2023 Depth Study Marking Rubric Gunkelman Tadhg

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Year 10 – Student Research Project (SRP)


Part A. Planning flowchart

Criteria Mark
 All parts of the flowchart are complete and contain enough clarity and detail to determine the ‘What’, ‘Why’ and 7-10
‘How’ of the investigation some mixed ideas of ‘rate of reaction’ and ‘reaction time’ 8
 Results are presented clearly and appropriately using a brief description AND figure(s)/table(s)
 Headings, symbols, equations, numbers, units etc. are presented correctly in figures and tables Graph units
 The parts of the flowchart are presented neatly and logically in A0 format minor formatting issues
 Components of the flowchart match Part B
 If the experiment is done off campus, evidence of the investigation being carried out is presented e.g. photographs
of equipment setup or student ‘doing’ the experiment

 All parts of the flowchart are complete but lack enough clarity and detail to determine the ‘What’, ‘Why’ and 4-6
‘How’ of the investigation
 Results are presented using a description OR figure(s)/table(s)
 The parts of the flowchart are not presented neatly and logically
 Components of the flowchart vaguely match Part B

 All parts are complete but are too vague to determine the ‘What’, ‘Why’ and ‘How’ of the investigation OR parts 1-3
of the flowchart are missing
 Components do not match Part B

 The submission does not match any of the criteria above, or Part A is not submitted 0
Part B. Discussion and Conclusion

Criteria Mark
 When reminding the reader in the Discussion, the following parts are present: 2/3
(i) Aim □ There is some variation in the variables in your aim here, your research question, and your
(ii) Hypothesis □
(iii) Whether the hypothesis is supported or rejected □ using your own data...
 When explaining the results in the Discussion: 2
(i) scientific reasoning is used that is supported by secondary sources □
(ii) scientific reasoning is used, but is not supported by secondary sources □
 When evaluating the results in the Discussion: 3
(i) □
Reliability is considered

(ii) Validity is considered □

(iii) Accuracy is considered □

 When discussing improvements or extension in the Discussion: 3

(i) At least one improvement is suggested □
(ii) At least one improvement is justified □

(iii) At least one idea on ‘where to next’ is suggested □

 In the Conclusion, 3/4
(i) The aim and hypothesis is restated □
(ii) The main finding(s) is indicated □
(iii) At least one limitation is identified □

(iv) Implications are summarised □

 In general (Scientific language, conventions, and representations): 3/5
(i) personal pronouns are never used AND opinion is not present □
(ii) the work of others is acknowledged using Harvard Style referencing □
(iii) paragraphs are used appropriately □
(iv) there are only occasional spelling and grammatical errors □
(v) the writing is clear, concise and unambiguous □

Sample answer: See the ‘Writing a Discussion & Conclusion Stage 5’ document for an example.
Overall Mark: 24/30

Strength: Diligent completion of the experiment, showing good awareness of factors affecting accuracy, validity and reliability and
improving the method as you worked.

Area for development: Split your writing into frequent small paragraphs to improve readability, and check the correct
formal scientific language is being used (hydrochloric acid; not HCL)

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