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System Requirements To set up Fury® using Windows 95

1= Turn on your computer and start Windows.

To run Fury?, you need:
2. Place the Fury? disc in the disc holder (if required), and insert it
« A PC that includes a 486DX/66or higherprocessor with local bus SVGA in the CD-ROM drive.
video, 8 MB or more of RAM, a CD-ROM drive (double-speed orfaster),
3. Double-click the My Computericon, then double-click the icon for
and a 256-color display. the CD-ROM drive.
Oneofthe following two configurations:
4. Double-click the Setup icon.
— Microsofte Windowse 95 operating system.
— MS-DOSsoperating system version 5.0 or later with
To set up Fury® using Windows 3.1
Microsoft Windows operating system 3.1 or later.
For Windows 95, a minimum of 10 MB ofavailable hard disk space. Turn on your computer and start Windows.

For Windows 3.1, a minimum of14 MB ofavailable hard disk space, . Place the Fury*disc in the disc holder(if required),
plus a 10 MB swapfile if youhave less than 12 MB of RAM. See and insert it in the CD-ROM drive.
README for assistance. . Open the Program Manager window (if necessary),

« A soundboard and speakers or headphonesto hear audio.
click File, and then click Run.
Recommended: In the Command Line box, type the letter of your

« A joystick or otherflight control. CD drive,a colon, a backslash, and the word
« A mouse or other pointing device. SETUP (for example, type d:\setup).
« Forbest play under Windows 95, 55 MB ofavailable hard disk space; Click OK and follow the instructions that

under Windows 3.1, 70 MB of available hard disk space. appearon the screen.

Contacting Microsoft Product Support

« See the Product Support section ofthis booklet for complete details.
Fury*—The Bion Threat Defeating the Threat
During the IP Wars,the Terrans designeda race of bionic warriors known As a_memb‘er of Terran’ Council of Peace, your role inthis intergalactic .
for their cunning and their brutal strength. Physically superior and war is crucial. Bring down the Bions and peace is restored. Allow the
ruthlessly aggressive,a single troop of Bions could eliminate the inhabit- Bionsto succeed, and you can kiss the Coalition good-bye.
ants of a planet within days. Trust the intelligence report for each planet. It provides you with the
The Bion war effort saved the Coalition, but nearly destroyed Terran. lat.e_st information concerning Bion infiltration, and satellite viewsof
After the war, Bion aggression could not be contained. Peaceful coexist- critical Bion targets. Also trust your ship. Its Compass, when used with
ence between Bions and Terrans proved impossible. The ensuing Bion the Distance Indicator, will help you steer straight toward a Bion target.
Wars are known for their brevity—and violence.
Each planet containsthree separate missions. Once you’ve successfully
In 2832,the Coalition ordered complete Bion dismantlement, and completed all three missions, yourship will transport you to the next
instituted Terran’ renowned Council of Peace—a military defense force planet. Intelligence has sighted Bion infiltration on eightplanetsin all....
inferior to none.... Unknown to the Coalition, a few Bionssurvived and The last planetis a killer.
have assembled on a distant planet called Fury. Beruthless, Councilor. The Bions are.
Their planisto seize seven more Coalition planets whose resources will
help them attain their ultimate goal—total domination of space Success rests in your sights
from the Bion Fury outpost. All hits are valued equally. Spare the greenery—palm trees and seaweed
As a member of Terrans Council of Peace, are not the enemy. Too easy? For a more aggressive enemy with greater
it’s your mission to stop them. firepower, choose a harder level of play. Enemy firepower and reckless
Welcome home, Councilor. flying take theirtoll on your ship. And when yourshield strength is gone,
S0 are you.
The Planets

Terran Sebek
Terran wasn't always a Utopia. Ravaged by the IP Wars and then by the According to ancient Sebekian scriptures,the Death Ankh grants its
Bion Wars, Terran’s peace has been hard-carned. And now the Bions have possessor immortality. Seize it before the Bions do! You don’t want an
returned.... enemy you can’t kill....

L24-D Vestra

L.24-D contains the largest repository of carbonium, an explosive Or.lc_e the penal colony for Bionic insurgents, Vestra is now the Bions
with 48 times the power and radiation damage of a fusion bomb. mllnar.y training ground. They've recruited their most ruthless fighters,
The Bions wantit for their perilous missile, the BEM. Councilor. They want you dead!

