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UG/CBCS/B.A./Hons./Programme/3rd Sem.


UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL B.A. Honours/Programme 3rd Semester

Examination, 2022


Time Allotted: 2 Hours

Full Marks: 60

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

The question paper contains PAPER-I and PAPER-II. The candidates are
required to answer any one from two Papers. Candidates should mention it
clearly on the Answer Book.



1. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:


The coconut is an unusual food for many reasons. It is technically a seed, produced by
the coconut palm tree, and as such is one of the largest edible seeds produced by any
plant. Its unusual contents also make it unique in the seed world-the interior consists
of both "meat" and "water". The meat is the white pith with which we are all familiar,
as it is used extensively for cooking and flavourings; the coconut water is a white
liquid that is very sweet and thirst- quenching.

Portuguese explorers gave the nut its name in the 15th century, referring to it as coco,
meaning "ghost" in their language. The three dimples and the hairy texture reminded
them of a ghost's face, and the tree has retained the name ever since.

The coconut has many varied uses. It is used to make margarine, as well as various
cooking oils, and these cooking oils are used by fast-food restaurants around the world
to make such diet staples as French fries. The coconut fluid is a favourite drink in hot
climates, providing a cool and refreshing beverage right off the tree. This water is also
used by manufacturers of various sports drinks because of its isotonic electrolyte
properties. Even the shell itself has many uses, including cattle food and fertilizer.

(a) Give one reason why the coconut is an unusual food.


One reason why the coconut is an unusual food is that it is technically a seed,
produced by the coconut palm tree, and it is one of the largest edible seeds produced
by any plant.

(b) What are the unusual contents that make up the coconut's interior?


The unusual contents that make up the coconut's interior include both "meat" (the
white pith used for cooking and flavorings) and "water" (a sweet and thirst-quenching
white liquid).

(c) Who gave the nut its name and when?


The nut was named by Portuguese explorers in the 15th century. They referred to it as
"coco," meaning "ghost" in their language.

(d) Why did the coconut earn the nickname of "ghost"?


The coconut earned the nickname of "ghost" because Portuguese explorers thought the
three dimples and hairy texture on the coconut reminded them of a ghost's face.

(e) Name two items the coconut is used to make.


Two items the coconut is used to make are margarine and various cooking oils.

(f) How do fast-food restaurants around the world use the coconut?


Fast-food restaurants around the world use coconut cooking oils to make diet staples
such as French fries.

(g) Why is the coconut fluid a favourite drink in hot climates?


The coconut fluid is a favorite drink in hot climates because it provides a cool and
refreshing beverage right off the tree.

(h) What properties of the coconut fluid make it a good sports drink?


The coconut fluid is a good sports drink because of its isotonic electrolyte properties,
making it effective in replenishing electrolytes lost during physical activity.

2x8 = 16

2. Read the following poem carefully and answer the following questions:

Morning dawns breaking darkened shades draped heavy in the night.

The watercolour sky in a kaleidoscope of hues brushed across the horizon's cusp A
proclamation that today will arise anew...

With a nudge, a prod.... crisp early breezes floating over dew-laced grass

Whisper carpe diem To those who are willing to hear Seize this day and make it

Why envelop your life with the weight of regret? What's been put off- or done - is
over and gone. It's this moment, this here and now.


Take a step toward striving for your dreams. Become a bit of the person you want to

(a) What time of the day is it when the poem begins?


The poem begins in the morning, as indicated by the line "Morning dawns breaking
darkened shades."

(b) How does the poet describe the night?


The poet describes the night as draped heavy in the beginning of the poem.

(c) How does the sky look?


The sky is described as a watercolor sky in a kaleidoscope of hues brushed across the
horizon's cusp.

(d) What does the morning sky proclaim?


The morning sky proclaims a new beginning with the words, "A proclamation that
today will arise anew."

(e) The crisp early breezes are floating over what?


The crisp early breezes are floating over dew-laced grass.

(f) What message is the breeze whispering?


The breeze whispers the message "carpe diem," urging people to seize the day and
make it their own.

(g) Why does the poet not want the readers to envelop their life with regret?


The poet advises against enveloping life with regret, suggesting that what's been put
off or done is over and gone. The emphasis is on living in the present moment.

(h) What is the final message of the poem?


The final message of the poem encourages the reader to take a step toward striving for
their dreams, becoming the person they want to be, and seizing the opportunities of
the present day.

10×1 = 10

3. Read the following paragraph carefully and attempt a summary of it:

Popularity is almost universally cherished. But it is not easy to maintain
popularity even after gaining it. It needs a lot of tact and careful handling.
Respecting elders, loving the young, caring for all, are a few things which can
help a person retain popularity. Assuming a sportive behaviour can also help a
person go a long way. Standing up boldly for right things needs guts and courage
but is positively applauded. Consideration of others' views and opinions speak of
a great personality and earns a lot of praise. These are some ways in which one
can continue to enjoy the perks of popularity.


The paragraph highlights the widespread desire for popularity and the challenges
associated with maintaining it. It underscores the importance of tact and careful
handling in this endeavor. The key to retaining popularity is identified through actions
such as respecting elders, showing love to the young, and caring for everyone.
Additionally, adopting a sportive behavior is deemed beneficial for long-term
popularity. The narrative emphasizes the positive reception of standing up boldly for
what is right, acknowledging the need for courage and guts in such instances.
Furthermore, the paragraph suggests that a great personality is reflected in the

consideration of others' views and opinions, earning considerable praise. Ultimately,
the author concludes by presenting these actions as effective ways to continue
enjoying the privileges associated with popularity. The underlying message is that
genuine actions, ranging from kindness and respect to courage and open-mindedness,
contribute to sustained popularity and the positive regard of others.

