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Study programme: Civil Engineering

Study level: Undergraduate academic studies

Course: Hydroinformatics
Course lecturer: Zoltan Horvat
Course status: Mandatory
ECTS credits: 6
Mandatory preceding courses: Hydraulics 1, Hydrology 1
Course goals: Introduction to the Fortran programming language (Visual Fortran),
developing applications for solving simple problems in Hydraulics and Hydrology, data
processing for existing (available) software packages for Hydraulic and Hydrological
computations, presentation and analysis of computed results.
Course outcome: Developing skills for solving simple Hydraulic and Hydrological problems
by developing computer codes, and acquiring basic competence for using existing software
Course content:
Theoretical part of the course
Week 1: Visual Fortran: forming projects, opening source files, compiling .exe files.
Week 2: Forming program algorithms (structures), defining (declaring) variables.
Week 3: Input/Output commands, scope of variables, passing arguments (variables) between
Week 4: Important commands: Do loop, Logical If, etc.
Week 5: Graphical presentation of computational results.
Week 6: Steady flow in pipes – closed loop systems.
Week 7: The loop method, the node method.
Week 8: Software for hydraulic computation of closed loop water supply systems.
Week 9: Steady non-uniform flow in channels – water surface elevations.
Week 10: Software for flow computation in channels.
Week 11: Application of the HEC-RAS software package.
Week 12: Application of the HEC-RAS software package.
Week 13: Simple Hydrological problems – relations between rain and runoff.
Week 14: Computer code application to simple Hydrological problems.
Week 15: Computer code application to simple Hydrological problems.

Practical part of the course

The practical part of the course closely follows the theoretical part.
1. M. Radojković, N. Klem, „Primena računara u hidraulici“, Građevinska knjiga, Beograd,
2. M. Radojković, D. Obradović, Č. Maksimović, „Računari u komunalnoj hidrotehnici“,
Građevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1989.
3. M. Ivetić, „Računska hidraulika – tečenje u cevima“, Građevinski fakultet Beograd, 1996.
4. M. Spasojević, „Numerička hidraulika – otvoreni tokovi“, Skripta, Građevinski fakultet u
Subotici, 1996.
5. J.J. Sharp, P. Sweden, „BASIC hydrology“, Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1984.
Number of weekly classes:
Theoretical Practical Other forms of Student Other forms of
classes: classes: teaching: research: classes:
2 4 0 0 0
Methods of teaching: Theoretical lectures, practical assignments for students, consultations
with the course lecturer. (During the semester there will be assignments for the students,
which should be completed within one or two weeks. The assignments mostly consist of
writing simple computer codes, or processing data for existing software packages and
analyzing the obtained results. The deadlines for the assignments will be enforced. The
assignments will be graded, and if necessary corrected and commented by the course
Grading (maximum number of points: 100)
Pre-exam obligations points Final exam points
Work during the semester 50 written exam 50

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