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Class 11th English

Hornbill The second section: This part of narration covers the hazards faced by
Lesson 2 the voyagers. There is a shift in the narration from cheerful to intense.
We‟re Not Afraid to Die…If We Can All Be Together. They find themselves in an extremely fatal and disastrous situation. They
By Gordon Cook and Alan East begin to face strong gales. Despite the worst weather they have a
wonderful holiday on Christmas. On January 2 nd, a huge wave hits their
Understanding the text boat and the narrator is thrown overboard. Despite getting injured, he
maintains his composure and applies every possible way to tackle the
1. List the steps taken by the captain critical situation. They manage to pump out maximum amount of water
(i) to protect the ship when rough weather began. out of the boat in about 36 hours. But as they continue to face bad
Answer: weather conditions the narrator loses hope. The children remain fearless,
In order to protect the ship from rough weather, the captain decided to courageous and optimistic throughout the situation.
slow it down. So he dropped the storm jib and lashed heavy mooring rope
in a loop across the stern. Then they doubled fastened everything and Third section: The children provide moral support to the narrator and he
went through their life-raft drill. They also attached lifelines and wore life continues with his efforts. Under the capacity of the narrator, they
jackets. Thus they got ready to face the storm. manage to reach Ile Amsterdam. The narrator proves his seamanship and
receives the title of “the best daddy” and “the best captain” from his
(ii) to check the flooding of the water in the ship. children.
Answer: The above three sections can be subtitled as follows:
To check the flooding of water in the ship, he took a canvas and stretched (a) The first section: Round-the-world voyage begins.
it across the holes and made a waterproof hatch cover across the gaping (b) The second section: The attack of the big wave.
holes which diverted the water to the side. When the two hands pump (c) The third section: Ultimate victory.
blocked and electric pump short circuited, he found another electric
pump, connected it to an out pipe and started it. Talking about the text
2. Describe the mental condition of voyagers on 4 and 5 January.
Answer: Discuss the following questions with your partner.
On January 4th and 5th , the voyagers felt relieved as after the continuous
pumping for 36 hours the water had nearly been out. They had their first 1. What difference did you notice between the reaction of the adults
meal in almost two days. However, their respite was short lived. They and the children when faced with danger?
faced dangerous situations on January 5th as the sea got worse during the Answer:
night. Fear of death loomed large. They were under a great mental stress. There was lot of difference between the way in which the adult and
children reacted when they faced danger. The adults lost hope and waited
3. Describe the shifts in the narration of the events as indicated in for their end with a heavy heart. At this point, they were motivated by the
the three sections of the text. Give a subtitle to each section. children. The children offered moral support to the adults. They displayed
Answer: maturity and tolerance. Jonathan expressed his fearlessness and courage
The first section: The first section opens on a cheerful note. The narrator when he said that they were not afraid of dying if they all could be
and his family are all set for their ultimate dream-to duplicate the around- together. Sue expressed her love and gratitude for her parents by making
the-world voyage made 200 years earlier by Captain James Cook. They a greeting card. She was strong not to let her parents know about her
have protected their seafaring skills. They begin the voyage and pass the serious injuries. She did not want to brother her parents at the time of
first phase of journey pleasantly. crises.
1 2
2. How does the story suggest that optimism helps to endure activities are very well aware of the risk involved in them. But due to
“the direst stress”? their passion and enthusiasm to do something unique and great, they
Answer: willingly accept such challenges. Also, their desire to be in the lap of
Optimism is a determination to overcome difficulties. It raises one‟s nature and experience its beauty pushes them to such expeditions.
spirits and helps one overcome stress and difficulty with ease. The story
displays courage and optimism shown by everyone at the time of Thinking about language
difficult situation. Survival happens only because of the optimistic
struggle that the family carries on with the inclination to look at the bright 1. We have come across words like „gale‟ and „storm‟ in the account.
side in the situation. The level of perseverance in the author rises when Here are two more words for „storm‟: typhoon, cyclone. How
Jonathan says, “We‟re not afraid of dying if we can all be together. many words does your language have for „storm‟?
Besides, the caricatures of him and Mary, drawn by Sue, helps his Answer:
determination and optimism to grow many folds. The positive outlook of In hindi, „storm‟ is known as „aandhi‟, „toofan‟ , „andhad‟, etc.
the children infuses positivity in the narrator. He rigorously calculates
their position and fainally asks Larry to steer a course of 185 degrees. 2. Here are the terms for different kinds of vessels: yacht, boat,
Though he lost all hopes by then, he does not show it and optimistically canoe, ship, steamer, schooner. Think of similar terms in your
told Larry that they would spot the island by about 5 pm. Fortufnetely, language.
their struggle and optimism pays off and they manage to find Ile Answer:
Amsterdam by the evening. „Nav‟, „Nauka‟, and „Kishti‟ are some of the various words used in hindi
for the word „boat‟.
3. What lessons do we learn from such hazardous experiences when
we are face-to-face with death? 3. „Catamaran‟ is a kind of a boat. Do you know which
Answer: Indian language this word is derived from? Check the dictionary.
Such experiences teach us the potential that courage, perseverance and Answer:
tolerance hold. It explains how one must react in the direst of the The word „Catamaram‟ is derived from Tamil word „Kattumaram‟.
situations. It teaches us that one must never lose hope and try find reasons
to stay positive in the face of adversity. In such situations one must try 4. Have you heard any boatmen‟s songs? What kind of emotions
his/her best to remaincalm and composed and understand the power of do these songs usually express?
unity and team work. Moreover, the importance of common sense, Answer:
putting continuous effort to overcome the catastrophe and significance of Yes, Boatmen‟s songs usually express love and nostalgia. They revolve
being extra cautious and careful are learnt from such hazardous around the longing to meet a loved one. They may also express their love
experiences. The experience teaches us that those who rough it out with for the sea.
life‟s gravest disasters become heroes.