4. Answer any one of the following questions:


(a) What are the roles and responsibilities of an academic editor?


Academic Editors oversee the peer review process from beginning to end, taking
responsibility for conducting an initial assessment based on our publication poliecies ,
finding and inviting reviewers, evaluating their feedback, making editorial decisions,
and communicating decisions to authors. Academic Editors play an active role in the
community, and are highly engaged as representatives of UJPR.

To ensure an efficient peer review process for our authors, our Academic Editors
strive to:

⦁ Agree to handle one to two new manuscript assignments per month

⦁ Handle each manuscript assignment from first assessment to final decision

⦁ Respond to manuscript invitations (Accept or Decline) within two days

⦁ Assess whether the manuscript is suitable for peer review within four days of
agreeing to the invitation

⦁ Secure two or more reviewers on manuscripts that are suitable for review

⦁ Submit a decision within four days of receipt of the complete reviews

⦁ Adhere to editorial best practices to maintain the highest standards of editorial

integrity, confidentiality, and impartiality

(b) Discuss the various stages of copy editing.


Copy editing is a process that makes written work the best it can be before it gets
published. It involves several stages to ensure that the writing is clear, correct, and

follows the rules of language. Let's break down the stages in simple terms:

First Look:

At the beginning, the editor takes a first look at the writing to understand what it's
about, who it's for, and how it should sound. They identify any big problems with the
structure or content.

Big Changes (Developmental Editing):

If needed, the editor might work closely with the author to make big improvements.
They focus on things like fixing how the writing is organized, making it sound better,
and ensuring it makes sense.

Making It Better (Substantive Editing):

The editor dives into the details, checking sentences and paragraphs. They make
important changes to improve how it reads, making sure everything flows well and is
easy to understand.

Polishing the Details (Copy Editing):

Now, it's time to look at the small details. The editor checks grammar, punctuation,
and spelling. They also make sure the writing follows a specific style, like MLA or

Checking the Facts:

Sometimes, editors need to make sure the information in the writing is correct. This is
called fact-checking. They verify that names, dates, and details are accurate.

Final Check (Proofreading):

Just before publishing, the editor does a final check. They look for any tiny mistakes,
like typos or formatting issues. This is the last chance to catch any errors.

Talking with the Author:

Throughout the process, the editor talks with the author. They ask questions to make
sure they understand the writing and discuss any changes they suggest. This helps
keep the author's original meaning.

Last Look (Final Review):

After making all the changes and getting feedback, the editor takes a last look. They
make sure everything is consistent and ready to be published.

Remember, not every piece of writing goes through all these stages, and the editor
works closely with the author to make the writing the best it can be while keeping the

author's voice and ideas intact.

(c) How does proofreading differ from copy editing?


Copy editing and proofreading are two distinct processes in the world of writing, and
it is important to understand the differences between the two. The following are some
key differences between copy editing and proofreading:

Scope of work: Copy editing is a comprehensive process that involves reviewing and
correcting the text for grammar, spelling, punctuation, consistency, and style.
Proofreading, on the other hand, is a more focused process that involves checking the
text for any remaining errors after copy editing has been completed.

Timing: Copy editing is typically done before proofreading, while proofreading is the
final step in the editing process.

Goals: The goal of copy editing is to improve the overall quality of the text, make it
clear, concise, and easy to understand, and catch any errors that may have been missed
during the writing process. The goal of proofreading is to catch any remaining errors
in the text and ensure that it is error-free and ready for publication or
distribution.Tasks involved: Copy editing involves checking grammar, spelling,
punctuation, consistency, and style, and making suggestions for improvement.
Proofreading involves checking for typos, misspellings, grammatical mistakes, and
ensuring consistency in spelling, punctuation, and style.

Level of detail: Copy editing involves a more in-depth review of the text, while
proofreading is a more focused and superficial review of the text.

It is important to understand the differences between copy editing and proofreading so

that you can choose the right editing process for your writing needs. While both
processes are important, the appropriate process will depend on the stage of your
writing and the specific needs of your text.

For example, if your text is in need of a comprehensive review and improvement, then
copy editing is the appropriate choice. If your text has already been edited and you just
need a final check for errors, then proofreading is the appropriate choice.

In conclusion, both copy editing and proofreading play important roles in the writing
process, and it is important to understand the differences between the two so that you
can choose the right process for your writing needs.

5. Apply any six proof reading symbols to the paragraph given below in
reference to the correct version of it:

with the invention of the personal computer and the Internet, a new age in com

munications begins. now peeople could com municate Fastest and more easily
than ever before

Correct version:

With the invention of the personal computer and the Internet, a new age in
communications began. Now people could communicate faster and more easily
than ever before.


Certainly! Here are six proofreading symbols applied to the paragraph along with the
corrected version:


Original: "peeople"

Correction: "people"


Original: "Fastest"

Correction: (Deleted, as it is unnecessary)

Insert Space:

Original: "com munications"

Correction: "communications"

Insert Period:

Original: "begins"

Correction: "began"

Change to Lowercase:

Original: "Fastest"

Correction: "faster"

Insert Comma:

Original: "Now peeople"

Correction: "Now, people"

Corrected Version:

"With the invention of the personal computer and the Internet, a new age in
communications began. Now, people could communicate faster and more easily than
ever before."

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