Module 2 Final

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Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28

Module-2: Building of healthy lifestyles for better future

1. The best approach for losing weight and weight management

a. Crash dieting
b. Excessive exercise for a short period of time
c. Fasting for long period of time
d. Make lifestyle changes that can be maintained permanently

2. The Body Mass Index (BMI) measure indicates that one would be considered overweight with a BMI
a. 45-59.9
b. 20.9-30.9
c. 25-29.9
d. 55-69.9

3. If the Body Mass Index (BMI) equals or exceeds 30, People are categorized as
a. Underweight
b. Normal weight
c. Overweight
d. Obese

4. The ideal time to establish activity and dietary habits to prevent individuals from becoming overly fat.
a. Childhood
b. Adolescence
c. Late adolescence
d. Young adulthood

5. May protect against obesity and cardiovascular disease if the diet is high in
a. Fiber
b. Processed meat
c. Red meat
d. Refined grains

6. Energetic physical activity that requires high level of oxygen over an extended time
a. Isometric exercise
b. Isokinetic exercise
c. Isotonic exercise
d. Aerobic exercise

7. Overweight in BMI is
a. >30
b. >25
c. <25
d. <30

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28

8. This causes maximum accumulation of fat in the liver

a. Meat and egg
b. Alcohol
c. Saturated fat
d. Starch

9. Which of the following is a prominent characteristic of individuals with eating disorders

a. High self esteem
b. Low self esteem
c. High levels of responsibility
d. Narcissism

10. Which of the following are eating disorders

a. Cancer
b. Anorexia
c. Bulimia nervosa
d. Both b and c

11. Food energy is measured in

a. Ergs
b. Joules
c. Calories
d. Watts

12. Junk food contains large amount of

a. Fat only
b. Sugar only
c. All vitamins and proteins
d. Both a and b

13. Which of the following is a common treatment for bulimia?

a. Family therapy
b. Cognitive behaviour therapy
c. Psychodynamic therapy
d. Humanistic therapy

14. When energy intake decreases and energy expenditure increase, body weight
a. Remains the same
b. Goes up
c. Goes down
d. Is unstable

15. One of the most common treatments for eating disorder is:
a. Electro-convulsive therapy
b. Medication
c. Family therapy
d. Aversion therapy

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28

16. Anorexia and bulimia are frequently comorbid with major depression, thus eating disorders have
tended to be treated pharmacologically with which of the following?
a. Antipsychotics
b. Antibiotics
c. Antihistamine
d. Antidepressants

17. Energy balance means

a. Energy intake is unequal to energy expenditure
b. Energy intake is equal to energy expenditure
c. Energy intake is more than energy expenditure
d. Energy intake is less than energy expenditure

18. _____ increases the risk of diet related diseases

a. High blood pressure
b. Coronary heart disease
c. Diabetes
d. Obesity

19. Causes of obesity and overweight

a. Energy imbalance
b. Energy balance
c. Energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended
d. None of the above

20. The term balance diet means

a. A diet containing most nutrients in the correct proportions
b. A diet containing all nutrients in the correct proportions
c. A diet containing some nutrients in the correct proportions
d. A diet containing less nutrients in the correct proportions

21. Which of the following is not a degenerative disease

a. Hypertension
b. Atherosclerosis
c. Obesity
d. Alzheimer’s disease

22. Deficiency of vitamin-A can cause

a. Beriberi
b. Scurvy
c. Rickets
d. Night blindness

23. Deficiency of vitamin-C can cause

a. Beriberi
b. Scurvy
c. Rickets
d. Night blindness

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28

24. Deficiency of vitamin-D can cause

a. Beriberi
b. Scurvy
c. Rickets
d. Night blindness

25. Deficiency of Iodine leads to _______

a. Goitre
b. Anaemia
c. Dementia
d. Asthma

26. Deficiency of Iron leads to ______

a. Goitre
b. Anaemia
c. Asthma
d. Beriberi

27. Which of the following vitamin helps in blood clotting?

a. Vitamin-A
b. Vitamin-B
c. Vitamin-C
d. Vitamin-K

28. Which of the following vitamin deficiency causes Beriberi

A. Vitamin-B1
B. Vitamin-B2
C. Vitamin-B6
D. Vitamin-B12

29. Which of the following nutrient deficiency causes megaloblastic anaemia?

a. Folic acid
b. Niacin
c. Pyridoxine
d. Cobalamin

30. Which of the following diseases is caused by the deficiency of Niacin?

a. Scurvy
b. Rickets
c. Pellagra
d. Pernicious anaemia

31. Which of the following is considered an easily digestible source of protein?

a. Egg albumin
b. Soyabean
c. Fish flesh
d. Red meat

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28

32. Cool down after exercise is important because it

a. Improves oxygen uptake
b. Regulates breathing
c. Speeds the removal of lactic acids
d. Decreases adrenaline

