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Major Project, Sem VIII Department of Mechanical Engineering


B. Tech. Semester VIII

2ME801 Major Project/Internship

Research Organization/Consultancy Firms/In-house Project/Industry Project


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Institute of Technology
Nirma University
Sarkhej - Gandhinagar Highway,
Post – Chandlodia, Ahmedabad – 382 481.


As per academic curriculum of B.Tech. Programme, students of Sem. VIII (Mechanical Engineering) are required to undergo major project/training work for the
duration of 16 weeks, with the major objective of getting an exposure to various design and manufacturing practices. In the following pages, a detailed outline of the
rules, regulations and guidelines pertaining to Major Project are presented.
Joining the project: The student is required to send a Project Joining Report (PJR), to the Department Mentor, after completing the official formalities of
joining the project. A format for Project Joining Report (PJR) is separately enclosed.
Attendance on Site: The student is required to attend & participate in various activities for five/six days a week, and working for minimum 8 hours
per day. The total attendance at project site shall be for 16 weeks. Any absence observed on company, shall be compensated by extension of Major Project. No
leaves will be granted without prior permission.
Regular Reports: The student is required to send various reports to the Faculty mentor, at department. This is compulsory and part of curricular
requirement of Major Project. A separate schedule for submission for various reports is enclosed. The student must strictly observe the submission date, while
sending reports.
Maintaining Discipline at Company: The student shall maintain discipline while working for project and shall not violate rules & regulations of the
company / organizations, where the student is undergoing major project. The student shall follow all necessary instructions, given by the in-charge of the Project.
Evaluation: Three reviews as per academic calendar shall be held to take a review / monitor the progress of student’s project work.
Review I/II: A student shall present his/her project work (Objective/Background/Literature review/Methodology) before an examination panel, consisting of faculty
members in the month of February/April. During the Review I, the students will be given suggestions and guidance for the next phase of study.
Review III: A student shall present his/her progress in project work before an examination panel, consisting of faculty members in the month of May. During the
Review II, the students will be given suggestions and guidance for the next phase of stud.
Final Review / Presentation: The student shall make a presentation of his/her detailed report of project studies, before the examination panel of faculty
members and invited experts from field.
Detailed Comprehensive Report: Besides
regular reports being sent by student during project work, the student shall submit a detailed comprehensive typed Report, at the end of Project. The requirements

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Major Project, Sem VIII Department of Mechanical Engineering

and the guidelines for preparation of such a report are separately given. This comprehensive report is required to be certified by the Faculty Guide, before
Certificate from Project Authority: At the end of the project, the student is required to obtain a certificate from the Project Authority (In-charge), regarding the
satisfactory completion of the project work
Assessment / Evaluation of Student’s Work: The evaluation of student’s work shall be based on continuous evaluation including regular reports,
detailed comprehensive report, and presentation during interim and final review.
Successful Completion of Project: The student shall be granted a successful completion of the term, if all the reports and performance of students, are
found to be “acceptable” by the examination panel. Those students, whose performance falls below “acceptable standards”, shall repeat the Major Project work.

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Major Project, Sem VIII Department of Mechanical Engineering

The student is required to submit following reports to their mentors, during his/her major project work.

1) Project Joining Report (PJR)

2) Preliminary Project Information Report (PPIR)
3) Student’s Engagement Schedule (SES)
4) Project Activity Report (PAR)
5) Daily Time Sheet (DTS)
6) Detailed Comprehensive Report (DCR)
The student shall submit all above reports to internal mentor, as per following schedule.


Sr. No. Report Code Details Submission Time

1 PJR Project Joining Report 1 day on joining Organization

2 PPIR Preliminary project Information Report 2 weeks after joining organization

3 SES Student’s Engagement Schedule 3 weeks after joining organization

4 PAR Project Activity Report Every month on 1 day

5 DTS Daily Time Sheet Along with every PAR

6 DCR Detailed Comprehensive Report 1 week after completion of Major Project.


During the major project work, student is required to submit various reports as per the schedule.
The details of all reports and required formats are given below.
Immediately after joining the organization, the student shall submit a Project Joining Report (PJR), duly signed by the In-charge to whom the student shall be
reporting during his/her entire project period. It would be preferable that all subsequent reports are also signed by the same person. The format for PJR is given in
Annexure – 1.
Two weeks after joining the organization, the student is required to submit PPIR with following details.

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Major Project, Sem VIII Department of Mechanical Engineering

● A brief note, explaining the salient features of project including major objective of the project.

● Scope of the work for major project.

● Project Site layout

● Proposed Project Progress schedule, in form of Bar chart. This should be given for both planned progress & actual progress.

● Company Organization chart, along with nature of job for each manpower.

● Details / List of Equipment and plants being used or proposed in industry.

