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Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28

Module-1: Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset

1. Which of these is not a definition of health?
a. Health as not ill
b. Health despite disease
c. Health means not seeing a doctor
d. Health as vitality

2. Health is best defined as

a. The absence of illness or pain
b. A body condition with no current physical disease or injury
c. A positive state of mental, social and physical well being
d. A body condition with no risk of physical illness

3. A mental sick person has

a. Tendency to get upset with change of routine
b. Feeling of friendship and trust for all
c. Tendency to perform all the daily chores by oneself
d. Tendency to solve all the problems without aid of others

4. Feelings such as sadness, despair and anxiety are indicators of

a. Mental illness
b. Physical health
c. Sociocultural health
d. Psychological health

5. Which of the following is not a public health measure

a. Improving water supplies
b. Monitoring food processing
c. Taking exercise
d. Regulating burial

6. According to WHO, which of these is not a main cause of chronic disease and long-term impairments
in developing countries?
a. Poor education
b. Poor diet
c. Poor sanitation
d. Poor housing

7. Which of the following is stressed by materialist explanations of health inequalities?

a. Smoking
b. Diet
c. Drinking
d. Housing

8. Endless stream of unspoken thought that run through your head

a. Asanas
b. Self-talk
c. Positive thinking
d. Meditation

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28
9. A person is mentally sick if one is
a. Worried
b. With mood fluctuating between depression and elation
c. Excessive happy
d. Extra talkative

10. The world health day is celebrating on

a. 1st March
b. 7th April
c. 6th October
d. 10th December

11. The psychological goal of most information-based interventions designed to reduce the stress
associated with operation is
a. To minimize physiological arousal
b. To increase perceptions of control
c. To allow people to forget about things they cannot control
d. To help people distract from worrying thoughts

12. What are the key goals of Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
a. Cognitive diffusion
b. Acceptance
c. Contact with the moment
d. All of the above

13. The goals of stress management training are to

a. Identify and change cognitive distortions
b. Reduce high levels of muscular tension
c. Identify and reduce triggers using problem solving strategies
d. All of the above

14. Stress management training is based on a _________ theory of stress.

a. Cognitive
b. Behavioural
c. Psychodynamic
d. Cognitive behavioural

15. The correct order of Hans Seyle’s general adaptation syndrome are
a. Alarm, resistance, exhaustion
b. Resistance, alarm, exhaustion
c. Exhaustion, alarm, resistance
d. Alarm, exhaustion, resistance

16. I.Q is related with

a. Intelligence
b. Emotion
c. Folkways
d. Mathematics

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28
17. ______ is a basic emotion of man
a. Anger
b. Fear
c. Love
d. All of the above

18. ______ is the seat of primary emotions

a. Thalamus
b. Adrenal gland
c. Thyroid gland
d. None of the above

19. _______ is a stimulus which arise within the body

a. Emotions
b. Sight
c. Smell
d. Touch

20. _____ is a physical response

a. Habit
b. Emotions
c. Feelings
d. Thinking

21. Which of these is not an element of the health belief model

a. Threat
b. Expectations
c. Cure
d. Socio-demographic factors

22. Which of these is not an example of a health behaviour

a. Smoking
b. Taking regular exercise
c. Eating healthy food
d. Going to the gym

23. Which of these things is health psychology concerned with?

a. What causes illness
b. Who is responsible for illness
c. How should illness be treated
d. All of the above

24. Coping response, in that a person who accepts the reality of a stressful situation is known as
a. Active coping
b. Restraint coping
c. Acceptance
d. Planning

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28
25. Which one is external causes of stress
a. Pessimism
b. Unrealistic expectations
c. Perfectionism
d. Financial problems

26. An example of physical signs of stress

a. Difficulty in sleeping
b. Poor memory
c. Anger
d. Impulsive actions

27. Which one is an example of internal cause of stress

a. Major life style changes
b. Worry
c. Relationship difficulties
d. Financial problems

28. Situations and pressure that cause stress are known as _____
a. Stressor
b. Trauma
c. Tension
d. Anxiety

29. Any event or circumstance that strains or exceeds an individual ability to deal with a problem is
a. Stress
b. Stressor
c. Coping
d. Tension

30. Who coined the word stress is a negative emotional experience accompanied by predictable bio-
chemical, physiological and cognitive?
a. Baum
b. Lazarus
c. Launier
d. Folkman

31. Which of these is a symptom of acute stress?

a. Diarrhea
b. Sweaty palms
c. Dizziness
d. All of the above

32. Which gland in your body is responsible for the stress response?
a. Lymph gland
b. Pituitary gland
c. Thyroid gland
d. All of the above
Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28
33. As well as improving pain, what are the other benefits hypnosis may have according to Ginandes et
al (2003)
a. It speeds up wound healing
b. It improves mood
c. It helps patient relax
d. It improves reported quality of life

