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FacePIN is a sophisticated biometric authentication system designed to enhance security and streamline the
user authentication process at Automated Teller Machines (ATMs). The system analysis of FacePIN involves
a detailed examination of its various components, functionalities, and operational processes, ensuring a
comprehensive understanding of its requirements and capabilities.

Users interact with FacePIN by approaching an ATM equipped with facial recognition capability. By
conducting a systematic analysis of FacePIN, stakeholders can gain valuable insights into its functionality,
usability, security, and performance characteristics. This analysis serves as a foundation for the design,
development, and deployment of a robust and effective Face Biometric Authentication System for ATM
security and user authentication.


 Existing ATM authentication method is the use of password-PINsand OTP.

Presently, ATM systems use no more than an access card which usually has a magnetic stripe
(magstripe) and a fixed Personal Identification Number (PIN) for identity verification. Some
other cases utilize a chip and a PIN which sometimes has a magstripe in case the chip fails as
a backup for identification purposes.

 QR cash withdrawals were enabled so customers could ditch their ATM cards and
simply scan a QR-code on ATMs using the QR app to withdraw cash.

A QRcode scanner is required to detect code and decrypt information in stored inQRcode.
Scanner need to be installed in the ATM machine to take input credentials from the user. We
will provide extra featureto an existing system, so traditional withdrawing option is also
there. On other end, ATM machine will scan the QRcode generated by 'GetNote'-android
application and decrypt it with the key stored in the database. After decryption ATM will get
required credentials such as card number, amount, pin, cvv number on card etc. Itwill
authenticate all the details with the banks database. After successful authentication, cash will
be dispensed by the ATM machine.

 ATM security system architecture that incorporates both the finger

printandGSMtechnologyintotheexistingPIN-basedauthentication process.
transaction. Fingerprint is verified using efficient minutiae feature extraction algorithm. To
assurethe securitywhiledoingtransactionthroughswipemachine, the clientwillconfirmthe
transaction by an approval message through GSM technology. In both cases, location will be
identified through GPS. If any illegitimate persontries to use the card it will automatically be
blocked by the system and detail information will be sent to the customer through the

 The algorithms used in the existing system for biometric authentication are Gaussian
Mixture Models (GMMs), Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Fuzzy Expert Systems
(FESs), andSupport Vector Machines (SVMs). LDA, PCA.

Biometrics measure the unique physical or behavioral characteristics of an individual as a

means to recognize or authenticate their identity. Common physical biometrics include
fingerprints, hand or palm geometry, and retina, iris, or facial characteristics .Biometrics may
be used for identity establishment. A new measurement that purports to belong to a particular
entity is compared against the data stored in relation to that entity. If the measurementsmatch,
the assertion that the person is whom they say they are is regarded as being authenticated.
The algorithms were trained and tested using a well-known biometric database which
contains samples offace and speech and similarity scores offiveface and threespeech
biometric experts.


 Theaccuracy of thesystem is not 100%.

 Facedetectionand loadingtraining dataprocesses justa littlebit slow.
 Itcanonlydetect facefromalimited distance.
 Itcannotrepeatlivevideotorecognizemissed faces.
 Theinstructor andtraining Setmanager stillhavetodo somework manually.
 Unimodal biometricsystems haveto contend with avariety ofproblems such as noisy
data, intra class variations, restricted degrees of freedom, non-universality, spoof
attacks, and unacceptable error rates.
 Thismethodis notvery secureandpronetoincreaseincriminal activities.
 QRcodescanneris requiredtodetect code
 Shouldcarrythe mobile phonewith appinstalledon it

This project proposes an automatic teller machine multi modal security model that would
combine a physical access cardand electronic facial recognition using Deep Convolutional
Neural Network.
 FacialBiometricAuthenticationSystemusingDeepLearning Techniques
Deep learning is a subset of machine learning, which, in turn, is a subset of artificial
intelligence (AI). When it comes to Face recognition, deep learning enables us to achieve
greater accuracy than traditional machine learning methods.

