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JANUARY 12, 2024

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................ 2
AIM ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................................. 2
RICH PICTURE........................................................................................................................................... 2
METHODOLOGIES .................................................................................................................................... 3
1. Heuristic Evaluation ...................................................................................................................... 3
Advantages....................................................................................................................................... 3
Disadvantages .................................................................................................................................. 3
Observation...................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Cognitive Walkthrough .................................................................................................................. 8
Advantages:...................................................................................................................................... 9
Disadvantages: ................................................................................................................................. 9
Observation...................................................................................................................................... 9
3. System Usability Scale ................................................................................................................. 15
Methodology.................................................................................................................................. 15
Advantages..................................................................................................................................... 15
Disadvantages ................................................................................................................................ 15
Results ........................................................................................................................................... 15
RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION ................................................................................................ 17
Suggestions for Enhancements to the Unidays Application on Windows, Android, and iOS Platforms .... 17
1. Windows Edition: ........................................................................................................................ 17
2. Android Edition: .......................................................................................................................... 17
3. iOS Edition: ................................................................................................................................. 17
4. Universal Recommendations for All Editions: ............................................................................... 17
LIMITATIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 18
BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................................................... 18

1|Pa ge
Unidays, founded by Josh Rathour in 2011, is a global platform designed for students, offering
discounts across various sectors from health to technology. Widely embraced by 13 million students
in 114 countries, Unidays employs a tech-savvy approach, leveraging trendy slangs to promote
exclusive brand offers, resulting in successful partnerships with over 800 verified brands (Loeb 2019).
Available on Windows, iOS, and Android OS, Unidays has become a go-to for students seeking
diverse discounts. This report aims to critically evaluate Unidays' usability across three operating
systems, emphasizing its role in effective learning, efficiency, error reduction, and user satisfaction
(Nielsen 1992).

To conduct an evaluation of Unidays across three different OS (Windows, Android and Ios) and
compare the usability of Unidays across three OS.

a) To compare the overall usability of Unidays on different platforms (IOS, Android and Windows
PC) to check if they have similar usability.
b) Check if any issues that may arise are the same or different for each platform.
c) To make recommendations to improve the Unidays on different platforms.


Unidays is developed in-house or by external developers for iOS, Android, and web interfaces. After
testing, the applications are released on both app store and play store. Operational framework of the
Unidays involves redirecting users to partner websites to facilitate shopping completion. However,
the platform faces challenges from rival services and potential cybersecurity threats. Moreover,
Unidays adheres to GDPR regulations, ensuring the lawful collection, utilization, and retention of
user data.

Figure 2 : Rich Picture

Figure 1 : Rich Picture

2|Pa ge
1. Heuristic Evaluation
Heuristic evaluation is an analytical method used in formative evaluation to improve a system. It uses
a set of heuristics to systematically analyse the user interface, identify potential usability issues, and
assign severity grades. The outcome is a categorized list of potential usability problems, providing
valuable insights for the development team to prioritize improvements and allocate resources
effectively (Santos et al 2018). Experts evaluate the difficulty and frequency of issues found for each
heuristic separately. The final compilation offers a comprehensive picture of the system's usability
difficulties. Heuristics can be domain-specific or generic, such as Nielsen's usability heuristics. It is
generally advised that three to five impartial specialists participate in this evaluation; real users should
not be included. This approach is popular and cost-free for assessing usability (Nizamani et al 2022).
The most important task is to select the 10 heuristics that need to be tested on the application.

The 10 heuristics we used are as follows:

1. Visibility of system status

2. Match between system and real world

3. User control and freedom

4. Consistency and standard

5. Error prevention

6. Recognition rather than recall

7. Flexibility and efficiency of use

8. Aesthetic and minimalist design

9. Help Users in Error Identification, Diagnosis, and Recovery

10. Help and documentation (Nielsen 1992).

1. Early Feedback: Heuristics can help highlight potential usability issues early in the design process.

2. Cost-Effective: It is a fast and inexpensive tool compared with other methods involving real users.

3. Expert Analysis: The evaluation is conducted by usability experts, providing a detailed and
technically sound analysis.

4. Comprehensive: It uncovers many usability problems and significantly improves a product’s user

5. Easy to Perform: Once the principles of design are understood, the evaluation is relatively easy to

1. Depends on Expertise: Heuristic evaluation depends on the knowledge and expertise of the

2. Requires Prioritization: Evaluators must be able to prioritize findings.

3. System Constraints: Evaluators must be aware of system constraints or understand that some
findings, although valid, may not be possible to address through the software.

