Hobbies and Leisure: Answers

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Short-term lesson plan for the subject “English”

Unit 6 Hobbies and Leisure

Lesson title Making predictions
Date Сlass 7
Learning 7.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings
objectives 7.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives
on the world
7.UE8 use future form will to make offers, promises, and predictions on a growing range
of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson learners will be able to:
objectives learn will and won’t. learn phrases for making predictions. Practice making predictions.

Assessment Learners have met the learning objective if they can: speak about the problems and
criteria suggest the solutions to some of the problems
Lesson progress ( the course of the lesson)
Lesson Actions of the teacher Resources
Start of I. Organizational moment.
the Teacher greets students. Checking students ' readiness for the lesson.
lesson Students respond to greeting and take their places.
II. Setting a lesson goal.
Announce the topic and purpose of the lesson. Introduction to the stages of the
Students get acquainted with the topic, goals, and stages of the lesson
Middle III. Main Activities Student’s Book
of the Activity 1 (Grammar) “English Plus”
lesson • Refer students back to the text on page 60 and ask: What will happen in 2016 in
5- China? Elicit the answer: A lot of children will celebrate their eighth birthday.
35min Write this on the board and underline will.
• Focus on the underlined verbs on the board and ask students if they refer to the
past, present or future. Elicit that they refer to the future and that they are
People believe that an eight in your date of birth will bring good fortune.
In 2016 a lot of children 1___ be eight years old in China! Illustration cards
You 2___ be lucky in China if you have the number four in your date of birth.

We use will and won’t with the infinitive without to: I will go out. NOT I will to
go out.
The verb will does not add -s after he/she/it: He will be late. NOT He wills be
Words list
The word order in questions is: When will they arrive? NOT When they will

Activity 2 (Ex2. P81)

• Remind students to read through all the questions and answers before they
match them. They should think about whether each one needs a short answer or Student’s Book
more information. “English Plus”

Activity 3 (Ex 3 P81)

Write sentences. Predict the future for you and your friends.
• Students complete the sentences individually. Encourage them to think about
different people they know, and also remind them that they can predict what
people will and won’t do. Then students compare their sentences in pairs. Illustration cards
• Ask some students to read out some of their sentences to the class. Ask other
students if they agree or disagree.

Eva will write a book.

1 write a book 4 become a teacher 2 visit China
5 be on TV 3 buy a fast car 6 travel a lot
Words list
1 c – 66 2 d – 7 billion 3 b – 5,585 kilometres 4 b – 1,000,000 5 a – 1,000 6 c –

Assessment Descriptor
Formative assessment Learner’s speaking abilities and confidence
during the lesson: taken into account (Act 2)
erful,marvellous,fan Grammar structures of created sentences and
tastic, use of English taken into account (Act 1)
super, amazing, Right answers in doing an exercise taken into
nice work, good, account (Act 3)
try one more time, Activity of a student during the lesson taken
well done … into account (Act 1,2,3)
The end ІV. Conclusion. Elicitation activity. Asking and answering the questions. Workbook
of the Learners give an assessment of their achievements “English plus”
lesson writes down and specify ways to do homework
Giving home task
Exercise 6 p 81
• Order the words to make questions. In a weaker class, refer students back to
exercise 2 for help.
1 How many children will you have?
2 Will you be a millionaire?
3 What job will you do?
4 Will you be alive in the next century?
5 When will you leave home?

The end of the lesson

Assessing students. To say goodbye to the students.
Additional information
Differentiation – how do Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
you plan to give more planning to check learners’
support? How do you learning?
plan to challenge the
more able learners?

More-abled students Feedback on the work Math

support less-abled
Students write a telegram to the
teacher in which they describe
More-abled learners can what they understood and what
make up a dialogue. was difficult for them
Were the lesson
objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn
What was the learning
atmosphere like?
Did my planned
differentiation work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make
from my plan and why?

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