Module 4 Final

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Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28

Module-4: Avoiding risks and harmful habits

1. Health compromising behaviour

a. Good to health
b. Harmful to health
c. Mediate health
d. None of these

2. Health compromising behaviours are commonly seen in people from

a. High class
b. Low class
c. Middle class
d. None of these

3. Skills that allow you to be effective at saying no to drugs or alcohol offers

a. Being awesome
b. Refusal skills
c. Affective refusal
d. Nagging

4. Which of the following is not a health compromising behaviour

a. Low fruit consumption
b. High sweet consumption
c. Doing physical exercises
d. Smoking

5. What are the reasons for taking drugs

a. To feel better
b. To feel good
c. To do better
d. All of the above

6. Alcohol consumption has been linked to

a. Liver cirrhosis
b. High blood pressure
c. Stroke
d. All of the above

7. What state government can do to avoid addiction

a. Adding higher tax on sweetened beverages
b. Benefits for organic fruits
c. Availability of healthy food
d. All of the above

8. Mental health hazards include

a. Anxiety
b. Depression
c. Organic mental disorders due to substance use
d. All of the above
Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28

9. A strong need or urge to drink is

a. Craving
b. Loss of control
c. Dependence
d. Tolerance

10. The need to drink greater amounts of alcohol to feel the same effect is
a. Dependence
b. Craving
c. Loss of control
d. Tolerance

11. Not being able to stop drinking once drinking has begun is
a. Craving
b. Loss of control
c. Dependence
d. Tolerance

12. Withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, sweating, shakiness and anxiety after stopping drinking is
a. Craving
b. Dependence
c. Loss of control
d. Tolerance

13. Alcoholism is a disease that includes which of the following symptoms

a. Craving and loss of control
b. Physical dependence and tolerance
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

14. Wheezing is causes by

a. Alcohol
b. Smoking
c. Drug use
d. All of the above

15. Approach unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way is

a. Narcissism
b. Positive thinking
c. Self-talk
d. None of these

16. With barbiturate and benzodiazepine abuse and dependency, sedative intoxication is generally
associated with:
a. Slurred speech
b. Uncoordinated motor movements
c. Impairment in attention and memory
d. All of the above

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28
17. Which of the following is derived from the hemp plant “Cannabis sativa”?
a. Opium
b. Marijuana
d. Crack

18. A long-term user of cocaine may well develop symptoms of other psychological disorders, such as:
a. Major depression
b. Social phobia
c. Eating disorders
d. All of the above

19. Which of the following is an important factor in substance abuse?

a. Whether the substances are regularly used by other family members
b. Whether the family environment is rural or urban
c. Whether they are a twin
d. Whether they are born in the winter

20. The alcohol intoxicated individual has less cognitive capacity available to process all on-going
information and so alcohol acts to narrow attention and means that the drinker processes fewer cues
less well, this is known as:
a. Alcohol myopia
b. Alcohol dependency
c. Alcohol abuse
d. Alcohol amnesia

21. In substance abuse, the term self-medication refers to?

a. Amelioration of psychological distress thorough substance use
b. Doctors prescribing their own drugs
c. Motive for suing a substance
d. Deciding the drug of choice

22. Community based services to offer support in substance abuse consist of self-help services such as?
a. Alcoholics Anonymous
b. Crack Crack
c. Cannabis collective
d. Hashish home

23. Local community drug prevention schemes have used which of the following?
a. Peer-Pressure resistance training
b. Peer pressure
c. Peer promotion
d. Peer propaganda

24. Which of the following are treatments offered by residential rehabilitation centres?
a. Group work
b. Psychological interventions
c. Social skills training
d. All of the above

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28
25. Growing evidence to suggest that nicotine has its effects by:
a. Releasing serotonin into the cerebellum
b. Releasing dopamine in the mesolimbic system of the brain
c. Releasing GABA into the hypothalamus
d. Releasing acetylcholine into the diencephalons