Ares Tiamat

The isomorphic decay of Arean red sheolattracts wormholes Tiamat’ oceans contain the last repositories ofattainable phosphorous, a
_shorteutsthrough space and time. The Bions plan to mine the sheol, fur]damental energy source in all living and bionic things.
control the wormholes, and monopolize all intergalactic travel. Without access to Tiamat’s waters, the Bions will die.

New Kroy Fury

New Kroy is a city planet that’s reputed to be impenetrable.Its buildings Fury is the Bion deep space outpost.
are grown from polyKroy, an organic synthetic thatis transparent, grows Destroy this planet and you’ll defeat
into any shape, andis nearly indestructible. the Bion threat! At least for now....
Playing the Game Joystick controls
If you chose one of the Compactinstallation options during Setup, Button 1 Fire Weapon Hat Switch Look out windows
you will need to have the game CD in your CD-ROM drive while playing Button 2 Turbo Thrust in Cockpit View.
Fury’. Button 3 Throttle Down Pan around ship
Button 4 Throttle Up in Outside View.
Starting Fury®
See the back ofthe Fury® CD case for keyboard controls.
» In Windows 95, click the Start button,click Programs, point to
Microsoft Games, and then click Fury®. Pausing for coffee and directions
+ In Windows 3.1, double-click the Fury® icon in the Microsoft Games You can pause and resume the game by pressing F3. The game will
group window or in the group window you specifed during Setup. automatically pause if you press Fi to view online Help.

Locating targets and checkpoints Saving a game

To locate the nexttarget or checkpoint: To maintain your progress, save before you exit the game. Many pilots
save after destroying a major target. Enter tunnels at your own risk—
. Read the Objective Tracker.
communicationsare limited. Your requestto save will not be heard.
2. Maintain a 12 oclock Compass heading.
To save a game, press CTRLAS, or click Save Game on the Game menu.
Plus sign Red—Airtargets
* To resume a game you've saved, press CTRL+R,orclick Resume
Target is above you Green—Ground targets Saved Game on the Game menu.
Minus sign Yellow—Tunnels
Target is below you Blue—PowerUps Exiting Fury®
3. When the Distance Indicator reaches zero, you're there. _
* To exit Fury?®,press ALT+F4,orclick Exit on the Game menu.
Velocity Register Objective Tracker ' Distance Indicator
Shield Strength Register Compass
Next objective is
always at 12 o'clock

Targets, Threats,
Tunnels, & PowerUps

Weapon Readout

Ammunition Inventory =3 i— Location Coordinates

| To load or strengthen weapons

? Yourship holds seven weapons, but you begin with only one—the
ServoKinetic Laser. Choose from the weapons you've uploaded by
I'he Bions pillaged Coalition stockpiles and stored many of the weapons
underground. You'll have to recapture the rest in battle. When you destroy
pressing keys 1-7.
certain Bion targets, Coalition weapons are extracted and stored indefi-
nitely in a floating weaponscache. Fly through the cache to:
Name your weapon
ServoKinetic Laser (SKL)—A direct-fire laser knownas the “Serv.” * Upload new weapons.
Always available. Always dependable. * Strengthen weaponsalready in yourarsenal.

Dispersion Cannon 14 (DC14)—Firesin a spray pattern and is good for *+ Add ammo for onboard weapons.
strafes. Even more powerful than the Serv.
Rapid-Fire Laser 20 (RFL20)—The twentieth iteration of the most (hoose a weapon by pressing keys 1-7.
powerful direct-fire laser. Will leave them begging for mercy. Iire a weapon by pressing Button 1 on the joystick, or press SPACEBAR.
Dead-On Missile (DOM)—This missile shoots straight ahead. Aim
carefully and don't look back. PowerUps
The Viper (VIP)—Its infrared will track any target. Guaranteed!

Bion Fury Missile (BFM)—This Super Missile was first developed by Your ship identifies atmospheric energy fields and rechannels them into
the Bions during the IP Wars. These babies do major damage. floating energy caches. Fly through them and watch for these messages:
F? (FFF)—The most deadly triple-stage Smart Bomb. destroys every-

Shield Boost! Shields strengthened.

thing within range. Restoresshields automatically and has an 1Q of
2000,better than yours. Shields Restored! Shields completely restored.
Invincibility! 30 secondsof total invincibility.
Lasers regenerate their own ammo. Trigger fiends will be thankful.
Missiles do more damage butare harderto find. They do not regenerate. Invisibility! 30 seconds of invisibility.
The F* is a seriousthreat and a serious payload—you carry only one at a Turbo Thrust! Canyou say SPEED?
time, but one is more than enough.
Customizing the display
Instrument Displays Pilot Views
When youstart Fury?, you'll see a
Head-Up Display that covers the full 1ocycle through, press C To cycle through, press V
screen. There are several ways to
customize your view of the action.

