Part II-1-4

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Part II: Corrosion Topics

The various forms of corrosion have already been discussed This form of cavitation damage is known as cavitation
in Part I, Section 4 (Forms of Electrochemical Corrosion). erosion, and sometimes it can occur within as little as a
This second part of the introduction takes a look at 13 few minutes. The eroded metal particles are entrained with
common corrosion phenomena in alphabetical order, with the liquid flow, forming a potential source of pure erosion
reference to the Case Histories as reported in the Atlas. elsewhere in the system. The attack pattern of cavitation
The specific measures which can be taken to prevent these erosion sometimes resembles that of oxygen pitting and
corrosion phenomena from occurring are also discussed. sometimes that of acid attack. The resultant craters,
however, have irregular and sharp edges and a rough
internal surface. At an advanced stage, the surface assumes
1 Cavitation Damage a sponge-like appearance (honeycomb structure).
Cavitation can also be limited to damage to a metal’s
Cavitation is the process whereby pressure variations in a oxide skin, thereby accelerating the corrosion rate. This is
liquid can, in a short period of time, cause countless small known as cavitation corrosion.
cavities to form and then implode. The cavities fill with Apart from damaging the metal surface, cavitation can
liquid vapor and the gases present in the liquid. In effect, also generate noise, varying from a rustle or the sound of
the liquid will begin to boil locally due to the pressure stones striking metal to loud bangs exceeding 100 dB.
reduction below the vapor pressure. Just as in the boiling The vibrations caused by the shock waves can lead to
process, the occurrence of cavitation requires the presence fatigue phenomena, detachment of anchorages, and
of nuclei in the form of contaminants or air bubbles, often mechanical fracture. In addition, the formation of bubbles
entrapped in crevices or grooves in the solid surface. can result in the diminished capacity of valves and pumps.
As soon as the pressure rises back above the vapor
pressure, the vapor bubbles will implode causing high-
pressure shock waves with pressure up to 400 MPa, suffi- 1.1 Occurrence
cient to damage any metal (Fig. 1). Sites liable to sudden pressure drop are in principle sen-
A second theory which has gained ground recently is sitive to cavitation.
that, as the bubbles implode, microjets occur and cause pits Cavitation can occur immediately downstream from
on colliding with the metal surface (Fig. 2). valves, orifice plates, etc., in a liquid stream. As it passes
such a constriction, the liquid flow velocity increases and,
collapsing in accordance with the law of conservation of energy, the
static pressure decreases. If this pressure falls below the
Air (vapour-filled) vapor pressure (saturation pressure) of the liquid, vapor
bubble bubbles will form only to implode after the pressure increases
as the velocity decreases. Where these implosions occur at
the metal surface, they will result in erosion (Fig. 3).

flow flow flow flow

originally deformation of liquid prenetrates formation of

spherical the bubble surface into flattened high energy
vapour bubble at the flow site bubble microjets
FIGURE 1 Cavitation damage: imploding bubbles. (From Pludek,
Design and corrosion control. Reproduced with permission.) FIGURE 2 Cavitation damage: microjets.

xlviii Part II: Corrosion Topics

Collapsing l Inject or generate larger air or gas bubbles to buffer the

bubble implosions in order to limit cavitation damage.
l If corrosion is also involved (cavitation corrosion),
cathodic protection and the dosing of corrosion inhib-
itors may be successful.

2 Erosion Corrosion
Erosion corrosion is a process that occurs regularly in
liquid-bearing systems. Even at slight corrosiveness of
FIGURE 3 The implosion of vapor bubbles. the medium, the damage can strongly develop within a short
period due to synergy between corrosion and—often
local—high liquid velocity.
Cavitation can also cause damage to pump impellers if
The mechanism of erosion corrosion has already been
the pressure falls locally below the vapor pressure in tur-
considered in Part I, Section 4. Metals that are capable of
bulent zones due to too low a supply pressure. The damage
forming a relatively thick layer of protective corrosion
is then caused by the vapor bubbles imploding at the
products such as carbon steel are more sensitive to erosion
delivery side of the impeller. This phenomenon is also
corrosion than the conventional passive metals such as
known at the rear of ship propellers, in hydraulic turbines,
stainless steel and titanium. This is because the oxide skins
and also in boiler blow-down lines.
of the latter metals are far thinner and possess a larger
In steam-heated equipment and condensate lines, the
adhesion to the metal surface. In addition, soft metals such
implosion of vapor bubbles in relatively colder condensate
as copper and certain copper alloys are of course extra sen-
can cause cavitation erosion.
sitive to erosion.
Finally, cavitation can also occur as a result of vibration.

