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A demonstration is action by a mass group or collection of groups of people in favor of

a political or other cause or people partaking in a protest against a cause of concern; it often
consists of walking in a mass march formation and either beginning with or meeting at a
designated endpoint, or rally, to hear speakers. It is different from mass meeting.
Actions such as blockades and sit-ins may also be referred to as demonstrations. Demonstrations
can be nonviolent or violent (usually referred to by participants as "militant"), or can begin as
nonviolent and turn violent depending on the circumstances. Sometimes riot police or other
forms of law enforcement become involved. In some cases this may be in order to try to prevent
the protest from taking place at all. In other cases, it may be to prevent clashes between rival
groups, or to prevent a demonstration from spreading and turning into a riot.
The term has been in use since the mid-19th century, as was the term "monster meeting", which
was coined initially with reference to the huge assemblies of protesters inspired by Daniel
O'Connell (1775–1847) in Ireland. Demonstrations are a form of activism, usually taking the
form of a public gathering of people in a rally or walking in a march. Thus, the opinion
is demonstrated to be significant by gathering in a crowd associated with that opinion.
Demonstrations can promote a viewpoint (either positive or negative) regarding a public issue,
especially relating to a perceived grievance or social injustice. A demonstration is usually
considered more successful if more people participate. Research shows that anti-government
demonstrations occur more frequently in affluent countries than in poor ones.

There are many types of demonstrations, including a variety of elements. These may include:
• Marches, in which a parade demonstrate while moving along a set route.
• Rallies, in which people gather to listen to speakers or musicians.
• Picketing, in which people surround an area (normally an employer).
• Sit-ins, in which demonstrators occupy an area, sometimes for a stated period but sometimes
indefinitely, until they feel their issue has been addressed, or they are otherwise convinced or
forced to leave.
Demonstrations are sometimes spontaneous gatherings, but are also utilized as a tactical choice
by movements. They often form part of a larger campaign of nonviolent resistance, often also
called civil resistance .Demonstrations are generally staged in public, but private demonstrations
are certainly possible, especially if the demonstrators wish to influence the opinions of a small or
very specific group of people
Topics of demonstrations often deal with political, economic, and social issues. Particularly with
controversial issues, sometimes groups of people opposed to the aims of a demonstration may
themselves launch a counter-demonstration with the aim of opposing the demonstrators and
presenting their view. Clashes between demonstrators and counter-demonstrators may turn
Sometimes the date or location chosen for the demonstration is of historical or cultural
significance, such as the anniversary of some event that is relevant to the topic of the
Locations are also frequently chosen because of some relevance to the issue at hand. For
example, if a demonstration is targeted at issues relating to foreign nation, the demonstration
may take place at a location associated with that nation, such as an embassy of the nation in

Nonviolence or violence
Protest marches and demonstrations are a common nonviolent tactic. They are thus one tactic
available to proponents of strategic nonviolence. However, the reasons for avoiding the use of
violence may also derive, not from a general doctrine of nonviolence or pacifism, but from
considerations relating to the particular situation that is faced, including its legal, cultural and
power-political dimensions: this has been the case in many campaigns of civil resistance.
Some demonstrations and protests can turn, at least partially, into riots or mob violence against
objects such as automobiles and businesses, bystanders and the police. Police and military
authorities often use non-lethal force or less-lethal weapons, such as tasers, rubber
bullets, pepper spray, and tear gas against demonstrators in these situations. Sometimes violent
situations are caused by the preemptive or offensive use of these weapons which can provoke,
destabilize, or escalate a conflict.

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