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Historical figures timeline that influences

Dr. Jose Rizal during his

homecoming and his 2ndTravel abroad

Teodoro Alonso Realonda

After Rizal arrived at Calamba he returned
the ground floor of their house as his clinic
Governor General Emilio Terrero
and his very first patient was his Mother that Rizal was being summoned of the Governor
has a problem in her eyesight to the point General because of his novel. He went to Malacanang
that she could hardly see. He restored the and answer all the questions regarding of his novel and
eyesight of her mother and because of that it he denied that he was spy from Germany. He just
spread like a wild as many sick people came explained that the novel is just based on how society of
to his house to seek for medical health. the Philippines have. As a result of that the Governor is
satisfied on his answer and he asked for the copy of his
novel since he still not read the novel

Lieutenant Don Jose Traviel de Andrade

The kind Governor assigned a
bodyguard for Rizal, to protect him from
Archbishop Msgr. Pedro Payo
danger. Because Rizal enemies kept doing He was one of the among of Rizal enemies from
everything to persecute him. They accused his the church in Manila, along with UST Rector Fr.
novel to have subversive ideas Gregorio Echevarria, Fr. Salvador
against church and the Spanish government. Font and Fr. Jose Rodriguez who published an
And this bodyguard was a young Anti - Noli pamphlet entitled “
Spanish Lieutenant where in Rizal and this Caiingat Cayo”, where in the pamphlet stated
bodyguard became true friends in no that “ whoever reads the novel
time at all because they have common interests commits a mortal sin.

Vicente Barrantes
Fr. Vicente Garcia
He was also the one of the attaker of He is the greatest defender of Noli a Filipino Priest of
the Noli, a spanish writer who openly a Catholic theologian of Manila Cathedral. Under the
criticized the novel the Spanish pen name Justo Desiderio Magalang, Father Garcia
newspaper La Esperanza Moderna wrote a very scholarly defense of the Noli, claiming
among other things that Rizal cannot be an ignorant

Marcelo H. Del Pila

He was one of the allies of Rizal

Jose Maria Basa
along with Fr. Francisco Sanchez,
Rizal beloved Ateneo teacher. Using He was the one accompanied Rizal in
the pen name Dolores Manapat who Hong Kong to Macau , which they has a
published a pamphlet entitled short trip to Macau, a Portuguese colony
“Caiingat Cayo” that refuted and near Hong Kong. The two
ridiculed Fr. Rodriguez “Caiingat visited Don Juan Francisco Lecaros,
Cayo.” Former Filipino delegate to the Spanish

Jose Sainz de Varanda

a spaniard and former secretary
of Governor General Terrero Don Juan Francisco Lecaros
shadowed Rizals movement in
Hong Kong. It is believed that he He is the one Rizal and Basa visited,
was commissioned by the where in he is a Filipino gentelman
spanish authorities to spy on who is married to a Portuguese Lady.
Rizal In which Rizal and Basa stayed in his
house for two days while they were
in Macau

General Weyler
began enforcing the will of the
Dominicans by sending artillery Leland Standford
and military forces to Calamba which
started to demolish the house of Rizal the founder and benefactor of the
parents. The Dominicans put pressure on
Malacanang to eliminate Rizal. Governor Stanford University who was
General Terrero advised Rizal to leave the then a senator representing
Philippines for his own good California.

Juan Perez Caballero

A secretary of Spanish legation
visited him in the hotel Seiko Usui or Sei-San
inviting him to stay in the
Spanish legation is a former samurai daughter of 23 yrs old who had
never experienced true love. She is a woman of
beauty, charm, modesty and intelligence.
When Rizal first introduced himself to her,
Tetcho Suehiro h he took off his hat as a sign of respect (A
a Japanese journalist who was sent to exile for his German custom). Rizal fell greatly in love with her
that he was tempted to leave the Philippines
anti-government articles. Rizal and Tetcho
and settle down in Japan. The relationship
became friends, having many things in became so intimate that Rizal believed that
common. Suehiro wrote a book entitled “The it was the best affair he had so far.
Deaf Traveler” where in he mentioned his travel
with Rizal. His novel “ Storm Over The Southern
Seas” had a similar plot like the Noli.

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