Deep FR system with face detector and alignment. First, a face detector is used to localize
faces. Second, the faces are aligned to normalized canonical coordinates. Third, the FR
moduleis implemented.In FR module, faceanti-spoofing recognizes Whethertheface is live or
spoofed; face processing is used to handle variations before training and testing, e.g.,poses,
ages; Different architectures and loss functions are used to extract discriminative deep feature
when training; face matching methods are used to do feature classification after the deep
features of testing data are extracted.

 UnknownFaceVerificationLinkGenerator–
When the stored image and the captured image don't match, it means that he is an
identity of unauthorized user through some dedicated artificial intelligent
agents, for remote certification, which either authorizes the transaction
appropriately or signals a security- violation alert to the banking security


 The advantages can be found as that the face-id is unique for

everybody; it cannot be used by anybody other than the user.
 Itcanbeused toreducefraudulent attempts.
 Topreventtheft andothercriminalactivities.
 Securefacialauthentication platformthat userscan trust
 Providesafeand securelifestyleinfrastructure
 PreventunauthorizedaccessusingFaceverificationLink.
There are 3 parts in feasibility study.

 Operational Feasibility
 Technical Feasibility
 Economic Feasibility
Operational Feasibility:

Operational feasibility assesses whether the proposed system can be effectively implemented
within the existing operational framework. In the case of FacePIN, several factors contribute
to its operational feasibility:

1. User Acceptance: FacePIN leverages facial recognition technology, which is increasingly

familiar to users due to its integration into smartphones and other devices. As such, users are
likely to find FacePIN intuitive and convenient, contributing to high acceptance rates.
2. Integration with Existing Infrastructure: One of the key strengths of FacePIN is its
seamless integration into existing ATM infrastructure. Since it only requires a standard
camera for facial capture, retrofitting ATMs with FacePIN capability should be relatively
3. Training and Support: Adequate training and support mechanisms will need to be in place
to assist users and ATM operators in transitioning to the new authentication system. This may
include user tutorials, troubleshooting guides, and technical support channels.
4. Compliance and Regulation: FacePIN must comply with regulatory requirements related to
data privacy and security, particularly concerning the handling of biometric data. Ensuring
compliance with relevant regulations is essential for the system's operational viability.

Technical Feasibility:

Technical feasibility evaluates whether the proposed system can be successfully developed
and implemented from a technological perspective. For FacePIN, the following factors
indicate its technical feasibility:

1. Deep Learning Algorithms: FacePIN relies on deep learning techniques, particularly

convolutional neural networks (CNNs), for facial recognition. The availability of mature deep
learning frameworks and libraries (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch) facilitates the development
and training of these algorithms.
2. Hardware Requirements: FacePIN's hardware requirements are minimal, primarily limited
to a standard camera for facial capture. Most modern ATMs are equipped with cameras for
security purposes, making it feasible to retrofit existing machines with FacePIN capability
without significant hardware upgrades.
3. Scalability: The scalability of FacePIN is crucial, considering the large volume of
transactions processed by ATMs. Deep learning models can be deployed on scalable cloud
infrastructure, allowing for efficient handling of increasing workloads.
4. Data Security: Protecting biometric data is paramount for the success of FacePIN.
Implementing robust encryption and security protocols to safeguard biometric data both
during transmission and storage is essential to ensure technical feasibility.

Economic Feasibility:

Economic feasibility examines whether the proposed system is financially viable and offers a
favorable return on investment. Key considerations for FacePIN's economic feasibility
1. Cost of Development: The development costs for FacePIN primarily include expenses
related to software development, deep learning model training, and system integration.
However, these costs may be offset by potential savings from reduced fraud losses and
operational efficiencies.
2. Implementation Costs: Retrofitting existing ATMs with FacePIN capability may incur
upfront costs for hardware upgrades and installation. However, these costs should be weighed
against the long-term benefits of improved security and reduced fraud.
3. Operational Costs: Ongoing operational costs for FacePIN include maintenance, technical
support, and updates to the deep learning algorithms. However, these costs may be
outweighed by the potential cost savings from mitigating fraud and enhancing efficiency.
4. Return on Investment (ROI): Calculating the ROI for FacePIN involves comparing the
projected benefits, such as reduced fraud losses and improved customer satisfaction, against
the total investment. A positive ROI would indicate the economic feasibility of implementing
The feasibility study for the FacePIN project, which proposes a Face Biometric
Authentication System for ATMs using Deep Learning, evaluates its viability from
operational, technical, and economic perspectives.

