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How it shall be taught

4. Who may be admitted to study
Social justice- “Those who have less in life should have more in law.”
For the faculty members:
- Labor
- Agrarian reform 1. Research and publication of results subject to the adequate
performance of their other academic duties
2. In the classroom in discussing the subjects but must be
careful not to introduce controversial matter which has no
The Commission on Human Rights
relation to the subject
Composition: 3. When faculty members speak and write in their capacity as
citizens, then they are free from institutional censorship or
1. Chairman discipline
2. 4 members
For students:
- Bill of rights
1. Natural born citizens of the Philippines
2. Majority must be members of the Philippine Bar Note:
3. Term of office, other qualifications and disabilities
1. Schools have the power to dismiss students, after due
shall be provided by law
process, for disciplinary reasons
4. Appointment is not subject to CA confirmation
2. Acts committed outside the school may also be a ground
Powers: for disciplinary action if:
a. It involves violations of school policies connected to
1. Investigate all forms of human rights violations school sponsored activities or
including civil or political rights b. The misconduct affects the student’s status or the
2. Adopt operational guidelines and rules of procedures good name or reputation of the school.
3. Cite for contempt for violations of its rules in
accordance with the Rules of Court Educational institutions:
4. Provide appropriate legal measures for protection of
Ownership - Filipino citizens
human rights and provide preventive measures and
- Corporations
legal aid services to the underprivileged whose human incorporated in
rights have been violated Philippines and
5. Exercise visitorial powers over jails, prisons and other 60% Filipino
detention facilities owned
6. Establish continuing programs for research, education Except: schools established by
and information in order to enhance respect for the religious group and mission
primacy of human rights boards.
7. Recommend to Congress effective measures to
Note: Congress may increase
promote human rights and to provide compensation to
Filipino equity requirements in
victims of human rights violations or their families
all educational institutions
8. Monitor compliance by the government with
international treaty obligations on human rights Control and administration - Must be vested
9. Grant immunity from prosecution to any person whose in Filipino
testimony or whose possession of documents or other citizens
evidence is necessary or convenient to determine the - Refers to line
truth in any CHR investigation positions such as
10. Request any assistance from any department, bureau, President, Dean,
Principal and
office or agency in the performance of its functions
11. Appoint its officers and employees in accordance with - Faculty members
law may be
12. Perform such other functions and duties as may be foreigners
provided by law. Student population - General Rule:
cannot establish
CULTURE AND SPORTS exclusively for
aliens. Aliens
The right to education must be in conjunction with the academic only comprise up
freedom of schools to require “fair, reasonable and equitable to 1/3 of total
admission requirements.
- Exception:
Academic freedom- include: established for
For the Educational institution: diplomatic
personnel and
1. Who may teach their dependents
2. What may be taught
and unless
provided for by
law for other

Religious education- may be taught in schools subject to the

following requisites:

1. Express written option by parents and guardians

2. Taught within regular class hours
3. Instructors are designated and approved by the proper
religious authorities and
4. Without additional cost to the government


Sec. 1. The state recognizes the Filipino family as the foundation of

the nation.


- group of persons united by marriage or blood.

- The basic social institution


- Inviolable social institution

- The foundation of family
- Both a status and a contract

Sec. 2. The State recognizes the sanctity of family life- it is only when
the public interest are concerned that the law fixes rules regulating
family relations.

Rights of the family:

1. The spouses- To found a family in accordance with

religious convictions and responsible parenthood
2. The children- to assistance, including proper care and
nutrition and special protection from all forms of neglect,
abuse, cruelty, exploitation and other conditions prejudicial
to their development
3. The family- to a family living wage and income
- To participate in the planning and implementation of
policies and programs that affect them.
- To have a decent home, sufficient food, adequate
clothing and medical care

Specific rights of children: (UDRC)

1. To be born, to have a name and a nationality

2. To have a family who will love and care for them
3. To live in a peaceful community and wholesome
4. To have adequate food and a healthy and active body
5. To obtain a good education and develop their potential
6. To be given opportunities for play and leisure
7. To be protected against abuse, exploitation, neglect,
violence and danger
8. To be defended and given assistance by the government
9. To be able to express their own views

Sec. 4. The family has the duty to care for its elderly member but the
State may also do so through just programs of social security.

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