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Reference of Research Common Points of View

Polit and Beck (2001)  Research is a systematic inquiry that uses

disciplined method to answer questions or
solve problems.
Palispis (2001)  Research seeks new knowledge and
provides useful information in the form of
verifiable data that drives and mobilize
Burns and Groove (2007)  Research is to search or examine again and
again or carefully.
Parel (1973)  Research is a systematic investigation or
somethings in order to answer the questions.
Coleman and Briggs (2002)  Research is a critical and self-critical
inquiry aimed at contributing towards the
advancement of knowledge and wisdom.
Sanchez (2002)  Research is a discovery and exploration of
the unknown.
 It is also an investigation of facts leading to
the discovery oof new ideas, methods, and

B. What is your conceptual understanding of research?

Looking in the wider perspective research are quite hard to understand. The first time I encountered
research was on my junior high school. I know that using internet and different search engines I can acquire
and do researching. But as I ponder through realms of research especially the educational research, I learned
that it wasn’t only searching for information but critically searching for validity and truth. It is possible
through using different approaches and methods, which can validate the truth and new knowledge and
information. Let me give you how I conceptualize research.

Research 1 Research 2 Research 3

Looking at the diagrams we can see that there are three researches which are closely related to each
other. The first figure is a box with a circle inside; the box represents the research itself and the circle inside
represents the hidden facts and truth to this research which can use for another studies and research. It is the
same thing as the second and third research. He different forms of diagrams represents the variety of
method that can be used in research. And, research is an unending process as long as different problem
C. Briefly describe the nature and characteristics of research.
Research is a disciplined inquiry guided by principles ensuring reliability and meaningfulness. It is
controlled to establish causality, rigorous to ensure integrity, and systematic in following a logical sequence.
Validity and verifiability uphold its credibility, while empirical evidence grounds its conclusions. Critical
scrutiny validates the process, ensuring freedom from bias. Good research, is also critical, questioning its
own claims and methodologies, systematic with a focused and purposeful investigation, and transparent in
disclosing its procedures, findings, and justifications. These characteristics ensure that research provides
accurate, reliable, and insightful knowledge.

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