4. Potential for Minor Issues: The evaluation may identify more minor issues and fewer major issues.

5. Requires Multiple Experts: You should use multiple experts and aggregate their results, which can
increase the time and cost.
3|Pa ge
The heuristic evaluation of Unidays will be conducted by a panel of three usability experts, and the
resulting report will provide a consolidated overview of their assessments.

1. Visibility of the system status

• Windows

The website is inherently

designed for mobile
devices. The page
presented on website is
modified iteration of the
original, however it may
have certain restriction and
flaws in its design (Figure
Figure 2: Unidays Home Page Windows

Figure 3: Logout option provided in the footer of the website only.

Figure 4: Logout option inside the side menu of website

For windows, to find the logout option the user must either scroll down the whole page (Figure: 3) or
find the menu tab in the top left corner of the page (Figure:4).

• iOS and Android

The interface on both iOS and Android devices is well-designed, while iOS is superior
in terms of design. For iOS it is very easy to locate the logout option (Figure:5), while
it’s very hard to find the logout option in Android (Figure:6).

4|Pa ge
Figure 5: Logout in iOS

Figure 6: Logout in Android

2. Match between System and Real world

• Android, iOS, and Windows
The labels used for navigation and menu items are familiar to students. The terms and
phrases are consistent with what students commonly use. Icons and symbols are used
in a way that aligns with real world concepts and are easily understandable.

3. User control and freedom

• Windows, iOS, and Android

After a code is generated, if a user

needs a new promotional code, they
must wait for a minimum of 23 hours,
regardless of whether the code is Figure 3: Logout in iOS
functional or not (Figure:7).
Figure 7: Waiting time for new code.

• On iOS and Android, users can report posts that are

presented as 'posts' (Figure:8). However, they are unable
to report offers that are displayed as 'popups'. This
limitation applies when there is an error or an incorrect
code. It's important to note that the option to report posts
is not available on Windows PCs.

Figure 8: Option for reporting

post in Android and iOS

5|Pa ge
4. Consistency and Standards
• Windows, iOS, and Android

Figure 9: Laggy tabs in Android Figure 10: Inactive button in Windows

• The visual components, buttons, and menus in iOS and Android are mostly identical.
However, on Android devices, there is a delay in the responsiveness of the scrolling
tab icons located at the top of the window when users interact with them (Figure 9).
On a Windows computer, certain elements are not being rendered correctly and
interactive components are not functioning as intended (Figure 10).

5. Error Prevention
• Windows, iOS, and Android
On the login screen, if incorrect login credentials are
entered, 'Unidays' fails to indicate whether the username or
password is incorrect. Induces perplexity leading to the user
losing time (Figure 11).

Figure 11: Verifying credentials.

6. Recognition rather than Recall
• Windows, iOS, and Android
Users can effortlessly locate and identify accessible discounts without the need to
recall specific words and details. Unidays provides consumers with sufficiently detailed
information that requires them to remember intricate sequences. The navigation labels
and menu items are inherently comprehensible, hence minimising the necessity for
users to remember their definitions. The platform employs unambiguous and easily
understandable language in its prompts and directions.

7. Flexibility and efficiency of use

• Windows, iOS, and Android
Both mobile platforms include a menu shortcut that
allows users to easily access their favourite brands.
Unfortunately, the feature is unavailable in the
Windows platform. In addition, the iOS application
provides an alternative means of accessing
'rewards' through an 'earnings' section (Figure:12)
which is not available in Android (Figure:13). It is
also available on Windows.

Figure 12: Earnings Figure 13: No

tab in iOS earning tab in
6|Pa ge Android
8. Aesthetic and minimalist design
• Windows, iOS, and
• iOS and Android offer a far
superior equilibrium
between visual appeal and
essential information
compared to Windows. The
photos, icons, and graphics
enhance the visual
aesthetics of Android and
iOS platforms. The
arrangement of graphic
components in Windows
requires modification (Figure:14). Figure 14: Poor design layout in Windows

9. Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors

• Windows, iOS, and Android
Users are not provided with any notification regarding the validity of the copied code.
Consequently, after utilising an incorrect code, the consumer must endure a 23-hour
waiting period before receiving a fresh code for the identical offer.

