Past Paper 2021 PPSC Punjab Police Department Sub Inspector Service Quota Paper 227

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We) ea NdeI ASSISTANT SUB INSPECTOR (SERVICE QUOTA) (BS-11)-2021 PUNJAB POLICE DEPARTMENT (03/10/2021) Which person is remembered as the teacher of Madinah: (A) Ibn Abbas (RA) (B) Hazrat Uthman RA) (C) Mus'ab ibn Umayr (RA) (D) None of these Which Muslim Scientist is considered to the founder of chemistry: (A) Ibn Al Nafees (C) Abu Nast ALFarabi D) None of these Advanced PPSC MCQs Model P. 3. Which Pillar of or ‘a water. A) Nimaz (C) Zakat be (8) Jabir ibn Hayyan (C) Relations (D) None of these high quality data is called: (A) Data governance (B) Data Integration (C) Data Analysis (D) None of these topicis: (A) Database (C) Databank . Smart card is: (A) Processing unit for software handling (B) Data requisition (0) None of these (B) Processing unit contains memory for storing data (C) Microprocessor cards (D) None of these . Choose the correct a3 Ms oid limelight (D) None of these 12. Hair breadth’s escape means: (A) To runin @ zig-zag manner (8) Tobe affected by riots (C) Anarrow escape (D) None of these 18. Choose the correct meaning of: To fish in troubled water (A) To: make a personal profit out of disturbance (8) To dive in deep water (C) Togo for a daunting task (D) None of these 14. Choose the correct meaning of. Rule of thumb (A) Mark the thumb on a legal paper (B) a rough estimate (C) aneasy choice (D) None of these 15. Guess the closest possible meanings of i given idiom from the options given Led astray (A) Misguided © || (C) Killed { 16. Face : quences (BY Wrong impression (C) Tears shed by a crocodile (D) None of these 17. Guess the closest: possible meanin given idiom from the options given ne Cut the mustard (A) Toleave the job (B) To get injured (C) To come up to expectations (D) None of these 18, Choose the correct meaning of: Atarm’s length (A) length of arm (C) insult (B) ata distance (D) None of these (A) She is prettier than her sister. (B) She is most prettier than her sis (C) She has i (D) None of these 33. The charming gt a ans None of these 4 ne one correct sentence: | think it fit to go and settle matter with him, (A) | consider to settle the matter to him. (B) | think to settle the issues of him. (C) | regard settle the matter to him. (D) None of these Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Inert (A) Void (B) Moving (C) Immobile (D) None of these 36. Choose the antonym of Zeal: (A) Hostility (B) Diffidence (C) Apathy (D) None of these 37. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Facsimile (A) Engineered (B) Fact-Finding (C) Original (D) None of these 38. Choose the antonym of Weive: (A) Yield (C) Demand 38. Choose the word i 5 given word: Fickle 2 Co rere & None ofthese 4). Choesé the antonym of Venerate: a Criticize {B) Abuse (C) Accuse (D) None of these(Defame) Choose the antonym of Gallant: (A) Bold (B) Fine (C) Frolic (D) None of these(Cowerd) Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Anomalous The capability of the organization to ensure A repository for data, usually covering specific sei 8 of the a 2 2 2 2 i $ 4 48 49, 50. 51. 52. 53, 56. 