26. Empathy involves:

a. Feeling sorry for someone
b. Putting others before yourself
c. Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes
d. Putting yourself before others

27. Counselling is a profession that aims to:

a. Promote personal growth and productivity
b. Provide a successful diagnosis in psychopathology
c. Ensure that clients are on the correct medication
d. Solely address behaviour

28. It is generally considered that cognitive behavioural therapy changes:

a. Thought processes
b. Behaviour
c. Thoughts and behaviour
d. Mood states

29. An anxiety disorder is:

a. An emotional state identified by panic attacks
b. An emotional condition classified by excessive checking
c. Disordered thinking
d. An excessive or aroused state characterized by feelings of apprehension, uncertainty and

30. Which of the following is not a characteristic of addiction?

a. Loss of control
b. Denial
c. Negative consequences
d. Habitual behaviour

31. Which term describes the use of a drug for a purpose for which it was not intended?
a. Abuse
b. Misuse
c. Tolerance
d. Addiction

32. Signs of compulsive buying include

a. Purchasing several gifts when they go on sale
b. Repeatedly buying more than you need or can afford
c. Showing new clothes to your friends or family when you bring them home
d. Purchasing only one item in your favourite colour

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28
33. Chemicals that relay messages (impulses) from one nerve cell to another or to other cells are
a. Enzymes
b. Chemoreceptors
c. Synapses
d. Neurotransmitters

34. Transdermal drug administration means that a drug is

a. Injected into a vein
b. Placed under the tongue
c. Inhaled
d. Absorbed through the skin

35. The lack of judgement regarding whether a particular substance or behaviour will be healthy or
damaging to oneself is known as
a. Obsession
b. Compulsion
c. Loss of control
d. Denial

36. Which of the following is classified as a stimulant?

a. Alcohol
b. Marijuana
c. LSD
d. Methamphetamine

37. Drugs that affect our senses and change the way your see, hear, taste, smell or feel things are
a. Depressants
b. Hallucinogens
c. Stimulants
d. None of the above

38. Process of addictions include all of the following except

a. Exercise addiction to the point of working out at least 03 hours a day.
b. Compulsive buying, both in stores and online
c. Compulsive gambling that results in the need to borrow money
d. The use of Ritalin to help concentration when studying

39. Temporary physical and psychological symptoms that occur when use of an addictive substance is
discontinued is
a. Compulsion
b. Withdrawal
c. Relapse
d. Addiction

40. Constituent of alcoholic beverage is

a. Propyl alcohol
b. Methyl alcohol
c. Ethyl alcohol
d. None of the above
Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28

41. Consumption of this causes increase in the fat synthesis, dilation of blood vessels, low blood sugar
and stomach inflammation
a. Drug addiction and tobacco
b. Alcohol
c. Tobacco
d. Drug addiction

42. In which age group, drug addiction is a major problem?

a. Childhood
b. Adolescence
c. Adulthood
d. Old age

43. International day against drug abuse is celebrating on

a. 26th June
b. 12th August
c. 14th September
d. 1st December

44. Which of the following is not a symptom of mental illness

a. Insomnia
b. Depression
c. Positive attitude
d. Delusions and hallucinations

45. Which of the following is not a common problem of adolescence

a. Spirituality
b. Acne
c. Post-traumatic stress disorder
d. Mood swings

46. Which of the following is not a common reason for drug abuse or drug dependence
a. Peer pressure
b. Adventure
c. A feeling of excitement and Euphoria
d. For death

47. Which alkaloid is found in the tobacco

a. Cocaine
b. Caffeine
c. Nicotine
d. Morphine

48. Caffeine is a stimulant present in

a. Coffee
b. Tea
c. Cold drinks
d. All of the above

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28
49. Caffeine, amphetamine and cocaine are
a. Sedatives
b. Tranquillisers
c. Hallucinations
d. Stimulants