34. Who developed the concept of fight or flight response?

a. Walter cannon
b. Lazarus
c. Han Selye’s
d. Launier

35. Fight response to

a. Withdrawal
b. Aggressive response
c. Harmful
d. Threatening

36. Physical health includes

a. Adequate rest
b. Balanced diet
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

37. Psychological disorders are

a. Anxiety, Depression, Stress
b. Stress, Anxiety
c. Depression, Anxiety
d. None of the above

38. Who developed the three phases of General Adaptation Syndrome?

a. Han Selye’s
b. S E. Taylor
c. Klein
d. Lazarus

39. The three-adaptation syndrome does not include

a. Alarm
b. Resistance
c. Exhaustion
d. Noise

40. What is HIA?

a. Health Impact Assessment
b. Health Impact Assignment
c. Health Index Assessment
d. None of the above

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28
41. Advantages of being healthy
a. Fights disease
b. Decreases brain health
c. Decreases performances
d. None of the above

42. Spiritual health refers to

a. Meditation
b. Exercising
c. Body composition
d. All of the above

43. Emotional well-being includes

a. Stress situation management
b. Smoking
c. Drinking
d. None of the above

44. Sign of mental illness are

a. Abnormal changes in thinking, perception and judgment
b. Abnormal changes in feeling a memory
c. Both a and b
d. Abnormal changes in behaviour towards others

45. Psychosis is characterized by

a. Loss of touch with reality
b. Prolonged emotional reaction to a given stress
c. Anxiety, fear, sadness, vague aches and pains
d. All of the above

46. How is substance use disorder treated

a. Multiple types of treatment
b. Recognition of problem
c. Alcohol drinking
d. Both a and b

47. What is the essential steps to a healthier life style

a. A balanced diet
b. Maintaining a regular sleep pattern
c. Regular physical activity
d. All of the above

48. Types of addictive behaviour

a. Alcoholism
b. Drugs opium
c. Video gaming
d. All of the above

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28
49. If you don’t cope well with stress, it can
a. Increase your susceptibility to infection
b. Increase your risk for health disease
c. Interfere with good decision making
d. All of the above

50. Who developed a theory of humans respond to stress with social affiliation and nurturing behaviour
towards offspring?
a. Han Selye’s
b. Taylor et al
c. Lazarus
d. Stellar

51. Even if the cause of what is stressing you is out of your control, you know that
a. You always have control over your response to the stress
b. You can protect your health by doing relaxation exercises
c. You may be able to redefine it as something you can control
d. All of the above

52. Which hormone is a stress hormone?

a. Oxytocin
b. Thyroxin
c. Pituitary
d. Adrenal cortex

53. Stress does not include

a. Physiological
b. Cognitive
c. Emotional
d. Biological

54. Physiological effects of stress do not include

a. Decreased immunity
b. Elevated blood pressure
c. Increased hormonal activity
d. Increased drugs use

55. Coping task include

a. To reduce harmful environmental conditions
b. To tolerate or to adjust to negative events or realities
c. To maintain a positive self-image
d. All of the above

56. Which events/situation produces more stress?

a. Positive events
b. Negative events
c. Relationship
d. Uncontrollable events
Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28
57. The state in which all body systems are functioning smoothly and in equilibrium is termed
a. Homeostasis
b. Relaxation
c. Eustress
d. Distress

58. Which of the following are the basic sources of stress?

a. The environment
b. Social stressor
c. Physiological
d. All of the above

59. Which of the following are the characteristics of negative stress

a. It causes anxiety
b. It increases performances
c. It feels pleasant
d. All of the above

60. Which coping styles is more effective in managing stress?

a. Approach coping styles
b. Avoidant coping styles
c. Problem focused coping styles
d. None of the above

61. Aches, shallow breathing and sweating, frequent colds are

a. Physical symptoms of stress
b. Behavioural symptoms of stress
c. Emotional symptoms of stress
d. Cognitive symptoms of stress

62. Which part of the autonomic nervous system provides the body with energy for the fight or flight
a. Sympathetic nervous system
b. Parasympathetic nervous system
c. Central nervous system
d. Peripheral nervous system

63. ____ is a network of nerves that relaxes your body after period of stress or danger
a. Sympathetic nervous system
b. Parasympathetic nervous system
c. Central nervous system
d. Peripheral nervous system

64. _____ is the part of the nervous system consisting primarily of the brain and spinal cord.
a. Sympathetic nervous system
b. Parasympathetic nervous system
c. Central nervous system
d. None of the above
Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28
65. When a person more likely to have difficulty coping with a stressful situation.
a. When he is over the age of fifty
b. When he expects a positive outcome
c. When he thinks he does not have control over the situation
d. When he has a good social support network