57. ‘i 4, Who purchased the well of Ruma and declared it as a Trust: (A) Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA) (B) Hazrat Usman (RA) (C) Hazrat Ali (RA) (D) None of these How many Umrahs did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) perform in his life: (A) One (B) Two 6, ta anf fYhese eh Allah to ea (B) Zirar (Vins (D) None of these S “ Access arranges the data in the: (A) Tables (B) Queries 49. Choose the most appropriate one-word substitute of That which cannot be approached or reached: (A) Accessible (B) Inaccessible (C) Entry (D) None of these 0. Choose one-word substitution of “A government that is carried on through officers” (A) Dictatorship —(B) Class-one (C) Officiousness (D) None of these(Bureaucracy) 1. Choose one-word substitution iceman as. BM 105 (3) None ofthese(Ouirides) (C) Brewery (D) None of these 3, Apartner in crime is called: (A) Accomplice ~ (B) Linguist (C) Polyglot (D) None of these 4. A person who loves mankind: (A) Philanthropist (B) Anthropologist (C) Optometrist (D) None of these 5. Choose one-word substitution of “A part of a word that can be pronounced separately’. (A), Sibiant (B) Particle (C) Syllable (D) None of these 26, Choose one-word substitution of “A speech without any previous preparation’. (Oy the correct sentence: took his birth in 1961, He has taken it birth in 1964 B) He was born in 1961 (C) He is born in 1981 — (D) None of these 0, Water__al 32° Fahrenheit and boils at 212° Fahrenhel, (A) Freeze (B) Frozen (C) Freezes (D) None of these 1, Choose the correct statement of (if any) How dare you to speak agains! me? (A) How dared you to speak against me? (B) How dare you to spoke against me? (C) How dare was you to speak against me? (D) None of these (No change) 2. Choose one correct sentence: She is move prettier than her sister. (A) Temporary . (B) Deliberately (C) Extempore (D) None of these 27. Youhave no business to__pain ona week and poor person. (A) Put (B) Force (C) Direct (D) None of these(Infict) 28. Many fag a Garner for the we (he qeb langing on fox Be 5 ) None of these te (A) me of thiese(Appear) ° Choose the word similar meaning to the given word: Zany (A) Clown (B) Pet (C) Thief (D) None of these Wreck means; ° (A) Certain (B) Immaterial, (C) Ruin (D) None of these Synonym of Uncivilized is; (A) Intelligent (B) Energetic (C) Observant (D) None of these(Coarse) Who is considered one of the great investors inthe world: (B) Elon Musk (A) Bil Gates (C) Warren Buffet (D) None of these The number of seats reserved for Non- Muslims in Punjab Assembly are: (A) 08 (8) 10 (C) 12 (0) None of these In February, 2020, former Pakistan; Batsman, i a i$ role in a B) Eighteen (D) None of these ____ is the current Chairman, PCB, (A) Ehsan Mani B) Zafar Mirza (C) Ibrahim Gondal (D) None ofthese (Ramiz Raza Which nation has announced its intention of withdrawing itself from the Open Skies Treaty: (A) UK B) Russia, (C) Japan (D) None of these(US) . In MS PowerPoint record slide show can record: (A) Slide and animation timings B) Gestures (C) Laser Pointer The view that displ (D) None of these lays the slides of a a Ua Connected an one tepresentations of Se ee (A) Side Show (8) Sle Sorter view 8 a synonym yank (C) Notes Page view (0) None of these (C) Simple (0) None ofthese. 5B. he ng oot a tab 4 Fraud means: C) Insert ‘4 oa me ec . In MS excel a Nomad for a value in = ae g {able and then returns a § Wren: aie row for specific column: ‘ ih ay @ Horizontal Lookup C) Repress Nore of hese (B) Vertical Lockup % Choose the Aeani (C) Average (D) None of these gy ). In MS Excel Ready-made templates are ANBoptose” (8) Conquer available under tab in new option. C) Cause to wither (D) None of these (A) File (B) Insert 47 Tunupis (C) Design (D) None of these 1 P 6 he ths aad aaah (C) 90 (D) None of these alee “| 76. Biogas produced as a result of anaerobic (B) Underine the selected text (C) Ri cick ene sled ext an sect Cea) 8, Oe ae atm FT (D) None of these TTNES0: —(B)NK8CO; 62. We can start MS Word by tying | a (C) Op&N; a neal Brain: (D) None of these (CH, & CO.) (C) mswordexe — (D) None of these ne phe a 63. In Microsoft