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Comprehension Passage 2

Ganesh : Rizal, I heard you were late for school today.

Rizal : Yes, it's true. I went to bed late so I couldn't wake up this morning.

Ganesh : What did you do last night?

Rizal : I did my History project. Did you finish your project?

Ganesh : Yes, I did. May I have a look at your project?

Rizal : Sure.

Ganesh : Wow! There are many interesting facts here. Did you get the

information from the Internet?

Rizal : No, I didn't. I got them from a book.

Ganesh : Oh. Did you buy the book?

Rizal : No, I didn't. I borrowed it from my sister. She's studying History in


Ganesh : That's great!

Rizal : Thanks, Ganesh. Your project looks great too! Did you draw the map


Ganesh : Yes, I did. I'm not good at drawing but my father taught me how to

draw the map.

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