4. Why do you think people undertake such adventurous expeditions

in spite of the risks involved?
The spirit to experience unique elements of nature, undaunted passion and
willingness to accept challenges drive people to take up adventurous
expeditions. The people who involve themselves in such
Working with words
Extra Questions
1. The following words used in the text as ship terminology are also
commonly used in another sense. In what contexts would you use Very Short Answer Questions
the other meaning?
1. What Was the Narrator‟s Dream?
Knot stern boom hatch anchor Answer
The narrator's dream was to go on a voyage around the world. He got his
Answer: inspiration from captain James Cook and wanted to break his record.

Knot: (a) interlacing, twining, looping, etc. 2. The Sailing Was Set from Which Place to Which Other?
(b) a group of persons. Answer
Stern: firm, strict, uncompromising, harsh, hard, etc. The sailing was set from England and it was to end in Australia.
Boom: (a) deep, prolonged, resonant sound
(b) to progress or flourish 3. Who Were the Voyagers That Set Sail from England to Reach
(c) to hit hard Australia?
Hatch: (a) to bring forth, produce. Answer
(b) derive, concoct The voyagers belonged to the same family. The family had- the narrator
(c) to draw, cut, or engrave lines who was a 37-year-old businessman, his wife Mary and their son
Anchor: (a) a person or thing that can be relied upon for support Jonathan and a daughter Sue.
(b) host of an event.
4. The Lines “we‟re Not Afraid to Die” Are Spoken by Who and
2. The following three compound words end in -ship. What does each Answer
of them mean? These lines were said by the narrator's six-year-old son Jonathan. He said
these lines when the narrator had gone to his children to confront them
Airship flagship lightship about the situation.

Answer: Short Answer Questions

Airship: It is a self-propelled lighter-than-air aircraft with the means 1. What Were the Preparations That Were Made by the Narrator for
of controlling the direction of the flight. the Journey?
Flagship: It is a ship carrying the flag officer or the commander of Answer
a fleet, squadron. It displays the officer‟s flag. The narrator‟s dream was to sail around the world. He worked hard for
Lightship: It refers to a ship anchored in a specific location flashing sixteen years on the project and mastered navigation in his spare time. He
a very bright light for the guidance of ships to avoid also built a boat. It was 23-meter long and weighed 30 tons. He named
dangerous areas. the boat Wave walker.