● Access to the Documents, Specifications of work and other special conditions.

● Facilities of food / first aid / safety requirement.


After sending the PJR and PPIR, student should start planning and finalizing his/her involvement and participation in various activities, under the consultation and
guidance of the In-charge of project and faculty guide. Students must inform the various activities going on at project and should get it approved also by the faculty
guide. The student is required to submit the Schedule of involvement in various activities at the end of three weeks. This is actually a planning by student for his/her
own project work. This shall be monitored and compared with the total actual work, done and submitted at the end of project.
The students are required to participate in various production/research/design activities and management practices. The major objective of the major project is to
learn research/design/industrial activities of higher and standard order, in a detailed manner. All the PARs shall have main emphasis on production/research/design
activities and management aspects.
Few important points in regard to PARs are mentioned below:
(a) The student is required to send PAR’s on 1 of every month, by E-mail.
(b) A4 size pages are to be used for preparation of PAR. A3 size pages can be used for sketches and drawings.
(c) The student shall mention the date, PAR No. and brief contents of PAR on the first page.
(d) The Daily Time Sheets (DTS), duly filled, signed by Engineer In-charge, must be attached with every PAR.
(e) Any PAR shall not contain any photocopies or original drawings.
(f) Minimum 4 nos. of PARs shall be sent to the faculty guide of major project.
During the project of 16 weeks, students must engage themselves in all production/research/design activities of major project.


A student shall record the time being spent by him in study / learning of specific activities, and enter the same in Daily Time Sheet (DTS). The format of DTS is given
in Annexure – 2. The DTSs, duly signed by In-charge, are to be submitted, along with every PAR.
The student is required to prepare a Detailed Comprehensive Report (DCR) at the end of major project work, and shall submit within one week after completion of
major project. The DCR is the compilation of various reports submitted earlier, along with a appropriate write-up on observations and conclusions. This can also
include students’ experiences, specific learnings, etc. It shall carry a certificate of completion of project, from the competent authority. The DCR is to be prepared
under consultation of Faculty Guide, and needs to be get certified by Faculty Guide before submission. This report shall be presented before the examination panel
of faculty members and invited experts, by the student and a viva-voce shall be taken on the basis of this report.
The final DCR should be prepared in hard bound (one copy) form.

Following are the general guidelines for information to be collected and included in DCR.

● Type of firm / company

● Brief history of firm

● Nature of projects handled

● Approximate annual turnover

● Organization structure of company


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Major Project, Sem VIII Department of Mechanical Engineering

● Name of Project & undertaking company

● Location of project

● Type of Project

● Project summary

● Starting & completion date

● End use of project

● Organization chart at the project

● Duties and responsibilities entrusted to student so far

● Does the Employer wish to extend the training? Why?

● Is the student willing to extend training? Why?

● Area of Construction – Total gross & breakup

● Scope of works

● Time frame

● Project progress schedule, Bar chart

● Stages of project at the time of joining and at time of leaving

● Any delay in progress, with reasons

Following are the general guidelines for information to be collected and included in DCR.
The report contents should be including all annexure, tables and figures, arranged in proper sequence of:
- Certificate
- Acknowledgement
- Abstract
- Contents:
The chapters as:
This chapter should include introduction of the project and objectives of the work.
Literature Review:
The research papers/literature reviewed for the project is to be included in this chapter along with the critique.
Data Acquisition:
This chapter should be dealt with Data acquired for the present study in detail and also should include the source of data.
Methodology & Problem Formulation:
This chapter should deal with the detailed method/methods adopted for the study, along with the software used if any and with the formulation of the problem.
Analysis, Results and Discussions, Conclusions and References.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Technology, Nirma University


1. Name of Student : ____________________________________

2. Roll No. : _________________

3. Date of Joining : _________________

Name of Company /

Organization with Address : _______________________________________


Address of Project Site : ____________________________________

Name of Contact Person : ____________________________________

Mobile Number & E-mail Id

of Contact Person : ____________________________________

Address of Student (Local)

Mob. No. & Email id : ____________________________________

9. Reporting to (Name of

In-charge & Designation) : ___________________________________

Working Hours : From __________ am to ____________ pm

11. Sign of Student : _________________

12. Date : _________________

Date & Seal of Authorized Signatory

Note: Project Authority is requested to read the regulations, given to students, to understand the nature of the project and its requirements.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute Of Technology, Nirma University


Name of Student : Jayswal Umangbhai Dhankumar
Roll. No. : 20BME137
Organization : CEAT LTD
Month : 1st (Jan-Feb)