50. Korsakoff’s syndrome is related to

a. Alcohol abuse
b. Drug abuse
c. Smoking abuse
d. None of the above

51. Why do some people become addiction to drugs, while others do not
a. Aggressive behaviour in childhood
b. Parental monitoring
c. Neighbourhood
d. All of the above

52. Types of addictive behaviour

a. Alcoholism
b. Drugs – opium
c. Video gaming
d. All of the above

53. A network of family, friends, neighbours and community members that is available in times of need
to give psychological, physical and financial help is____
a. Social support
b. Family support
c. Friends support
d. Emotional support

54. The category of drugs that speed up the messages between the brain and the body, this can cause your
heart to beat faster, blood pressure to go up, body temperature to go up, reduced appetite, sleeplessness
is called
a. Stimulants
b. Tranquillisers
c. Hallucinations
d. Depressants

55. Insomnia is a _____ disorder

a. Sleeping disorder
b. Vitamin deficiency disorder
c. Iodine deficiency disorder
d. None of the above

56. Which of the following is not an example of drug misuse?

a. Taking a friend prescription medication to treat a migraine
b. Not following instructions when taking a prescription medication
c. Taking an over-the-counter medication more often than is recommended
d. Regular use of increasing amounts of cocaine to get high
Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28

57. What other factors increase the risk of addiction

a. Mental illness
b. Early use
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

58. _____ is defined as a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug
seeking and use, despite harmful consequences.
a. Addiction
b. Schizophrenia
c. Alzheimer
d. None of the above

59. Drug prevention schemes targeting young people and their parents who may be specifically at risk,
a. 24-hour telephone helplines
b. Internet web-sites
c. Treatment and availability
d. All of the above

60. Full form of NIDA

a. National Institute on Drug Abuse
b. National Institute of Drug Abuse
c. National Institute of Drug Addiction
d. National Institute on Drug Addiction

61. What are protective factors for addictions

a. Positive relationship
b. Drug experimentation
c. Community poverty
d. All of the above

62. Full form of NIMHANS

a. National Institute of Medical, Health and Neuro-Sciences
b. National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences
c. National Institute of Medical and Neuro-Sciences
d. None of the above

63. National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences (NIMHANS) is located in

a. Bangalore
b. Pune
c. Hyderabad
d. New Delhi

64. Which of the following are the influencing factors for addiction.
a. Peer pressure
b. Genetics
c. Bot a and b
d. Neither a Nor b
Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28

65. Which of the following comes under behavioural addiction (non-substance addition).
a. Gambling addiction
b. Drug addiction
c. Alcohol addition
d. All of the above

66. Which of the following comes under substance addiction (physical addiction)
a. Internet addiction
b. Gambling addiction
c. Drug addiction
d. Mobile phone addiction

67. Effects and health hazards from additions are

a. Physical health issues
b. Mental health issues
c. Social health issues
d. All of the above

68. Which of the following is responsible for pleasure and reward

a. Dopamine
b. Serotonin
d. Endorphins

69. Which of the following is responsible for mood, sleep, apatite and perceptions
a. Dopamine
b. Serotonin
d. Endorphins

70. Which of the following is responsible for calming, sedation and anti-anxiety
a. Dopamine
b. Serotonin
d. Endorphins

71. Category of drugs that slow down the messages between the brain and body, they don’t necessarily
make you feel depressed are called____
a. Depressants
b. Hallucinogens
c. Stimulants
d. None of the above

72. Which of the following comes under depressants

a. LSD
b. Cocaine
c. Alcohol
d. Nicotine

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28
73. The main excitatory neurotransmitter in the central Nervous System is
a. Glycine
b. Acetylcholine
c. Aspartate
d. Glutamate

74. Which part of the forebrain is involved in cardiac functioning, blood pressure and respiration?
a. Thalamus
b. Hypothalamus
c. Medulla
d. Pons