5 6
2. Name the Two Crewmen That Went With the Family on the
Voyage? How Did They Contribute to the Project? Short Answers Questions
The crewmen were Larry, an American, and Herb, a Swiss. The narrator 1. When Did the Voyagers' Journey Start? How Did They Fare Along
stopped at Cape Town and picked the crewmen before heading Eastward. the Route?
They were there to help the family to tackle the world‟s roughest sea, the Answer
Southern Indian Ocean. They also helped the family by pumping out The narrator's family left the English shore in July 1976 for the voyage.
water. The narrator was aware that the voyage was risky. He realized that the
Southern Indian Ocean is very dangerous and there were heavy storms
3. What Were the Facts and Figures That the Narrator Knew About there. The winds and waves were stronger. His fears came true as they
the Southern Indian Ocean? faced strong storms for many weeks after they left Cape Town. The boat
Answer confronted very high sea waves that damaged its deck and the lower part
The narrator knew about the possible dangers of the Southern Indian on the 2nd of January. However, they were saved because of their hard
Ocean. His fears came to life when they left Cape Town and faced the work and they finally reached Ile in Amsterdam.
heavy storm and strong gales for more than a week.
2. What Preparations Were Made by the Narrator to Encounter the
4. What Information Was Given by Mary About Their Problem Stormy Sea on January 2?
During the Voyage? How Did the Narrator Repair the Damaged Answer
Deck? They faced enormous waves on January 2. As the waves hit the boat, the
Answer boat rose to the top of each wave. The winds were becoming stronger and
Mary and the children were in the lower part of the boat. Mary said that heavier. The narrator and his crew made several preparations. They
the boat was full of water and that they were sinking as the lid on the lashed a heavy mooring rope across the stern, they dropped the storm jib,
deck had blown off. The narrator gave charge of the wheel to her. He and they doubled the lash on everything, wore oilskins and life jackets,
found tools like a hammer, screws, and canvas. He fixed the canvas and also attached themselves with lifelines.
across the holes and deflected the water to the sides.
3. When Did the Couple Lose All the Hope of Survival?
5. What Problem Was Faced by the Narrator Regarding the Pump? Answer
Answer In the afternoon of January 4 the couple lost all the hope of survival. The
There was an open hole in the deck. The narrator found the hand pump clouds started to get dense and the sea became rougher. The next evening
that was blocked with debris. The electric pump got short-circuited. Two (January, 5) the couple realized that more and more water was flowing
extra hand pumps were thrown overboard due to the storm. He had through the broken planks and they felt that their end was not far.
another electric pump that could be used to pump out water and hence
they were saved. 4. On January 6, What News Was Given to the Narrator by His
At 6 p.m. on January 6, the narrator‟s son Joe goes to him and wakes him
up hugged him, and said: “he was the best daddy in the world, and the
best captain”. His daughter gave him the good news that they had reached
Ile Amsterdam.
7 8
5. Why Did the Narrator Think of Amsterdam as the Most Beautiful 3. How Would You Describe the Step Taken by the Narrator to
Island in the World? Why Does He Say Thank You to His Family Voyage Along the Southern Indian Ocean Despite Knowing Its
and the Crewmen? Dangers?
Answer Answer
Although Amsterdam was only a volcanic rock with very little vegetation, The narrator had a dream of voyaging. He also built a boat for sailing. He
yet it appeared to be the most beautiful island to the narrator and worked on the project for sixteen years and mastered navigation in his
everyone else because they felt secure there from the deadly sea. The spare time. The boat that he built was 23-meter long and weighed 30 tons
narrator thanked them for showing courage and bravery in the tough and he named it Wavewalker. Their decided route was to sail from
times and staying calm throughout the journey. England and reach Australia. The narrator was aware that they would
have to face the dangerous southern Indian Ocean and he knew that it
Long Answer Questions would be like fighting a battle. It takes immense courage to go on a
voyage like that. He and his family were courageous to do so. However, it
1. What Part Did Jonathan and Sue Play in the Treacherous Voyage? was also a little stupid because the voyage nearly killed them all, had the
Answer boat been not that strong enough. In all, the story showed courage,
The narrator went on a family voyage. Jonathan was the narrator's six- bravery, standing strong together, teamwork, and not giving up no matter
year-old son and Sue was his seven-year-old daughter. Both the children how difficult the situation is.
showed immense courage and bravery while fighting the treacherous 4. How the Narrator Got Inspired to Take a Risky Voyage.
voyage. His daughter had injuries like the bump on her head and cuts on Answer
her arm and yet she did not bother her father. They survived two days The narrator was a businessman by profession but he always had a dream
without any food to eat and still did not complain. The ship faced of going around the world in a boat. The narrator was inspired by the
dangerous storms, heavy winds, and waves for ten days and it was about achievement of Captain James Cook and wanted to match his record of
to sink but Jonathan calmed his father by telling him that none of them is 200 years ago. Although the narrator knew about the risks involved with
afraid to die. The courage shown by the family gave the narrator power going on the voyage and the dangers of the Southern Indian Ocean, he
and motivation to fight the weather. showed courage and took the step and went on the voyage. He showed
the spirit of a true adventurer and fighter and never lost the will to voyage
2. How Was Sue Able to Make Her Father Laugh Even in through any tough situations that came in his journey.
Unfortunate Situations? What Place Did They Want to Reach? 5. What Do You Learn from the “we‟re Not Afraid to Die…if We
Answer Can All Be Together”?
As the situation on the ship became difficult and hopeless, the atmosphere Answer: In our life, our efforts become the path to our success. Success
on the ship got tense. In this situation, the narrator‟s daughter, Sue, made here means the recognition of the aims in our life. Success is dependent
a card for him with their caricatures on it and called them funny people. on some factors which can be controlled by us and some factors which
This little act of hers made the entire family laugh. She also thanked cannot be controlled by us. Our mental and physical capabilities are in
everyone through her card. our control whereas factors like time, chance, and place cannot be
The family wanted to reach Ile Amsterdam which is a 65-km wide island controlled by us. The next quality is Intelligence which helps us in the
with 1,50,000 km of ocean. It was a French scientific base. It was very realization of our aim. Another quality is our mental fitness which gives
difficult to reach a small island that looked insignificant in such an us an unambiguous and clear vision. Other qualities like focus and
enormous ocean. steadiness are also important. It helps us have patience which further
helps us overcome the hurdles to be faced in our lives. A person must be
open to taking help from other individuals and one should always be
optimistic in order to achieve one‟s goals.
9 10
Extract Based MCQs