Operational Feasibility: This aspect assesses the practicality of implementing FacePIN

within existing operational frameworks. Factors considered include user acceptance,
integration with current infrastructure, training and support requirements, and compliance
with regulations. FacePIN's user-friendly nature, seamless integration with ATMs, and
potential for user familiarity with facial recognition technology contribute positively to its
operational feasibility.

Technical Feasibility: Technical feasibility evaluates whether the proposed system can be
effectively developed and implemented from a technological standpoint. Key considerations
include the availability of suitable deep learning algorithms, hardware requirements,
scalability, and data security. FacePIN utilizes mature deep learning techniques, minimal
hardware requirements, scalable cloud infrastructure, and robust data security measures,
indicating strong technical feasibility.

Economic Feasibility: Economic feasibility examines the financial viability and potential
return on investment of the FacePIN project. Factors analyzed include development costs,
implementation expenses, ongoing operational costs, and the projected ROI. While initial
development and implementation costs may exist, potential benefits such as reduced fraud
losses and operational efficiencies could yield a favorable ROI, indicating economic

Overall, the feasibility study suggests that FacePIN is operationally, technically, and
economically viable as an advanced biometric authentication solution for ATM security.
However, careful planning, compliance with regulations, and thorough consideration of costs
are essential for successful implementation and adoption.


The system specification for the FacePIN project outlines the technical
requirements, functionalities, and performance benchmarks necessary for
the successful development and implementation of the biometric
authentication system for ATMs. At its core, the system must be capable of
capturing, processing, and analyzing facial biometric data in real-time to
verify the identity of users with a high degree of accuracy and reliability.
This entails the development of sophisticated facial recognition algorithms,
leveraging deep learning techniques such as convolutional neural networks
(CNNs) to extract and match facial features against stored templates.
Additionally, the system must incorporate robust security measures to
protect sensitive biometric data and ensure compliance with regulatory
standards governing data privacy and security. Integration with existing
ATM infrastructure is essential, requiring compatibility with hardware
components such as cameras and processors, as well as software interfaces
for communication with backend systems. Usability and accessibility are
also key considerations, necessitating an intuitive user interface and
support for users of all abilities. Overall, the system specification serves as a
blueprint for the design, development, and deployment of a reliable and
effective biometric authentication solution that enhances ATM security and
user experience.



the introduction to system design sets the stage for the subsequent phases of the FacePIN
project, providing a roadmap for creating a robust and effective biometric authentication
system for ATMs. By aligning with project objectives, employing rigorous methodologies,
and delivering comprehensive design artifacts, the system design process lays the
groundwork for the successful realization of the FacePIN system.
System design for the FacePIN project represents a pivotal phase in the development
lifecycle, where the overarching objectives of the project are translated into a tangible and
comprehensive blueprint. The design phase serves as a bridge between the conceptualization
of the FacePIN system and its eventual implementation, encompassing a myriad of technical,
operational, and user-centric considerations.
The primary aim of system design for FacePIN is to create a robust, scalable, and user-
friendly biometric authentication system tailored specifically for ATMs. This introduction
provides an overview of the system design process, highlighting key objectives,
methodologies, and deliverables.
The FacePIN project seeks to revolutionize ATM security by leveraging facial recognition
technology and deep learning algorithms. As such, the system design must address critical
aspects such as facial biometric data capture, processing, and authentication, while also
incorporating real-time fraud detection mechanisms and compliance measures.
System design for FacePIN entails a systematic and iterative approach, beginning with
requirements analysis and culminating in the creation of detailed specifications, architecture
diagrams, and user interface mock-ups. The methodology encompasses stakeholder
collaboration, research, prototyping, and validation to ensure that the final design meets the
project's objectives and requirements.
The scope of system design for FacePIN encompasses various dimensions, including
technological requirements, operational workflows, user interface design, security measures,
integration with existing ATM infrastructure, and scalability considerations. The design must
accommodate diverse user demographics, environmental conditions, and regulatory

