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Science Name______________________________

Ring the correct name that corresponds the correct word.

roots, leaves, flower
stem, seed, roots
flower, fruit, leaves
seed, stem, fruit
flower, stem seed
fruit, flower, seed

B. Write the name of the different parts of Plants.

a. Roots b. Stem c. leaves
d. seed e. flower f. fruit
______ ______ __________

______ ______

C. Fill in the blank with the correct answer.

________13. It hold the plant to the ground. They get water from the soil.
a, roots b. stem c. flower
________14. It hold the seeds.
a. stem b, fruits c. flowers
________15. Make food for the plant.
a, leaves b. stem c. seeds
________16. It bear fruits.
a. Seeds b, flowers c. roots
________17. Grow into a young and new plants
a. Flower b. fruit c. seeds
________18. It hold the leaves.
a. Roots b, stem c. fruit

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