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Central Collage of the Philippines

1st Semester – SY 2022-2023

Assignment 02
Name: Andrew Rey Lardizabal Date: September 4, 2022
Program: BSCE Subject: GEC 1223
1. Define History. Give the importance of studying History.
2. Differentiate primary source from secondary source. Give five (5)
examples for each.
History-is an academic discipline which uses narrative to describe, examine,
question, and analyze past events, and investigate their patterns of cause
and effect. Historians often debate which narrative best explains an event,
as well as the significance of different causes and effects. Historians also
debate the nature of history as an end in itself, as well as its usefulness to
give perspective on the problems of the present.
The importance in studying history is to give us idea from our past events
that will guide us for a better solution incase we still encounter same
Primary source is a firsthand account of an event that happened, data from
a study, or an original work. While the secondary source is step removed
from the primary source. Essentially, they’re sources about primary
sources. While primary sources provide direct access to a work for you to
discuss, analyze, and cite it, a secondary source gives you a look at that
work through another writer’s lens.

Primary source
• Photograph of historical events
• News articles
• Novels and short stories
• Autobiographies by historical or famous people
• Letters and journal
Secondary source
• Essay analyzing novel, works of art, and other original creations
• Textbook passages discussing specific concepts, events, and
• Biographies of historical and famous people
• Books about specific events, concepts, movements, and works
• Critical works by academics and professional critics (e.g., a film critics
review of a movie)
• Political commentary

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