Sr.No. Date Activities Hours Total Hours Sign

1 8/1/24 Basic Introduction 9-6 9

2 9/1/24 Overview of Plant, Facilities 9-6 9

3 10/1/24 Orientation Session 9-6 9

4 11/1/24 R&D Introduction 9-6 9

5 12/1/24 Various Lab Visit in R&D 9-6 9

6 15/1/24 Holiday 9-6 9

7 16/1/24 Shop Floor Visit 9-6 9

8 17/1/24 Project Allotment 9-6 9

9 18/1/24 Intro with Guide and Discussion related to Project 9-6 9

10 19/1/24 Learning of Tyre basics and Tyre Nomenclature 9-6 9

11 22/1/24 Data analysis- Jaipur Route 9-6 9

12 23/1/24 Data analysis- Indore Route 9-6 9

S.No. Date Activities Hours Total Hours Sign

13 24/1/24 Comparison of Jaipur and Indore route 9-6 9

14 25/1/25 Analysis of Load Index, Tyre sizes and Speed Symbol 9-6 9

15 26/1/24 Holiday 9-6 9

16 29/1/24 NOC related work 9-6 9

Generating Excel for Various Truck, Bus mfg.

17 30/1/24 9-6 9

Analysis and Comparison of above sheet with Ceat

18 31/1/24 9-6 9

Tyre comparison of CEAT with MRF and APOLLO

19 1/2/24 9-6 9

20 2/2/24 Learning the Statistical tools 9-6 9

21 5/2/24 Leave 0 0

22 6/2/24 Leave 0 0

23 7/2/24 Leave 0 0

24 8/2/24 T1,T2 test for Tyre 9-6 9

25 9/2/24 Minitab Software 9-6 9

26 12/2/24 TBR warehouse visit 9-6 9

27 13/2/24 TTC visit for actual evaluation of product 9-6 9

28 14/2/24 Under/Over inflated tyre effects and factors affecting 9-6 9

29 15/2/24 Fining Load Vs. Inflation pressure ratio 9-6 9

30 16/2/24 Long Vs. Short wheelbase comparison 9-6 9

Updating sheet with adding info. HP, Wheelbase,

31 19/2/24 9-6 9

32 20/2/24 Wheelbase consideration and related factors 9-6 9

33 21/2/24 TML Prima vs. Signa trucks analysis 9-6 9

34 22/2/24 EV bus manufacturer 9-6 9

35 23/2/24 Leading companies of EV bus manufacturer in India 9-6 9

FE test analysis
36 24/2/24 9-6 9

37 26/2/24 11.00R20 16PR Pakistan report analysis 9-6 9

38 27/2/24 Tyre Testing Centre 9-6 9

39 28/2/24 Historical data analysis 9-6 9

Developing sheet for mileage index from data of 2021-

40 29/2/24 9-6 9

Developing sheet for mileage index from data of 2021-

41 1/3/24 9-6 9

42 4/3/24 TTC Visit 9-6 9

43 5/3/24 TTC- TBR claim analysis 9-6 9

44 6/3/24 Radial FY21-22-23 data collected 9-6 9

Compiling data of
45 7/3/24 9-6 9

46 8/3/24 Holiday 9-6 9

47 11/3/24 Sick Leave 9-6 9

Compiling data of
48 12/3/24 9-6 9

Compiling data of
49 13/3/24 9-6 9

Compiling data of
50 14/3/24 9-6 9

Compiling data of
51 15/3/24 9-6 9

Compiling data of
52 18/3/24 9-6 9

Compiling data of
53 19/3/24 9-6 9

Compiling data of
54 20/3/24 9-6 9

55 21/3/24 9-6 9
56 22/3/24 9-6 9

57 25/3/24 Holiday 9-6 9

58 26/3/24 9-6 9

59 27/3/24 9-6 9

60 28/3/24 9-6 9

61 29/3/24 9-6 9

62 1/4/24 9-6 9

63 2/4/24 9-6 9

64 3/4/24 9-6 9

65 4/4/24 9-6 9

66 5/4/24 9-6 9

67 8/4/24 9-6 9

68 9/4/24 9-6 9

69 10/4/24 9-6 9

70 11/4/24 Holiday 9-6 9

71 12/4/24 9-6 9

72 15/4/24 9-6 9

73 16/4/24 9-6 9

74 17/4/24 Holiday 9-6 9

75 18/4/24 9-6 9
76 19/4/24 9-6 9

77 22/4/24 9-6 9

78 23/4/24 9-6 9

79 24/4/24 9-6 9

80 25/4/24 9-6 9

81 26/4/24 9-6 9

82 29/4/24 9-6 9

83 30/4/24 9-6 9

84 1/5/24 9-6 9

85 2/5/24 9-6 9

86 3/5/24 9-6 9

(Total minimum 8 hours to be devoted in organization)

Total Hours in Month = 22x9=198 hrs

Date & Signature of Student Date & Seal of Authorized Signatory

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