Read the extracts given below and answer the following questions by 2. Water, Water, Everywhere. I could feel that the ship had water below,
choosing the correct option. but I dared not abandon the wheel to investigate. Suddenly, the front
batch was thrown open and Mary appeared. „We‟re sinking‟, she
1. At dawn on January 2, the waves were gigantic. We were sailing screamed. “The decks are smashed; we‟re full of water”.
with only a small storm jib and were still making eight knots. As the
ship rose to the top of each wave we could see endless enormous seas “Take the wheel”, I shouted as I scrambled for the hatch.
rolling towards us, and the screaming of the wind and spray was
painful to the ears. To slow the boat down, we dropped the storm jib and (i) „Water, Water, Everywhere‟ include the use of which of the
lashed a heavy mooring rope in a loop across the stern. following literary devices?

(i)Which figure of speech has been used in this line „the waves were 1. Allegory 2. Allusion 3. Imagery 4. Repetition 5. Similie
gigantic‟? 6. Hyperbole
(a) Simile (b) Oxymoron (c) irony (d) Hyperbole (a) 1,4,5 (b) 2,4,6 (c) 2 and 4 (d) 3 and 5
Answer: (d) Hyperbole Answer: (c) 2 and 4

(ii) „Screaming of winds‟ here means (ii) Which of the following idioms describes the situation faced by the
(a) sound of wind (b) direction of wind narrator?
(c) speed of wind (d) stormy winds (a) At wits ends (b) In dire straits (c) Under the pump (d) Juggling act
Answer: (a) sound of wind Answer: (b) In dire straits

(iii) Which kind of fear was evident in the mind of author during the (iii) Choose the statement that is not true with reference to the given
incident given in the extract? extract.
(a) Fear of death (b) Fear of losing his family soon (a) The author and his family were saved by another sailors
(c) Fear of shipwreck (d) All of the above (b) The ship was badly damaged by the wave
Answer: (c) Fear of shipwreck (c) The Author and his daughter was badly injured
(d) None of the above
(iv) Which of these statements is not true in the context of the given Answer: (a) The author and his family were saved by another sailors
(a) The author was worried about the safety if his family and the two (iv) Pick out the option in which „scrambled‟ has been used as per the
crew members. extract.
(b) The author's ship, Wavewalker shows efficiency but soon is heavily (a) May be the alcohol has scrambled his brains.
damaged. (b) The children scrambled for the coins.
(c) The author's statement about the Southern Indian Ocean is true. (c) We scrambled up the nearly perpendicular side of the mountain.
(d) None of the above (d) I can easily whip you up some scrambled eggs.
Answer: (d) None of the above Answer: (c) We scrambled up the nearly perpendicular side of the