10. Help and Documentation

• Windows, iOS, and Android
Accessing help documentation in all three
platforms of Unidays is exceedingly
challenging. Although Unidays provides users
with guidance to locate supplementary
information and support resources, it is
exceptionally difficult to find such resources,
and there is a dearth of explicit information in
the help documentation. To access support on
Windows, the user must either navigate down
the entire page (Figure:18) or locate the menu
option in the top left corner (Figure:17), which
may only be recognisable to an experienced Figure 15: Access
support page Android
Figure 16: :Access support
page iOS
user. In iOS, Android, and Windows, support is
organised into sub-sections, but it is not possible to navigate between these sections.
The user is unable to access the previous/main menu from a sub section, thus
requiring them to restart the entire process (Figure:15, 16). Windows supports this
functionality well.

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Figure 17: Access support Windows in inside the side menu

Figure 18: Support option at the bottom of webpage

2. Cognitive Walkthrough
Cognitive walk-through is an established usability evaluation, it investigates different task-
related behaviour sequences. The cognitive walkthrough was first introduced by Lewils,
Wharton, Polson, and Rieman in 1990. (Bligård and Osvalder 2013).

The most efficient cognitive walkthrough method is the third iteration by Lewis and Wharton.
This method is more efficient and less complex in comparison to its predecessors.(Bligård and
Osvalder 2013). The Utilisation of this approach occurs during the initial phases of interactive
system development and serves to pinpoint potential user issues.(Lewis and Wharton 1997).
Cognitive walkthrough, in contrast to alternative evaluation approaches, specifically
emphasises the cognitive processes of users, particularly their objectives and understanding,
during the execution of a particular task.(Mahatody et al. 2010).

The Cognitive Walkthrough method employed here consists of three primary components,
outlined as follows: Preparation, analysis, and follow-up(Blackmon et al. 2002). The cognitive
walkthrough methodology can be summarized as follows:

1. Define User Profiles

2. List Tasks and Goals
3. Step-by-Step Simulation
4. Evaluate Interface Elements
5. Predict User Thoughts
6. Document Findings
7. Iterative Analysis
8. Feedback and Iteration
9. Repeat as Needed

8|Pa ge
• Prompt Identification of Usability Problems
• Identification of Information Understanding, Task Flow, and Navigation Difficulties
• Examination of User Cognitive Processes and Identifiable Behaviours
• Explanation of User Comprehension, Decision Making, and Task Completion
• Cost-Effectiveness Compared to Usability Testing
• Enhanced Task Flow Analysis for Measuring System Efficacy
• Suitability for Iterative Design Processes
• Feedback for Educated Interface Changes
• Addressing Usability Issues Throughout Continuing Development


• Dependency on User Knowledge

• Susceptibility to Evaluator Expertise
• Focus on a Single User's Viewpoint
• Limited Coverage of Emotional Factors
• Difficulty Replicating Real-World Situations

A total of 24 students participated, ages in between 22 to 29 where 79% were male and 21%
female, averaging 8 participants in each edition of Unidays.
A total of three tasks were given to the students. The three tasks were same for each platform.
Subtasks for novice users:
a) Find the join now option.
b) Complete the registration.
c) Verify student status.
d) Login again by locating the login option.
Subtasks for veteran users:
a) Locate the login option.
b) Enter the details.
c) Verify successful login.
a) Locate the search option.
b) Search your favourite fashion brand.
c) Click on the most amazing offer for one product.
d) Click on “Get now” or Activate discount option.
e) Visit the product website.
f) Navigate to the checkout section of the launched website.
g) Initiate the checkout process and paste the copied code from Unidays to get the discount.
a) Find the accounts tab.
b) Select Unidays ID.
c) Upload your profile photo.

9|Pa ge
Task 1 (Windows) Will the user attempt to Will the user recognize Will the user link the If the correct action is
achieve the desired the availability of the correct action with the executed, will the user
outcome? correct action? expected outcome? observe progress
towards their intended

Locate ‘Join now’ option. Yes, but the option is Yes, but it will be hard to Yes, when once the “Join Yes, a new page for
available only on the top find for novice users. Now” option is located as entering details will be
left menu tab of the the term is commonly directed to the user.
website, therefore will be associated with
time consuming for novice registration.
Complete the registration Yes, it is very clear Yes, the new loaded page Yes, the details for Yes, the next page
by entering the details. displays all the necessary registration is very clear displays the verification of
details for joining the and relates with user student status
platform. goals.
Verify student status. Yes, it is very clear Yes, the new loaded page Yes, the details for Yes, the next page
displays all the necessary student verification are displays the verification of
details for verifying the very clear and relates with student account portal.
student status. user goals.
Login again by locating Yes, it is very clear Yes Yes No, there is no feedback
the login option. message like account
created to make the user
understand that you have
been logged in
successfully after
Table 1: Task 1 Windows