Logical design

Logical design plays a crucial role in the development of the FacePIN project, serving as the
foundation upon which the system's architecture, functionalities, and workflows are
conceptualized and structured. This introduction provides an overview of the logical design
phase, outlining its objectives, methodologies, and key considerations in the context of
The FacePIN project aims to revolutionize ATM security through the implementation of
advanced biometric authentication using facial recognition technology and deep learning
algorithms. The logical design phase is instrumental in translating the project's objectives into
a coherent and efficient system architecture that meets the requirements of security, usability,
and scalability.

The logical design process is driven by the overarching objectives of the

FacePIN project, which include enhancing ATM security, improving user
authentication, minimizing fraudulent transactions, ensuring regulatory
compliance, and fostering technological innovation. The logical design
phase aims to identify and define the system's components, functionalities,
and interactions in alignment with these objectives.
In designing the logic of the FacePIN system, several key considerations must be taken into account, including
the selection of appropriate facial recognition algorithms, optimization of data processing pipelines for real-time
performance, implementation of robust security measures to protect sensitive biometric data, and integration
with external systems for transaction processing and authentication.


the introduction to physical design sets the stage for the implementation
and deployment of the FacePIN system by defining its hardware and
software architecture, selecting appropriate components, and configuring
them to meet the project's requirements. By aligning with project
objectives, employing rigorous methodologies, and considering key design
considerations, the physical design phase lays the groundwork for the
successful realization of FacePIN as a state-of-the-art biometric
authentication solution for ATMs.
The physical design process is guided by the overarching objectives of the FacePIN
project, which include enhancing ATM security, improving user authentication,
minimizing fraudulent transactions, ensuring regulatory compliance, and fostering
technological innovation. The physical design phase aims to translate these objectives
into a robust and scalable system architecture that meets the project's requirements.
Physical design for FacePIN follows a systematic and iterative approach, beginning
with an assessment of hardware and software requirements and culminating in the
deployment and configuration of the selected components. The methodology involves
collaboration between hardware engineers, software developers, system integrators,
and other stakeholders to ensure that the physical design aligns with the project's
objectives and constraints.
The scope of physical design encompasses various aspects of the FacePIN system,
including the selection and configuration of hardware components such as cameras,
processors, memory modules, and network interfaces. Additionally, the physical
design phase involves the deployment and configuration of software components,
including facial recognition algorithms, data processing pipelines, and user interface
In designing the physical architecture of the FacePIN system, several key
considerations must be taken into account, including hardware compatibility,
scalability, reliability, power consumption, and environmental factors. The design
must also adhere to regulatory standards and data privacy laws governing the handling
of biometric data and financial transactions.
4.3.1 Design Methodology

Design Methodology is a way to transform the "art" of system analysis and design
into an "engineering - type" discipline. It explains the relationship amongst various modules
and programs with in the system. It standardizes the approach to analysis and design,
simplifies design by segmentation, improves documentation and subsequent maintenance and

The following structured diagram can appropriately represent the relationship between
various modules.

4.3.2 Design Overview:

In analyzing the present system a great deal of information was collected during the
investigation and feasibility phases through list of problems and requirements, interview
reports, questionnaires, onsite observations, manuals and determining potential solutions.

It is important to record this information in an unambiguous, concise manner which

will be clear and accessible to others, and which can be used by other analysts and designers
involved in developing the system. Structured techniques help us to record the information in
this way, using diagrams and minimum amount of the text.

Structured analysis is a set of techniques and graphical tools that allow the analyst to
develop a new kind of system specification that are easily understandable to the user. The
traditional approach of organizing data through flowcharts support future developments and
simplify communication with the user but focus on the cost/ benefit and feasibility
analysis, project management,hardware and software selection, and personal considerations.
In contrast, structured analysis considers new goals and structured tools for analysis, which
provide the basis for design and implementation.

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