%
legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Treatments
and solutions Know what is legally defined as workplace discrimination. Religious discrimination
involves treating a person unfavorably because of his or her religious beliefs. Borrowing from various
secondary sources, the paper gives some of the common effects of workplace discrimination. This
can be done with holding a meeting for all staff once a month. Among the various business
operations related issues, hindrances in terms of Workplace Discrimination has emerged as a quite a
vital concern amid global organizations, when ensuring safety, equity and equality within the
workplace. Title VII - One of the first federal laws placing restrictions on an employer's ability to
make employment decisions. Now you can hardly find a company, where the employees are the
representatives of only one race and culture. Robert Sutton holds a PhD degree and is a professor of
management science and. The world should aim at achieving this goal in order to provide decent
work environment for all (ILO). Instead of looking at employees and judging employees by what
they look like, encouraging employees to work together may help with this issue. The United States
has been actively combating racial discrimination in the workplace for 46 years, yet challenges
remain. Whether the child was born in or out of wedlock deserves maximum attention of the parent
at all cost.References:Aulette, J. (2002). Changing American families. In the United States, the
Americans with Disabilities Act provides guidelines for providing wheelchair access for public
institutions, but ergonomic devices for those who suffer from pain are something that has yet to be
implemented. In United States of America people have long dreamt of a workplace that would
provide access to equal opportunity to the Arab workers irrespective of age, sex race or other
discriminatory criteria.
References Dale, M. (2003). A Manager's Guide to Recruitment and Selection. Some people see
power as limited, like a pie, with constant conflict over who gets the biggest slice. Gender
discrimination Gender or Sex discrimination is discrimination against a person or group on the basis
of their sex or gender. Making people feel they are welcome who ever they are will in turn lead to a
huge gain of different talents. The research question is what the current state of employment
discrimination in America is and what are laws that relates to employment discrimination in
America. Racial discrimination will have a negative impact on the job satisfaction of all workers in
an organization. The agency’s strong enforcement of affirmative action policies (which actively seek
to promote minorities over equally qualified nonminorities in order to address past discrimination)
has been its most controversial action, as many Americans oppose affirmative action. Unfair
treatment of an employee Notwithstanding that the laws are to defend the employees, the laws are
often violated by employers as they preserve the interests of the company. One suggestion can lead
to another and resulting in one of the most complex products. Maximizing the value of each
employees’ contribution is a key element in business success. To see the essay’s introduction, body
paragraphs and conclusion, read on. The five employees said Michalec had them cleaning the parking
lot and sewage during the winter, but non-Hispanic employees did not have to do those things. This
is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. The
United States has been actively combating racial discrimination in the workplace for 46 years, yet
challenges remain. He never responded to her request for accommodation and she was never even
formally terminated. Common terms inherently associated with trade unions like collective
bargaining, equality and diversity issues, gender discrimination, racial discrimination etc. Workplace
Discrimination occurs due to differing perceptions of the abilities and skills of members of a certain
race or gender. Indirect sex discrimination occurs where an employer applies a provision, criterion or
practice equally to women and men but the provision, criterion or practice: is such that it would be to
the detriment of a considerably larger proportion of women than of men; andcannot be shown by the
employer to be justifiable irrespective of the sex of the person to whom it is applied; andis to the
detriment of the woman in question. While gathering this information he was subjected to
harassment, including being asked if he was a terrorist (Shu, 2018). Globalization provided people
with the opportunity to travel, thus, now it is possible to find a job abroad. There are many different
ways to help eliminate any forms of discrimination. For example, segregation on the basis of race
was at one point taken to be part of the natural order. Gender roles can contribute to discrimination
in the work environment. Title VII of this act, specifically prohibits discrimination in the workplace,
sexual harassment, and discrimination because of pregnancy. The toss up of racial discrimination may
seem so crazy to people. Latino culture Family life and importance The representatives of Latino
culture pay much attention to gender differences. Conclusion Maria thought that she was
discriminated, but the causes of her failure are not the color of her skin and her gender. Also referred
to as labor law, these rules are designed to keep workers safe and make sure they are treated fairly, as
well as to protect employers’ interests. This essay aims to evaluate the role of trade unions in
controlling and reducing various types of discrimination. E-RACE was initiated to improve EEOC’s
efforts to make sure workplaces were free of color and race discrimination.
Discrimination can include bias in hiring, promotion, job assignment, termination, compensation, and
various types of harassment. Early this year, 500 female Wal-Mart employees, filed claims of
discrimination against the store. Racial discrimination in the workplace is sternly outlawed by a
number of states and federal laws in spite the different forms it takes. Although, anyone who lives to
be middle aged will have a good chance of experiencing an age bias act, age discrimination is a non-
issue to most people. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that
is cheating. Also you. It is illegal for an employer to fire an employee just because of that person’s
religion and what they believe in. Families can only benefit from family education programs which
help in creating awareness regarding discrimination and prejudice. To spread the awareness of the
rights in order to remove the social stigma attached to sexual harassment, 3. The second part will
include the impacts of Workplace Discrimination on employee and organizations' performance.