10 | P a g e
Task 2 (Windows) Will the user attempt to Will the user recognize Will the user link the If the correct action is
achieve the desired the availability of the correct action with the executed, will the user
outcome? correct action? expected outcome? observe progress
towards their intended

Locate the search option. Yes, the search bar is Yes, very clearly. Yes, once the brand name Yes, once clicked on the
very clear to the user is typed it is shown in the brand, it is taken to the
page. respective discount page
Search your favourite Yes Yes, very clearly Yes. Yes, very clearly the new
fashion brand. loaded page displays the
selected brand and its
Click on the most Yes, numerous offers are Yes, very clearly Yes, the detail of the Yes, a Reveal Code or
amazing offer for one available below the brand displayed discount is displayed Get discount option is
product. description. under the new page. there in the new page.

Click on “Get now” or Yes, very clearly as the Yes, very clearly Yes, once the respective Yes, once the code is
Reveal code option. “Get now” option is code is shown. copied, the launch
displayed under different website option is given
colour tone. below the code.
Visit the product website. Yes, very clearly as the Yes, very clearly Yes, once clicked the new Yes, the new page
launch website option is loaded page displays the displays the brand
given brand website website that shows the
chosen product.
Navigate to the checkout Yes, very clearly Yes, very clearly Yes, the chosen product is Yes, once clicked
section of the launched there in the cart of the checkout option a new
website. brand website. page is displayed for the
checkout process.
Initiate the checkout Yes, very clearly as apply Yes, very clearly Yes, very clearly Yes, very clearly the
process and paste the promo code option is actual price and the
copied code from Unidays visible in the checkout discounted price is shown
to get the discount page once the code is applied.
Table 2: Task 2 Windows

11 | P a g e
Task 3 (Windows) Will the user attempt to Will the user recognize Will the user link the If the correct action is
achieve the desired the availability of the correct action with the executed, will the user
outcome? correct action? expected outcome? observe progress
towards their intended

Find the accounts tab. Yes, it is in the menu tab Yes Yes, very clearly Yes, once clicked a menu
in the top left corner is displayed.
Select Unidays ID. Yes, very clearly Yes, very clearly Yes Yes, a new loaded page
displayed to upload profile photo is
Upload your profile photo. Yes, very clearly “Add Yes, very clear display of Yes, very clearly Yes, once the photo is
photo” is displayed in the the action that is required uploaded, it is displayed
page to do. in the Unidays ID page.
Table 3: Task 3 Windows

Task 1 (Android & Ios) Will the user attempt to Will the user recognize Will the user link the If the correct action is
achieve the desired the availability of the correct action with the executed, will the user
outcome? correct action? expected outcome? observe progress
towards their intended

Locate ‘Join now’ option. Yes, very clearly visible in No, the user must find the Yes, the action clearly Yes, Once clicked, a new
the accounts tab accounts tab to find the matches the user goal. page for registration
join now option. details opens.
Complete the registration Yes, all the details that is Yes, very clearly visible Yes, very clearly the Yes, once the details are
by entering the details. required for registration is action matches the user filled in and terms
clearly mentioned. goal. accepted, verification of
student status form page
is loaded.
Verify student status and Yes, all the details Yes, very clearly Yes, very clearly the No, once the student ID is
successful login. required for student action matches the user verified the user is logged
verification is displayed. goal. into the platform but there
is no feedback message
like account created to
make the user understand
that you have been
logged in successfully
after registration
12 | P a g e
Table 4: Task 1(Android& iOS)

Task 2 (Android & Ios) Will the user attempt to Will the user recognize Will the user link the If the correct action is
achieve the desired the availability of the correct action with the executed, will the user
outcome? correct action? expected outcome? observe progress
towards their intended