Full Screen Format

Panoramic Format gives you the "
fastest game play. The bracket
keys [ ] switch the display between
Panoramic and Full Screen Formats.

Panoramic Format

Whichever format you choose, you have the following options:

You can display or hide the Satellite To pan:

Map by pressing TAB. Battle action Left/Right
pauses while the Mapis displayed. INS/DEL
e Up/Down
~/+ (KEYPAD)
Satellite Map No Instruments Outside View
Customizing the Game ' * Microsoft Download Services—Access, via modem, sample
This is your §hip Use the Options menu to customize the flight controls, programs, device drivers, patches, and software updates
sound, graphics, or game options. (1200, 2400, or 9600 baud; no parity; 8 data bits; 1 stop bit). In the
United States,call (206) 936-6735. In Canada,call (905) 507-3022.
Troubleshooting + CompuServe—At any ! prompt, type go microsoft to access Microsoft
Fortroubleshooting information, see the READMEfile on forums, or type go mskb to access the Microsoft
the Fury®
CD-ROM,or look in the Troubleshooting topic of online Help. Knowledge Base.
Internet—The Microsoft World Wide Website is located at
Contacting Microsoft Product Support
If you have a question about Fury?, first look in the online Help Standard Support: No-charge support from Microsoft support
RI?ADME file on the CD-ROM.If you cannotfind the ausw::r, engineersis available via a toll call Monday through Friday, excluding
Microsoft Product Support Services. Outside the United States Microsoft holidays. In the United States,call (206) 637-9308, 6 AM—~6
Canada, contact Microsoft Product Support Services at the pM. Pacific time. In Canada, call (905) 568-3503, 8 A.M—8 PM. Eastern
subsidiary office that serves your area. (ime.

!nfonnation & Electronic Services: No-cost and | st el

information services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Other Support Options: The Microsoft Support Network also offers
including holidays. Priority and Premier plans that can be purchased on a per incident,
s multiple incident, or annual basis. For more information about the
Micr‘osofl FastTips—(800) 936-4100 on a touch-tone telephone.
Rclcelve automatcfi answers to common technical questions, and Microsoft Support Network in the United States, call (800) 936-3500.
access In Canada, call (800) 668-7975. People who are deafor hard-of-hearing
a library oftechnical notes, all delivered by recording or fax.
and who use a TT/TDD modem may call (206) 635-4948 in the United
States. In Canada,call (905) 568-9641.
Credits Soundtracks
teIMiNAL EALITY iNC. The Fury® CD provides five soundtracksin addition tothe game.
They can be played on any standard CD player. Always turn downthe
Game volume ofyour CD player before inserting a disc.
Cf)nccpl. design, and programming: Mark Randel
Track 1 Caution: Computer data—notintended for audio playback.
Biz and resident psychologist: Brett Combs
Track 2 Overture
Music and sound effects: Kyle Richards
Original artwork and animations: Drew Haworth Track 3 Sebek
Brad Heitmeyer Track 4 Ares
Mark Humphrey Track 5 Fury
Ray Rodriguez Track 6 Premonition
Terry Simmons
Chuck Carson
Cinematics Informationin this documentis subject to change withoutnotice.
Companies, names, and data usedin examples hereinare fictitious
3-D modeling, animations, and rendering: Karl Hagood
Gf\mc ship design: Terry Simmons unless otherwise noted. No part ofthis document may be reproduced
ortransmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
Visual effects: Mark Humphrey for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft
N‘Iusuf: i Kyle Richards Corporation.
Creative coordination and level design: Joseph Selinske
©1995 Microsoft Corporation. All rightsreserved.
Gaither Simmons
Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows and the Windows logoare either
registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporationin the
US and/or other countries.
lho says you can’t save the world? In Microsofts Fury?,
you have to save eight of them—from the sweltering
heat of a tropical world to a toxic chemical wasteland. And
with targets above, below, and on each planet’s surface,
you’ll see whyit’s fury—to the third power.

¥ ORRARI0 2 *

0895 Part No. 67492 Micresoft

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