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In the legendary story of Sun Go Kong, this mythical monkey stole the peach of immortality- the fruit that offered
longevity. Though this is not a story from “Journey to the West”, instead, it is a journey of how a person in the hospital
feared death, which started his search for answers on everlasting life.

Di dalam kisah legenda kuno Sun Go Kong, tokoh utamanya, seekor monyet mencuri buah pir kekekalan – buah yang
menawarkan hidup selama-lamanya bagi yang memakannya. Tidak, buku cerita ini bukan tentang mitos itu; tetapi
tentang perjalanan seorang pasien di rumah sakit yang takut mati, sehingga ia memulai mencari jawaban : apakah ada
yang namanya hidup kekal?


著名中國古典小說『西遊記』裡孫悟空( 調皮的猴子化身) ,大鬧花果山到後來跟師父到西方取經 . 這傳奇故事始終

為世人津津樂道; 然而牠為了追求永生,偷吃蟠桃意圖. 虽然这故事不是关于“西游记”,但是这是在医院里害怕死
亡的一个人. 从头到尾写下他寻找永生的旅程

Pg1. In the legend of Sun Go Kong, this mischievous demigod made his way to the heavens and stole the peach of
immortality. But wait a minute...this is a different story. Its the story of a sick man who is afraid of dying


As A-Teng lay on the hospital bed after his amputation, questions arose in his mind. “Why am I sick?” “Why did this bad
luck happen to me?” “Why is there suffering in this world?” “If there is a good God, why did He allow this?”

As he looked out the window, he remembers the good times in the past and how during those times, these questions
were never asked.

Sambil terbaring di ranjang rumah sakit setelah kaki kanannya diamputasi, banyak pertanyaan muncul di pikirannya.
“Mengapa saya sakit?” “Mengapa saya begitu sial?” “Mengapa ada penderitaan didunia ini?” “Jika ada yang namanya
Allah, mengapa Dia mengizinkan hal ini terjadi?”

Ketika ia melamun dan memandang keluar jendela, ia mengenang masa lalunya yang penuh kejayaan dan pada saat itu
pertanyaan seperti ini tidak pernah ia pertanyakan.



Pg2. As he looked out the window, he realized that he never once ponder these questions during the good times.


阿添 A-Teng 弟兄在醫院做完截肢手術後,痛到無法下床。他心情跌到谷底,他一面望著窗外情侶親暱牽手經過情景,

同時感傷回想起也曾經有過很多相同甜蜜時光; 然而也不斷思索自己為何遭到如此不幸?為何人間多苦難?如果上

As he lay down for many sleepless nights, there was a recurring vision of the different phases in his life.

But fear struck him deep down. His mind was filled with terror on the fear of death. Something that he has never given
thought. What lies after the grave? Is there life after death? Is there such a thing called eternal life?

A-Teng was a busy man all his life, and it is only during this hospitalization, that he start asking questions on his existence
and being.

Sudah bermalam-malam, ia kesulitan tdur. Ada sebuah pengihatan yang muncul berulang kali. Yaitu fase-fase yang
berbeda semasa hidupnya. Kecemasan meliputinya. A-Teng penuh dengan ketakutan terhadap kematian - hal yang tidak
pernah ia pikirkan. Apakah ada kehidupan setelah kematian? Apakah bisa seseorang hidup selama-lamanya?

Selama ini A-Teng adalah orang yang sibuk, dan hanya saat ia dirawat dalam rumah sakit, dia mulai mempertanyakan
keberadaan diri dan eksistensinya.
阿添已經度過好幾個失眠夜晚, 腦海中一再出現他這一生經歷過許多波折畫面回憶恐懼之神始終圍繞他,徘徊不去,

他開始思索: 如果自己離開人間後,還會有生命延續(永生)下去嗎?阿添的一生中,總是忙忙碌碌,想都沒想過這個永

He started to reflect back on everything that had happened before his leg was amputated. Even though the doctors told
him that the cause was diabetes, he was not fully convinced.

“Maybe, it was because I ever kicked a dog?” His mind wondered of all the bad things he had ever done. This thought
may seem very awkward to some people- but he was brought up in a very superstitious environment in his early years.

Dia mulai merenungkan kembali semua kejadian sampai kakinya harus diamputasi. Walaupun dokter sudah mengatakan
bahwa penyebabnya adalah karena penyakit diabetes, ia masih tidak sepenuhnya yakin.

“Mungkin karena saya pernah menendang seekor anjing?” Pikirannya mulai mengingat semua perbuatan buruk yang
pernah ia lakukan. Mungkin pemikiran seperti ini termasuk aneh bagi banyak orang, tetapi A-Teng dibesarkan dalam
lingkungan yang sangat percaya kepada mistis dan takhayul.

雖然醫生斬釘截鐵告訴阿添說: 你就是有糖尿病, 所以你必須將腳截肢處理; 但他還是無法面對眼前事實;

他心裡回想著是不是以前自己曾經用腳踢過狗, 是不是自己曾經對別人做過傷天害理的事......;或許阿添這樣的思
維,讓人覺得有些無厘頭,不過的確他就是在類似錯誤想法環境中, 長大成人的。

For almost all his life, he has been taught that it goes into an everlasting cycle. Just like a wheel that turns, every bad
action will reap bad consequences in the future.

But he is not fully convinced. He has some personal reservations. If I have to accept that all suffering, grief and sickness
is a result of cause and effect, what then, was the first cause?

Selama hampir seumur hidupnya, ia telah diajarkan bahwa segala sesuatu dalam kehidupan merupakan sebuah siklus
yang berputar tidak hentinya. Bagaikan sebuah roda, suatu perbuatan jahat akan menuai akibatnya di masa yang akan

Dia mulai meragukan hal ini. Dia mulai mempertimbangkan, “Jika saya harus menerima bahwa semua penderitaan,
kesedihan dan sakit penyakit adalah hasil dari karma, lalu dari mana asal muasal semuanya?”

阿添從生活經驗中已經了解生命其實就是一個大循環, 就像轉動的輪一樣,每一個不良行為都將在未來產生不良

無論是行善或作惡, 只要時候一到, 一定會有所報應, 但他似乎又不盡然相信因他常會反問自己難道所有苦難到來,

我必須全部承受?身苦病痛跟那麼多不如意的事情, 也都來自因果報應嗎?

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