11 12
3. When I went in to comfort the children, Jon asked, „Daddy, are we MCQs
going to die?‟ I tried to assure him that we could make it. But, Daddy,
„he went on, ‟we aren‟t afraid of dying if we can all be together - you 1. From where did the ship sail for the voyage?
and mummy, Sue and I. (A) America
Answer: (B) Mexico
(C) Germany
(i) What is true regarding the given extract? (D) Plymouth, England
(a) It shows resignation to the circumstances. Answer: (D) Plymouth, England
(b) It shows the unity felt by the family.
(c) It shows the courage shown by Sue and Jon 2. Why did the author decide to go for a round-the-world voyage?
(d) All of the above (A)to duplicate the voyage made 200 years ago by Captain James Cook
Answer: (d) All of the above (B) to see the world
(C) to settle down in different country
(ii) What effect did Jon‟s statement have upon the author? (D) to show his children the world through ship
(a) Determination, strength and resolution (b) Regret and desperation Answer: (A)to duplicate the voyage made 200 years ago by Captain
(c) Sorrow and resignation James Cook
(d) A combination of desperation and determination
Answer: (b) Regret and desperation 3. What was the occupation of the author?
(A) Businessman
(iii) Choose the correct option with reference to the two statements (B) Sailor
given below. (C) Teacher
Statement 1 I went in to comfort the children. (D) None of the above
Statement 2 I left the children's cabin determined. Answer: (A) Businessman
(a) Statement 1 is the cause of Statement 2. 4. What was the name of the ship of the author?
(b) Statement 2 is the effect of Statement 1. (A) Amazon
(c) Statement 2 can be inferred from Statement 1. (B) Wavewalker
(d) Statement 1 and Statement 2 are independent of each other. (C) Waveship
Answer: (d) Statement 1 and Statement 2 are independent of each (D) Sailorship
other. Answer: (B) Wavewalker
(iv) Choose the term which best matches Ion's statement. 5. What part of the journey was pleasant for them?
(a) acceptance (b) reflection (c) reiteration (d) sentimentality (A) First leg – from England to Cape town
Answer: (a) acceptance (B) Last part of the journey
(C) First few months
(D) Never
Answer: (A) First leg – from England to Cape town

6. What were the names of the two crewmen whom the author hired? 11. What happened after the first indication of the disaster?
(A) Shelly and Cabil (A) a wave appeared vertical and almost twice the height of other waves
(B) Larry Vigil and Herb Seigler (B) it broke the ship from inside
(C) Herb Seigler and Shelly Cooper (C) the ship turned upside down
(D) Larry Vigil and Adam Moore (D) it didn‟t affect the ship
Answer: (B) Larry Vigil and Herb Seigler Answer: (A) a wave appeared vertical and almost twice the height of
other waves
7. Why did the author hire the two crewmen?
(A) to take rest from long the voyage 12. How did the explosion affect the ship?
(B) to help tackle one of the world‟s roughest seas, the southern Indian Ocean (A) A torrent of green and white water broke over the ship
(C) because he could no longer sail the ship (B) the ship started sinking
(D) he wanted to spend some time with his family (C) the ship turned upside down
Answer: (B) to help tackle one of the world‟s roughest seas, the (D) None of the above
southern Indian Ocean Answer: (A) A torrent of green and white water broke over the ship

8. When did the waves start getting gigantic? 13. Why did the author accept his approaching death?
(A) December 25 (A) Pirates had attacked the ship
(B) January 2 (B) because he was injured by the explosion
(C) November 30 (C) he was thrown in the sea
(D) December 31 (D) he was stabbed
Answer: (B) January 2 Answer: (C) he was thrown in the sea

