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In Indian Constitution under Article 16(4) defines about reservations of
Sc/St/Bc these categories are minority categories for these categories
there has a reservation policy in education and jobs also.

But on these reservations which was mentioned in Indian Constitution it

was clearly said that about 10 years but it was extened till now because
there is no change of life in these caste people till now there has
happening crimes against schedule caste , schedule tribe, backward
caste. Even though there has job or in higher position other caste people
are treating them like a untouchbility people , once Ambedkar said “
Caste is the only thing that follows you whenever you go’’ Before
Independence also other caste people are treated these people asa
untouchability people so these people stayed out of the village they used
to wear pot to tie the mouth to not split on the ground and they used tie
palm broom to the back side for remove the foot prints on the ground
while their walking.


Before Independnce In the year 1818 in the area of pune peshavs is

govern the pune city so these peshav has the unity of hindusim so the
main thing is that peshawa s is Brahmin Caste in the same area Maharsh
people which are considered as a Dalit people . The Peshwa kings were
always oppressed these maharsh dalit people . The dalit people was not
allowed to walk in the area of where these peshawas were live .One day
britishers declared a war against Peshwas dinesty so maharash dalit
want to give support to peshwas but they denied their help so finally
these Dalit people want to support to britishers . So Maharshi Dalits
also won over Peshavas in that battle. This is the one of the issue that
how people treat these caste people before indepence .


In Manusmriti there was defined about caste system in this script
1. Brahmin’s are came out from brahmma’s head so their work is
limited to priests and teachers .
2. Kshatryia’s are came out from brahmma’s shoulders so their work
is limited to warriors and rulers.
3. Vaishyas are came out from brahmma’s thigh so their work is
limited to farmers, traders , merchants.
4. Shudras are came out from brahmma’s foot so there are considerd
as a labourers and there work is to do as a pottery work..
5. But in this manu script did not mentioned about dalits came out
which part of the brahmma’s part . so here we observed that from
here only these untouchbality ness has started .These people are
started living far from the village they are not allowed to drink the
water in the village. So that’s why Ambedkar burnt the Manuscript
in the December 25th.
Even Ambedkar was also caught in this untouchability and suffered a lot
of insults in his era as we know about his history most of the persons
don’t know about one situation that was happened in 3 rd round table
conferene that was happened in London after completion of confernce
that particular government gave a accomdation to Mahatma Gandhi,
Mohammed Ali Jinnah and Ambedkar . So the media want to take
interview with these three people . so they reached to Mahatma Gandhi
place at 7pm but he already slept with full security next they visited to
mohammmed ali jinnah

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