Petitioners filed opposition to each motion presented by the defendants. On the other, you might
have to take an employee’s religion into account when making certain workplace decisions. Let us
write or edit the research paper on your topic. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic.
This paper on race discrimination examines and assess the various aspects of racial discrimination at
workplace and the resulting consequences on the labor market as well as on the society as a whole.
Instead of looking at employees and judging employees by what they look like, encouraging
employees to work together may help with this issue. The laws against religious discrimination give
employers a really hard time. Under the Civil Rights Act of 1991, employees who won a case after
suing their employer for racial discrimination received punitive monetary damages instead of just
monetary damages. In addition to race, anti-discrimination laws also protect people against
discrimination on the basis of age, gender, marital status, among others. Also, workers who are
involved in a marriage union with individuals of specific races may experience racial discrimination
on the basis of their marital tie. However, sometimes minorities make ungrounded complaints, thus
each case should be analyzed separately (Indiana Right to Work). Women in the past had the least
career opportunities and rights than men. Exit incentive programs may deny valuable additional
benefits to an older worker and early retirement incentives may pressure older workers to retire early.
The person who received a promotion is a white man, who has less experience than Maria has. Keep
on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Moreover, workplace
discrimination cases may destroy the image and brand value of the company in many ways. Parents
should be taught to give room for children to make mistakes and have them corrected, like everyone
else. Under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, an employer may not fire or refuse to hire a
woman because she is pregnant and must treat pregnancy as any other temporary disability.
Promotions in the work environment are mostly given to men. Since the advent of sex
Discrimination legislation, the United Kingdom and the European region in general saw significant
cultural changes across the workplace. This can be done with holding a meeting for all staff once a
Early this year, 500 female Wal-Mart employees, filed claims of discrimination against the store.
Many researchers found out that racial discrimination is by far the most obvious type of
discrimination and contributes to a major stake of discrimination cases and lawsuits. The document
outlines various frameworks for analyzing employment discrimination claims, including disparate
treatment, mixed-motive, and disparate impact claims. Workplace racial discrimination is not
something that has just recently started. While discrimination occurs in a variety of workplace
environments, certain organizations may be structured in ways that increase the likelihood of biased
treatment and subordination of employees occupying lower social status positions”( Wizdom Powell
Hammond et al, 2010) 1. They have faced issues when applying to jobs, being paid or promoted, or
when dealing with the law. America is the home of the free, welcoming many different types of
people. In addition, there is no society which escaped the negative components presented by
discrimination. Society is better off if every member has the opportunity to work. How long has
racial discrimination at workplaces been going on for? 2. The position is however, given to the male
because of the belief that man is a better placed to be a leader than a woman. By and large, Title VII
of the Civil Rights Act 1964 disallows employers from engaging in the following activities: refusing
or failing to sign up an employee on the basis of their race; providing workers lesser benefits or
paying a worker less because of the racial orientation; failing to give promotions, opportunities, or
benefits to a worker because of their race; and segregating or not properly classifying applicants or
workers by race (Memmi, 2000). For example, segregation on the basis of race was at one point
taken to be part of the natural order. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and
word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. Each person has their own way of
solving problems. Being able to put these different methods together can be helpful when having to
solve an issue and being able to grow from it. Promotions in the work environment are mostly given
to men. References Antidiscrimination in the Workplace. (2013). Congressional Digest, 92(10), 9-11.
The task of a leader is to bring these differences together and form a harmonious working
relationship between people of different orientations. If you did, then you must have experienced
one type of discrimination. Such training further clarifies what types of behavior are inappropriate.
One suggestion can lead to another and resulting in one of the most complex products. You can’t
refuse to hire someone because he or she is Jewish; you can’t promote someone because he or she is
Christian. Disparate impact applies if the employer has a rule that, is not directly discriminatory, but
in practice excludes too many people in a protected group (Beatty et al. 2008). There is a statute of
limitations when taking legal action and filing a case of employment discrimination, which begins on
the date the alleged discrimination took place. Employment discrimination has often been
responsible for enhanced equality in job placements especially in across Canada where inequality is
highly integrated. Under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, an employer may not fire or
refuse to hire a woman because she is pregnant and must treat pregnancy as any other temporary
disability. Discrimination in Lebanon Although the Lebanese Constitution provides for a
discrimination-free workplace, yet discrimination is widely spread in a country that has no identified
policy for the workplace and workforce. As a result, there is inequity in terms of freedom or rights
that individuals in an organization are given. The agency’s strong enforcement of affirmative action
policies (which actively seek to promote minorities over equally qualified nonminorities in order to
address past discrimination) has been its most controversial action, as many Americans oppose
affirmative action. Prior to conclusion, strategic ways on how the EEOC could effectively prevent
the high incidence of Work Discrimination related to gender and race will be provided in details.
Hiring new people allows for a company that will grow tremendously.

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