Locate the search option. Yes, the search bar is Yes, very clearly. Yes, once the brand name Yes, once clicked on the
very clearly visible to the is typed it is shown in the brand, it is taken to the
user page. respective discount page
Search your favourite Yes, the searched brand Yes, very clearly Yes. Yes, very clearly the new
fashion brand. is displayed in the page loaded page displays the
selected brand and its
Click on the most Yes, the available Yes, very clearly Yes, the detail of the Yes, a Reveal Code or
amazing offer for one discounts are displayed displayed discount is displayed Get discount option is
product. across the newly loaded under the new page. there in the new page.
Click on “Get now” or Yes, very clearly as the Yes, very clearly Yes, once the respective Yes, once the code is
Reveal code option. “Get now” option is code is shown. copied, the launch
displayed under different website option is given
colour tone. below the code.
Visit the product website. Yes, once clicked the Yes, very clearly Yes, once clicked the new Yes, the new page
“Copy and Use now” loaded page displays the displays the brand
option, the user is brand website website that shows the
directed to the brand chosen product.
Navigate to the checkout Yes, very clearly Yes, very clearly Yes, the chosen product is Yes, once clicked
section of the launched there in the cart of the checkout option a new
website. brand website. page is displayed for the
checkout process.
Initiate the checkout Yes, very clearly as apply Yes, very clearly Yes, very clearly Yes, very clearly the
process and paste the promo code option is actual price and the
copied code from Unidays visible in the checkout discounted price is shown
to get the discount page once the code is applied.
Table 5:Task 2(Android& iOS)

13 | P a g e
Task 3 (Android & Ios) Will the user attempt to Will the user recognize Will the user link the If the correct action is
achieve the desired the availability of the correct action with the executed, will the user
outcome? correct action? expected outcome? observe progress
towards their intended

Find the accounts tab. Yes, the accounts tab is Yes, very clearly Yes, the action of the user Yes, once clicked the
clearly visible in the matches the user goal accounts tab, a menu bar
bottom of the page is displayed with Unidays
ID option in the top.
Select Unidays ID. Yes, the option is clearly Yes, very clearly Yes, the action of the user Yes, once clicked verified
visible to the user. matches the user goal student page pops up with
the option to upload
profile picture
Upload your profile photo. Yes. “Add photo” is clearly Yes, very clearly Yes, the action of the user Yes, once the photo is
visible in the displayed matches the user goal uploaded it is visible in the
page Unidays ID page.
Table 6:Task 3(Android& iOS)

14 | P a g e
3. System Usability Scale

SUS was founded it in 1986 to test office electronic systems (Sharfina and Santoso 2017). Hardware,
software, mobile apps, and websites can be assessed using the system usability scale (Brooke 1996;
Brooke 2013). The software's capacity to facilitate users and its user-friendliness can serve as
indicators of a system's successful implementation and optimal performance. (Tumarni 2015). These
factors improve personal and organisational performance. Since its development, the SUS has
become the most widely used standardised questionnaire for usability assessment. Previous research
has shown that System Usability Scale (SUS) uses direct user interaction (end user) and a small
number of samples, but the mathematical process is more complex than Heuristic evaluation.

1. The participants are required to rate 10 statements from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
2. Conduct a questionnaire and invite previously engaged users to participate.
3. User Responses: Participants evaluate statements based on their experiences.
4. SUS Score Calculation: Follow these steps:
• For odd-numbered questions, deduct 1 from the user's score.
• For even-numbered questions, subtract user score from 5.
• Total the scores: Add all adjusted scores from previous steps.
• To calculate the final SUS score, multiply the sum by 2.5.

1. Simple to Administer: Participants can easily complete the SUS.
2. It produces reliable results with small sample sizes.
4. Industry Standard: Over 1300 articles and publications reference the SUS.
5. Broad Application: It lets you test hardware, software, websites, and apps.

1. Complex Scoring System: The scoring system is complicated.
2. Misinterpretation of Scores: Bangor et al. (2009) state that a 100-point SUS scale does not
represent a percentage and cannot be interpreted.

The same three tasks of Cognitive Walkthrough were also used here. The following 10 questions were
asked in the form of online survey.