75. Feelings such as sadness, despair and anxiety are indicators of

a. Mental illness
b. Physical health
c. Sociocultural health
d. Psychological health

76. Which of these contributes to high blood pressure?

a. Getting a lot of vitamin C
b. Drinking a lot of alcohol
c. Getting a lot of calcium
d. All of the above

77. Which organ removes waste from blood?

a. Heart
b. Lungs
c. Eyes
d. Kidneys

78. High blood pressure is the main cause of which of these?

a. Cancer
b. Diabetes
c. Stroke
d. Pneumonia

79. Disorders of bone marrow and a common form of cancer

a. Leukemia
b. Clotting disorder
c. Anemia
d. Respiratory system

80. Disorders of the nervous system does not include

a. Epilepsy
b. Cerebral Palsy
c. Huntington’s disease
d. Leukemia

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28
81. Health Psychology is needed
a. To treat sexually transmitted disease
b. To treat chronic disease
c. To treat the biological as well as the psychological issues
d. None of the above

82. A vulnerability window for health compromising behaviour.

a. Adulthood
b. Adolescence
c. Middle childhood
d. Childhood

83. Behavioural practices that harm current or future health are collectively called
a. Health determining behaviour
b. Health enhancing behaviour
c. Health compromising behaviour
d. Health habits

84. After drinking alcohol, consumption of this leads to death

a. Morphine
b. Opium
c. Barbiturates
d. All of the above

85. Withdrawal symptom(s) can include

a. Physical symptoms only
b. Psychological symptoms only
c. Both physical and psychological symptoms
d. None of the above

86. Fetal alcohol syndrome can arise in the offspring of

a. Heavy drinking mothers
b. Cocaine addicted mothers
c. Mothers who smoke during pregnancy
d. Alcoholic father

87. Consuming five or more drinks on a single occasion at least once in a 30-day period is called
a. Binge drinking
b. Heavy use drinking
c. Social drinking
d. Moderate drinking

88. Breathing second hand smoke is called.

a. Active smoking
b. Passive smoking
c. Substance smoking
d. Vaping
Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28
89. Risk factors that increase a person’s illness or injury is due to
a. Smoking
b. Extreme physical activity
c. Alcohol drinking
d. All of the above

90. Which of the following consumptions are legally restricted to particular circumstance and age groups
a. Smoking and alcohol
b. Drug and smoke
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

91. Hepatitis is causes due to

a. Infected blood transfusion
b. Use of contaminated water
c. Addiction of drug
d. Dialysis

92. Is addiction a
a. Mental disorder
b. Physical disorder
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

93. What causes tunnel vision

a. Smoking
b. Alcohol
c. Barbiturates
d. Vitamin A deficiency

94. How is substance use disorder treated

a. Multiple types of treatment
b. Recognition of problem
c. Alcohol drinking
d. Both a and b

95. In future, which of the following will play a vital role in helping the gaming industry demystify the
nuances of gambling problems
a. Sustainability
b. A code of conduct
c. Internet gaming
d. Experienced recreational gamblers

96. Researcher, mental health professionals, problem gambling organizations and the casino industry
have a responsibility to the problem gamblers themselves to
a. Avoid bickering unnecessarily
b. Unite with a common goal of reducing the costs associated with gambling
c. Reach a consensus
d. Avoid unnecessary bickering and unite with the common goal of reducing the costs
associated with gambling only
Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28
97. This is a consequence of alcohol addiction
a. Psychosis, hypertension and fatty liver syndrome
b. Cardiovascular disease, hypertension and fatty liver syndrome
c. Ulcers, all types of mental illness, cardiovascular diseases
d. All of the above

98. Symptoms of substance use disorder is

a. Impaired control
b. Social problems
c. Risky use
d. All of the above

99. Social health hazards include

a. Stigma
b. Anti-social behaviour
c. Anti-social behaviour
d. All of the above

100. Which of the following is responsible for pain

a. Dopamine
b. Serotonin
d. Endorphins

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103

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