Word, When the user is reading a (B) Uninterruy in document on the screen and Want to hide all (C) other screen elements we choose, 0 Power Supply) (A) Print layout mn a Wh en i" \ oe 7 ' (B) 07 layout view 8) None 64, ay (C) 007 (D) None of these (A) Sign 190 79, 15 men were hired to plough a piece of land in ( 0 None Utes DEN AD, ot How Is “ men will be required to same job in 3 days? 65. Pes an journal entries posted on the it) 3 I e) 40 (A) Smatiogs (8) Phoo (©) 80 Oe ee (C) Blogs (D) None of these 80. The sum of two numbers is 40 and their GM oe log cre tl a ne : -mail address: ; : (A) Underscore(_ ) (B) Space () (C) 11:9 (D) None of these (C) Atsign(@) (0) None of these 81, Two numbers are respectively 20% A te 67. The ___ project allows access to the ee wha percentage is uriverse of online information using two ) Oe (8) 10% iWon) oes (65% (0) Netto wr _ (C) Web browser — (D) None of these 82. If en positive real number and ie 68. Seng an al is Similar to: , then which of the following relations is ) Sending @ package ay B) Talking on the phone vr its . (8) XY (6) ing ae (0) None hese a “coud 69. The. eee tC p © numbers is 72, Find resus, 0 =e eee (D) None of these 84. Low silicon, oxygen and High iron, = are the characteristics of__ » The a Nate and Fei i Subject ‘o Wes (B) Felsic and Rhyoltic (C) Recipient —_—_(D) None of these (C) Mafic and Basaltic 2 " he is used to inhibit growth or | (0) None of these sil lesticy _. 85. Khyber Pass connects Peshawar (A) Bacteria (B) Viruses A ota (B) Kabul (C) Fungi (D) None of these (C) Sibbi (D) None of these 73. A cooling agent that has lower temperalure | 86, Nurek isthe name ofa. than water ice, is sold form of __. (A) Lake (B) Barrage Biv 8) Ammonia (C) Dam (D) None of these Oe eects 817. Potwar plateau and salt range region lies 74, The abbreviation SOS stands for_. (A) Save our Schools(B) Save our System « (©) Save our Souls (D) None of these between (A) Indus & Jhelum (8) Indus & Chenab (C) Jhelum & Chenab and__ rivers. 75. The Greenwich (England) is at degree | (0) None ofthese tude, 88. Great Salt Lake is oi in (ayo (8) 4 (A) Lova Stat ao agus roth! ‘ae | \ Miscellaneous _ 1145 gana ee terferhti % mis ae India and 7 es ae was brokered by: y Wee (A) (A) SEATO (B) World Bank SA @) Ae (©) United Nations (0) None ofthese udfevy 0) Pb ©) 2 aie ae oe ” ty f Wh ; ) i j a7 (C) 1967 (0) None o these nn WEA? § 2. Muhammad Khan Junajo's Government was ay (B) (2 (A) dismissed in: Hy (A) 1977 (8) 1986 FWve tut (0) ft (0) C) 1988 (D) None of these 3 , 22 Francois Bernier was a___ traveler. food b im vi oe 98 A) French (B) British ay aia (C) Dutch (D) None of these Ute! @) estes (A) $5. Akbar’s ruling period is 4s under: " ‘ £ i) 161005 (6) 1556808 svete A) AEG O) (C) 1556-1605 (D) None of these % It was compulsory for Mansabdar to hold at a least___horsemen. OR ) 6h (A) (A) 300400 \ cue * ne i Bvetso =A) vt . § i Boi Pod 400 ) bor (A) : p Ni . i ¢ @) » A) : y! (0): tal? i“ A vevtul (0) wv? (C) Weta 0 40 Answer LG. Taare ei De serge De A300 Bi Te Cates Bi 2B MOA eee ai alee) i D. 6% As 8) C..-98e 6 ge NO Ree a aagn Ae ck Oo ND. .00)9 sG-uli. BI, cuban eee GB Ct ddy Boe 88: GA. 68. B Bias sags B 6 Oe Be sie Dre titn, At Oto Be) 0 BiB: coe deen G. i Bement sola) it. oan PRS erp Coan (We Baraat! ater. Sea ia 7. A GSD a 33 CdR Bois GO Baie ea Al 80s vibe edi.) B GD ea 8B. 2d D. 1k BO. UA oe tG ea eo. 7 Ge Bea OR Bas8h. 0B aS AP aiBe wim nr Ofc At AAA MC OBA BeBe aOR Ota A fa AS BR, C Boe Ae ath Gi eu D4 nee. 1 1B) S76 NOt BoB) OOo ae eee etcnCe abd: (Br seta n Ose ieeG AD SOUS Co tes Ace Go, AGM Tee Ae ay, 'G ‘aaa

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