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Viva (50%) Distinction Merit Pass Fail

15 13 - 14 10 - 12 7-9 6-0
(C1) Very good introduction and conclusion covering all areas of interest in Good introduction and conclusion Satisfactory introduction and Introduction and conclusion Weak introduction and
detail. covering most areas of interest in detail. conclusion but lacking detail in most provides a limited discussion of the conclusion given, failing to
Some areas a bit sparsely discussed. areas. key issues associated with the discuss the issues associated
and Conclusion to dissertation. with the dissertation.
dissertation (15%)

15 13 - 14 10 - 12 7-9 6-0
Details discussion covering all aspects of dissertation activities and choices Justification is given for the choice of Satisfactory discussion but lacking in Decision points and research Some decision making
made leaving no doubt that appropriate choices have been made. The final dissertation and choices made with some detail. Final findings described but activities mentioned but with little processes are discussed but
(C2) Coherence of arguments deliverable has been reviewed fully with the impact of the dissertation gaps in the arguments. The final no critical review of the whole evidence to show any lack detail and clarity of the
(15%) research discussed in context of the research area. deliverable is discussed but the review dissertation process. clear/appropriate thinking. Final thinking process.
does provide a clear critical review of findings not discussed relating to
the student’s achievements. aim/objectives of dissertation.

10 8-9 6-7 4-5 2-3 0–1

Professional organisation with medial Good organisation and use of Organisation is satisfactory with the Organised but lacking quality media. Student was partially organised but No real organisation,
fully utilised to showcase the media to showcase the dissertation student controlling the viva on the Deliverable poorly presented though media inadequate and deliverable deliverable poorly presented
dissertation. High level of cohesion and deliverables. Evidence of whole. Use of media and presentation of some sense of cohesion poorly presented with little sense of and media underutilised.
(C3) Communication (10%)
throughout the dissertation process cohesion though not wholly deliverable was functional. Evidence of communicated. a cohesive dissertation process.
consistent. a cohesive dissertation present but not

10 8-9 6-7 4-5 2-3 0–1

Student developed significantly with Student clearly reflected and Satisfactory evidence of reflection with Evidence of reflection in some key Student able to show improvement No evidence of developed.
consistent and comprehensive developed as the dissertation evidence of developed as dissertation areas of the dissertation but on the as dissertation progressed but Student approached the
(C4) Reflection (10%) reflection throughout the dissertation. progressed with reflection applied progressed though not consistent and not whole unconvincing with the inconsistent and without really dissertation tasks
wholly recognised by the student. emphasis upon mechanistic reflecting before progressing. mechanistically without
to key areas of the dissertation.
progression. evidence of reflection.

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