9. What did they do to slow down the boat in the storm? 14. What did the author see when his head popped out of the water?
(A) Stopped sailing (A) the ship was sinking
(B) dropped the storm jib and lashed a heavy mooring rope (B) the ship was nowhere to be seen
(C) just dropped the storm jib (C) the ship was near capsizing, her masts almost horizontal
(D) did nothing and waited for storm to calm down (D) it was still standing
Answer: (B) dropped the storm jib and lashed a heavy mooring rope Answer: (C) the ship was near capsizing, her masts almost horizontal

10. What was the first indication of disaster? 15. What happened to the author‟s body when he managed to reach
(A) around 6 pm when winds dropped and sky grew darker the deck?
(B) next morning when the ship started creaking (A) his head smashed again
(C) when it started raining (B) his left ribs cracked; mouth filled with blood and broken teeth
(D) when winds were strong (C) he broke his leg
Answer: (A) around 6 pm when winds dropped and sky grew darker (D) his broke his left hand
Answer: (B) his left ribs cracked; mouth filled with blood and broken

16. Who said, “We‟re sinking!” ? 21. What happened after the hand pumps started to block up with
(A) His crewmen the debris floating around the cabins?
(B) Mary (A) the author connected an electric-pump to an out-pipe
(C) His daughter (B) by taking out water with the help of bucket
(D) His son (C) by repairing hand pump
Answer: (B) Mary (D) the author found another hand pump
Answer: (A) the author connected an electric-pump to an out-pipe
17. What was the condition of the ship?
(A) Broken timbers, starboard side bulged inwards; clothes, crockery, 22. Where did they decide to reach to save themselves and the ship?
charts, tins and toys sloshed (A) Australia
(B) There personal belongings were missing (B) Ile Amsterdam
(C) water filled in every room and their clothes were missing (C) Mumbai, India
(D) Can‟t say (D) Japan
Answer: (A) Broken timbers, starboard side bulged inwards; clothes, Answer: (B) Ile Amsterdam
crockery, charts, tins and toys sloshed

18. What had happened to Sue when the author entered their room to 23. What was their first meal in two days?
check on them? (A) Meat loaves
(A) her head hurt as there was a bump (B) bread and milk
(B) She was unconscious (C) noodles
(C) her legs hurt (D) corned beef and cracker biscuits
(D) she was fine Answer: (D) corned beef and cracker biscuits
Answer: (A) her head hurt as there was a bump

19. What was the age of Suzanne and Jonathan? 24. Who said, “we aren‟t afraid of dying if we can all be together —
(A) 8 & 9 years old you and Mummy, Sue and I.”?
(B) 7 & 6 years old (A) Jon
(C) 10 & 7 years old (B) Crewmen to each other
(D) 4 years & 6 years (C) Suz
Answer: (B) 7 & 6 years old (D) Mom
Answer: (A) Jon
20. How did the author manage to stretch the canvas?
(A) by repairing the holes 25. When did they reach lle Amsterdam?
(B) by asking crewmen for help (A) around 6 pm in the evening
(C) it happened on its own (B) never reached there
(D) the problem got over as the storm had passed (C) at 11 in the next morning
Answer: (A) by repairing the holes (D) they decided to take different route
Answer: (A) around 6 pm in the evening

17 18
26. What was the status of the ship on January 3?
(A) “pumps had the water level sufficiently under control ”
(B) condition was getting worse
(C) they were still struggling to control the pumps
(D) everything was just right
Answer: (A) “pumps had the water level sufficiently under control ”

27. How long did they take for the ship‟s testing and fitting?
(A) months
(B) few days
(C) 2 years
(D) few weeks
Answer: (A) months

28. Where had they reached on the 25th of December?

(A)3,500 kilometres east of Cape Town
(B) they were suffering the waves away from Cape Town
(C) 2500 km from Cape Town
(D) reached capeTown
Answer: (A)3,500 kilometres east of Cape Town

29. What happened when the author‟s head smashed into the wheel?
(A)he was hurt but steady
(B) he flew overboard sinking below the waves
(C) he was not hurt
(D) he gained control immediately
Answer: (B) he flew overboard sinking below the waves

30. What does „Mayday call‟ mean?

(A) Call made in the month of May
(B) Distress call for help
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of these
Answer: (B) Distress call for help


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