1. I think that I would like to use Unidays frequently.

2. I found Unidays unnecessarily complex.

3. I thought Unidays was easy to use.

4. I think that I would need the support of a technical person to be able to use Unidays.

5. I found the various functions in Unidays were well integrated.

6. I thought there was too much inconsistency in Unidays.

7. I would imagine that most people would learn to use Unidays very quickly.

8. I found Unidays very cumbersome to use.

9. I felt very confident using Unidays.

10. I needed to learn a lot of things before I could get going with Unidays.

15 | P a g e
Unidays Platform SUS Raw Score SUS Final Grade Feedback
Windows 37.75 89.375 A+ Users find the Windows version of
Unidays exceptionally user-friendly
and satisfying. The high SUS score of
89.375 indicates a strong positive
perception of usability. The raw score
of 37.75 contributes to this excellent
rating, reflecting a minimal number of
usability issues reported by
Ios 27 67.5 C The iOS version of Unidays
demonstrates marginal usability, as
indicated by the SUS score of 67.5.
While not as high as the Windows
version, a score in this range suggests
a positive user experience. The raw
score of 27 implies a moderate level of
reported issues, but overall, users on
iOS find Unidays satisfactory.
Android 25.75 64.375 C- Similar to the iOS version, Unidays on
Android receives a good usability
rating with a SUS score of 64.375. The
raw score of 25.75 indicates a
comparable level of reported issues to

Table 7: SUS Score and Feedback

SUS Score Graph

Sus Raw Score Sus Final Score

Windows Ios Android

Figure 4: SUS Score Comparison

Unidays exhibits exceptional usability on Windows and marginal usability on both iOS and Android.
The platform-wise analysis provides insights into specific strengths and areas for improvement,
guiding further refinements to enhance the overall user experience.

16 | P a g e
Distinct patterns in performance and user satisfaction become apparent after conducting a heuristic
evaluation, cognitive evaluation, and System Usability Scale (SUS) assessment on the Unidays app
across iOS, Android, and Windows platforms. In terms of design, iOS is considered the most efficient,
while Windows is considered less than optimal. The exceptional performance of the iOS application
in both heuristic and cognitive assessments indicates a meticulously crafted and user-friendly
interface, which contributes to the favourable SUS score of 67.5. Nevertheless, the Android version
exhibits a lower performance, achieving a SUS score of 64.375, while the Windows version performs
the poorest with a SUS score of 89.375.

Suggestions for Enhancements to the Unidays Application on Windows, Android, and iOS
1. Windows Edition:
Logout Accessibility: Streamline the logout procedure on the Windows version,
guaranteeing that it is user-friendly and conveniently reachable within the user profile or main

Reporting Functionality: Implement a functionality that enables users to report invalid codes
directly within the Windows application, facilitating a streamlined process for resolving issues.

2. Android Edition:
Logout Optimisation: Improve the logout functionality of the Android version by making it
more prominent in the app's interface for easy and quick access.
Website Integration: Implement a smooth connection between the Android app and the
Unidays website, allowing users to easily access the platform through a web browser for
supplementary features or information.

3. iOS Edition:
Profile Accessibility Enhancement: Implement a feature that allows iOS users to easily
access their profiles by simply tapping on their profile pictures on the home page, offering a
convenient shortcut.

Website Integration: Ensure seamless integration between the iOS app and the Unidays
website, maintaining a consistent user experience.

Implementation of Reporting Functionality: Integrate a capability that enables iOS users

to promptly report any invalid codes encountered within the app for swift resolution.

4. Universal Recommendations for All Editions:

Help and Documentation: Ensure that help and documentation are readily available in all
versions, allowing users to promptly access relevant information to address inquiries or

Website Edition: Create a specialised version of Unidays on the website that provides users
with a comprehensive online platform, including extra features, information, and a user-friendly

Uniform User Interface: Aim for uniformity in the user interface and user experience across
all versions, ensuring a cohesive brand identity and facilitating platform transitions for users.

By implementing these recommendations, the Unidays app will provide a much better user-friendly
experience on Windows, Android, and iOS devices. This will better serve the needs and preferences
of a wide range of users. Consistent user testing and collection of feedback will be essential in fine-
tuning and optimising these features as time progresses.

17 | P a g e
Although the report is a thorough evaluation on Unidays of different platforms, it has few limitations
such the sample size for the study is small. Also, more undiscovered issues still persist in the platform
which can be found out by an elaborative study with a big sample size.

1. Bangor, A., Kortum, P., and Miller, J. (2009). Determining What Individual SUS Scores Mean: Adding an
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4. Brooke, J. (1996). SUS: A “Quick and Dirty” Usability Scale. In: Usability Evaluation In Industry. CRC Press.

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6. Lewis, C., and Wharton, C. (1997). Cognitive Walkthroughs. In: Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction.
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11. Santos, B. S., Silva, S., and Dias, P. (2018). Heuristic Evaluation in Visualization: An Empirical Study:
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12. Sharfina, Z., and Santoso, H.B. (2017). An Indonesian adaptation of the System Usability Scale (SUS). In:
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems
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