2.1 Occurrence
1.2 Prevention The measure in which erosion corrosion occurs is in fact
Like corrosion itself, cavitation can best be controlled by dependent on two factors: the velocity and corrosiveness
taking measures in the design stage: of the medium. A high velocity reinforces the turbulence
of the liquid film along the wall and hence the erosion. In
l Prevent strong turbulence and pressure variations by this context, obstructions in the flow can also cause turbu-
appropriate dimensioning. lence and local erosion corrosion damage. T-pieces, bends,
l Use multistage valves so that the pressure drop is staged. elbow pipes, inlet ends of heat exchanger pipes, pumps, and
l Specify smooth finish. valves are the examples of sensitive sites, as are sites fol-
l Use cavitation-resistant materials: Cast iron, brass, and lowing abrupt diameter transitions, root fusions, inserted
aluminum are more sensitive to cavitation than carbon pipe ends, and local deposits (Fig. 4). On the other hand,
steel. Stainless steels and cupronickel alloys, on the depending on the metal and medium, below a given
other hand, are less sensitive. Most cavitation-resistant velocity, no erosion corrosion will occur.
of all are stellite alloys, while aluminum brass is also With regard to the corrosiveness of the medium, it may
fairly cavitation resistant. Both stainless steel and be stated that even a slight degree of corrosiveness
stellite are used for lining cavitation-sensitive fittings.
Of the nonmetals, rubber in the form of neoprene and
other elastomers such as polyurethane, being fairly velocity 2m/s
cavitation-resistant coatings, are candidates. Nylon also
has good properties in this respect.
In the service stage, the following measures may also be
taken, if appropriate:
l Maintain sufficient pressure in the entire system; for
example, sufficient supply pressure to pumps may also debris, dirt velocity up to 100m/s
be ensured by means of a bypass with overflow valve weld spatter, etc
from the delivery to the suction side. FIGURE 4 Erosion corrosion downstream from deposits. (From
l Reduce vibration transfer. Landrum, Fundamentals of designing for corrosion control. Reproduced
l Prevent ingress of dispersed air. with permission.)
Part II: Corrosion Topics xlix

combined with sufficient turbulence may give rise to l enlarge line diameters and curvature radii of bends;
damage. The risk of damage is increased by the presence l prevent abrupt changes in flow direction and ensure
of solid particles (e.g., sand) or gas bubbles in the liquid. effective streamlining in pipework and equipment;
Droplets in a gas stream (e.g., wet steam) can cause damage l remove or reduce obstructions in the flow;
in the form of pits or grooves, for example, to the outer side l improve the pattern of distribution, for example, by
of coils: this is known as impingement. Finally, temperature placing baffles in heat exchanger inlets;
is also a factor: the higher the temperature, the higher the l apply flat aerodynamic or hydrodynamic surfaces
corrosion rate. and avoid rough surfaces.
Depending on the type of metal, the aggressiveness of l Apply tough alloys
the medium and the turbulence occurring, erosion corrosion The following list of materials rates in sequence of
can manifest itself in widely varying forms. increasing resistance of erosion corrosion: copper, brass,
aluminum brass, cupronickel, carbon steel, chromium
2.1.1 Uniform Attack steel, stainless steel, and titanium. Stellite alloys, in par-
Uniform attack occurs at high flow velocities but also in ticular, are exceptionally resistant to erosion.
aggressive media. The surface can be smooth or rough. l Reduce the quantity of air and solid particles in liquids
The same uniform attack is obtained if solid particles are This can be done, for example, by incorporating
present in the liquid: automatic deaerators and filters in the circuit. By intro-
ducing drains and steam/water separators, the number of
liquid droplets in a gas stream (e.g., compressed air or
Rough, or
steam) can be limited.
If particles are present in gas or if bubbles are present
l Prevent contamination
in liquid.
Note that low liquid velocities allow contaminants to
deposit. This danger is also present during shutdown
2.1.2 Local Attack periods. Clean regularly.
Local attack occurs in the case of more local turbulence. l Use protective materials at critical sites
That can be in the following form: Use thick-walled material at vulnerable sites or
Horseshoes, install interchangeable wearing plates. Protect coil
Bites, inlets of heat exchangers with abrasion-resistant inserts
Grooves, or ferrules of stainless steel or ceramic material.
Gouging or dents after deposits, or l Reduce the corrosiveness of the medium
Pits. If corrosion can be prevented, no erosion corrosion
will occur. Although there are not many means to this
All these forms of attack will always be oriented in the end, a few measures may nevertheless be considered:
flow direction. If the eroded surface is still free of deposits 
l reduce or remove corrosive ions (e.g., Cl ) or dis-
and corrosion products, the erosion corrosion is of recent solved gases (e.g., O2, CO2, H2S);
occurrences. l lower the temperature;
However, it is not always possible to conclude the basis l improve the pH setting.
of the appearance whether it is a case of erosion corrosion or l Dose corrosion inhibitors
pure erosion. That is mostly dependent on the local circum- Dosing with ferrosulfate protects copper alloys, for
stances such as the composition of the medium. Therefore, example, against erosion corrosion in seawater, although
it is recommended in practice also to consult the case his- it must be borne in mind that these measures are fairly
tories mentioned under erosion (see the Phenomena Index). expensive and often environmentally detrimental.
l Use abrasion-resistant coatings or linings
2.2 Prevention The advantage of this measure is that it eliminates
the need for high-cost alloys.
Because there are many factors that can contribute toward
l Apply cathodic protection
erosion corrosion, there are many different measures eli-
This method has only limited use for the internal
gible for controlling this problem. Nine of these are dis-
protection of pipes; only the first 100–150 mm can be
cussed in the following:
l Reduce velocity and turbulence
Because erosion corrosion is directly correlated with
velocity and turbulence, the reduction of these is the first
3 Exfoliation Corrosion
consideration. In many cases, that means design modi- Exfoliation is a form of corrosion which proceeds laterally
fications such as: from the point of initiation, parallel to the metal surface.
l Part II: Corrosion Topics