66. What does the term ‘mortality’ refer to?

a. Death
b. Illness
c. Health
d. Morbidity

67. Which of the following is a part of the psychosocial domain

a. Judgement
b. Style of behaving
c. Memory
d. Motor skills

68. Cleanliness, physical exercise, rest and sleep are a part of _____
a. Hygiene
b. Social hygiene
c. Personal hygiene
d. None of the above

69. Psychology is said to be the scientific study of _______ and _________

a. Behaviour, mental processes
b. Mental illness, mental health
c. Physical states, mental states
d. None of the above

70. Health psychology helps to find out the ______

a. Cause of illness
b. Underpinning of illness
c. Testing of illness
d. None of the above

71. A good ______ is volunteering to do things for your community

a. Social health
b. Physical health
c. Mental health
d. Emotional health

72. Which of the following is an unhealthy habit?

a. Sharing food
b. Bathing twice a day
c. Drinking boiled water
d. Eating without washing hands

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28
73. Breathing rate in human beings is
a. 36 per minute
b. 12 to 20 per minute
c. 72 per minute
d. 20 to 30 per minute

74. Which of the following is not a hereditary disease

a. Haemophilia
b. Hypertrichosis
c. Encephalitis
d. Thalassemia

75. Most important source of social support for an individual is from

a. Family
b. Community
c. School
d. None of the above

76. Influencing factors for health are

a. Social, economic, political factors
b. Social factor only
c. Economical factor only
d. Political factor only

77. Psychological health means

a. Feeling comfortable
b. Enjoying life
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

78. Disease means

a. Discomfort
b. Comfort
c. Disability
d. Both a and c

79. Psychological disorders refer to

a. Mental illness
b. Physical illness
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

80. How do the companies advertise their junk food

a. They use famous people in adds
b. They use athletes in adds
c. They use children in adds
d. All of the above

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28
81. Financial health refers to
a. Physical activity
b. Mental illness
c. Good income
d. None of the above

82. What influences your health

a. Heredity
b. Environment
c. Physical environment
d. All of the above

83. What are the changes necessary for good health

a. Habits
b. Behaviour
c. Attitude
d. All of the above

84. What is known as psychological disorder

a. Physically not fit
b. Socially not fit
c. Mentally not fit
d. Both b and c

85. Which is the positive way of thinking

a. I am ok you are not ok
b. I am not ok you are ok
c. I am ok you are ok
d. I am not ok you are not ok

86. Stress can be___

a. Adjustable
b. Manageable
c. Bearable
d. All of the above

87. Important role of health is

a. Fighting disease
b. Feeling happy
c. Enjoy life
d. All of the above

88. According to WHO health is defined as a state of complete

a. Physical wellbeing
b. Mental wellbeing
c. Social-wellbeing
d. Physical, mental and social wellbeing

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28
89. The media can influence us through which of the following ways
a. Making opinions and unsupported stories seems like facts
b. Making some activities (both healthy and unhealthy) seem cool, fun
c. Making things seem more dramatic than they are to scare people into paying attention
d. In all the above ways the media can influence us

90. Good ______ is getting by 08 hours of sleep every night.

a. Mental health
b. Emotional health
c. Physical health
d. None of the above

91. ____ means the way you recognize and deal with your feelings
a. Emotional health
b. Social health
c. Mental health
d. Hygiene

92. The term _____ means keeping clean to prevent the spread of diseases
a. Refusal skills
b. Hygiene
c. Social health
d. Wellness

93. Environment includes

a. Only living things around us
b. Only non-living things around us
c. The living and non-living things around us
d. None of the above

94. Opening your mind to do new things can improve your____

a. Mental health
b. Social health
c. Physical health
d. Emotional health

95. Stress effect on health can be

a. Curable
b. Non-curable
c. Manageable
d. None of the above

96. Mindfulness is the ultimate tool for

a. Self esteem
b. Self-cultivated spirituality
c. Self confidence
d. All of the above

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28
97. In stressful situation, we have two options
a. Fight
b. Flight
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

98. Psychological disorders can change a persons

a. Behaviour
b. Thoughts
c. Emotions
d. All of the above

99. Family traditions teaches us

a. Ignore everything
b. What really matters
c. Which one can ignore
d. Both b and c

100. Psychological homeostasis has which four main component process

a. Well-being, motivation, emotion, action
b. Well-being, panned behaviour, emotion, action
c. Well-being, cognitive appraisal, emotion, action
d. Well-being, self-efficacy, emotion, action

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103

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