4%–5% iron and manganese also renders cupronickel alloys

less sensitive to exfoliation.

4 Fatigue and Corrosion Fatigue

Metal exposed to cyclical loading tends to crack: this phe-
nomenon is known as metal fatigue (refer to Part I,
Section 4). This cracking, which ultimately leads to
FIGURE 5 Exfoliation corrosion.
fracture, occurs after a large number of cycles at a stress
below the limit of elasticity. Before fracture occurs, the
Expansion of the resultant voluminous insoluble corrosion material exhibits cracking. The fracture plane is charac-
products creates a layered swelling appearance that terized by a smooth and shiny part alongside a part with
resembles a book which has first been soaked in water a rough surface, the latter resulting from the brittle fracture,
and then dried again. Corrosion products are alternated which occurs when the limit of elasticity is reached in the
by uncorroded layers. remaining material.
Ultimately, exfoliation occurs. Above all, aluminum Corrosion fatigue occurs when there is a combination of
alloys are sensitive to this form of corrosion. Exfoliation corrosion and fatigue, and it can be defined as the reduction
proceeds along the grain boundaries so that it is a form of of fatigue resistance by the effect of a corrosive medium. In
intergranular corrosion (Fig. 5). this case, a shiny part of the fracture plane is absent because
the plane is covered with corrosion products. However, cor-
3.1 Occurrence rosion products need not necessarily be present in the crack,
while equally, they may accumulate in a pure fatigue crack.
Exfoliation occurs particularly in alloys in which an Corrosion fatigue should not be confused with stress cor-
extended crystal structure has formed parallel to the surface rosion cracking. The distinction between the two is based
during the fabrication process (e.g., cold forming). This cor- on the nature of the load on the metal. In the case of stress
rosion is promoted by an unfavorable distribution of precip- corrosion cracking, there is a static load. The crack
itates along the grain boundaries during the solidification resulting from corrosion fatigue in carbon steel is generally
process. Exfoliation corrosion occurs particularly in a transgranular and is unbranched or sparsely branched.
slightly acid aggressive atmosphere or moist soil, where In aluminum and copper alloys, however, cracking is
aluminum is used in combination with a more noble metal often intergranular. In case of alternating high and low tem-
(galvanic corrosion). peratures, also causing stresses, the occurrence of thermo-
Also, particularly extruded aluminum products of the mechanical fatigue is possible.
2000 series (copper–magnesium alloys), the 7000 series
(zinc–copper–magnesium alloys), and certain cold-worked
products of the 5000 series (magnesium–manganese and 4.1 Influencing Factors
chromium alloys) are extremely sensitive to it.
Cupronickel alloys, notably 70 Cu–30 Ni and 80 Cu–20 4.1.1 Installations
Ni alloys, are sensitive to exfoliation. Corrosion fatigue only attacks installations which can be
The wide-scale use of aluminum alloys in the aircraft exposed to cyclical loads. These include, for example,
industry has yielded a number of cases of practical expe- certain components of aircraft, drilling platforms, boilers
rience with exfoliation of aluminum. However, this form and steam turbines, above-ground telephone cables, con-
of corrosion also occurs in the automotive industry and alu- veyor lines, rotating machine parts, and internal valve
minum storage tanks. springs. Corrosion fatigue can therefore occur
Examples of exfoliation in other alloys are as follows. industrywide.

3.2 Prevention 4.1.2 Stresses

Heat treatment can improve exfoliation resistance in alu- It is self-evident that the growth rate of a corrosion fatigue
minum alloys because it improves the distribution of the crack increases with the level of the alternating tensile/
precipitates. pressure load. Whereas the frequency of the alternating load
Another possibility is to use more resistant materials. plays no role in ordinary fatigue, it is nevertheless very
Aluminum alloys 1100, 3003, and 5052, for example, are important in corrosion fatigue. At low frequencies, the more
more resistant. The same applies for the cupronickel alloys prolonged contact between the crack surface and the elec-
90 Cu–10 Ni and Monel (70 Ni–30 Cu). The addition of trolyte leads to an increased effect of corrosion on the crack

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