33. Which of the following is a rich source of Omega-3 oils?

a. Dairy products
b. Cod-liver oil
c. Vegetables
d. Wheat products

34. Which of the following food constituents is not digested but is still important for us.
a. Vitamins
b. Minerals
c. Proteins
d. Fiber

35. A diet high in saturated fats can be linked to which of the following
a. Kidney failure
b. Bulimia
c. Anorexia
d. Cardiovascular disease

36. Citrus fruits are an excellent source of ___________

a. Calcium
b. Vitamin-C
c. Vitamin-A
d. Vitamin-B

37. Amylases in saliva begin the breakdown of carbohydrates into ____________

a. Fatty acids
b. Polypeptides
c. Amino acids
d. Simple sugars

38. About half of your diet should be made up of ______

a. Grains and vegetables
b. Fruits and milk
c. Milk and cheese
d. Fats and sugars

39. Pulses are a good source of ______

a. Carbohydrates
b. Proteins
c. Fats
d. Vitamins

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28

40. A person suffering from high blood pressure should avoid foods which are rich in ___
a. Sodium
b. Iodine
c. Calcium
d. Iron

41. Eggs, milk and meat are usually classified as good source of ____
a. Carbohydrates
b. Vitamin-A
c. Proteins
d. Vitamin-D

42. The deficiency of any essential constituent of food leads to ______

a. Malnutrition
b. Malfunction
c. Food syndrome
d. Marination

43. Which of the following characteristics has regularly been implicated in the aetiology of eating
a. Perfectionism
b. Narcissism
c. Extraversion
d. Introversion

44. High sodium intake and insufficient potassium intake contribute to ______
a. High blood pressure
b. Obesity
c. High cholesterol
d. None of the above

45. The sunshine vitamin prevents the _________ disease.

a. Pellagra
b. Rickets
c. Scurvy
d. Beriberi

46. An organ that assists in the mobilization of energy reserves for use during periods of starvation is
a. Pancreas
b. Liver
c. Adipose tissue
d. Lungs

47. Proteins are made up of

a. Miro nutrients
b. Protinex
c. Amino acids
d. All of the above

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28

48. A substance needed by the body for growth, energy, repair and maintenance is called ____
a. Nutrients
b. Carbohydrate
c. Calorie
d. Fatty acids

49. Our body needs vitamins and minerals because _____

a. They give energy to the body
b. They help in carry out metabolic reactions
c. They insulate the body’s organs
d. They withdraw heat from the body

50. What are the essential steps to a healthier lifestyle?

a. A Balanced Diet
b. Maintaining a Regular Sleep Pattern
c. Regular Physical Activity
d. All of the above

51. An obese client is asked to keep a log of his eating behaviour, including the circumstances in which
eating occurred. This is an example of
a. Assertiveness training
b. Relaxation training
c. Motivational interviewing
d. Behavioural assignment

52. Body dissatisfaction is associated with triggering bouts of:

a. Purging
b. Binging
c. Dieting
d. Shopping

53. Taking measures to combat risk factors for illness before an illness has a chance to develop
a. Primary prevention
b. Secondary prevention
c. Tertiary prevention
d. None of the above

54. Which of the following statement is correct

a. Fat tissue is less metabolically active than lean tissue
b. Fat tissue is more metabolically active than lean tissue
c. Fat tissue and lean tissue have the same metabolic activity rate
d. None of the above

55. Cleanliness, physical exercise, rest and sleep are a part of _____
a. Hygiene
b. Social hygiene
c. Personal hygiene
d. None of the above

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28

56. Foods like pizza, burger and noodles are rich in

a. Carbohydrates
b. Proteins
c. Vitamins
d. Minerals

57. Which of the following factors is necessary for a healthy person?

a. Vaccination
b. Balanced diet
c. Personal hygiene
d. All of the above

58. Deficiency of vitamin-B can cause

a. Beriberi
b. Scurvy
c. Rickets
d. Night blindness

59. Which of the following is associated with atherosclerosis?

a. High cholesterol diet
b. Increased exercise
c. Low salt diets
d. Including fruit and vegetable in every meal

60. The Body Mass Index (BMI) measure indicates that one would be considered healthy weight with a
BMI of:
a. 18.5 to 25
b. 20.9-30.9
c. 25-29.9
d. 55-69.9

61. Body Mass Index (BMI) is

a. The ratio of persons weight to the square of his height
b. The ratio of persons height to the square of his weight
c. The ratio of persons height to his weight
d. The ratio of persons weight to his height

62. BMI stands for

a. Body Mass Index
b. Body Mass Imprint
c. Body Mass Intellectual
d. Body Mass Indicator

63. Obesity increases the risk of developing

a. Type 2 diabetes
b. Cancer
c. Cardio vascular disease
d. None of the above

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28

64. Osteoporosis is caused by deficiency of

a. Vitamin-A
b. Vitamin-B
c. Vitamin-C
d. Vitamin-D

65. Percentage of water in the average adult human body is

a. 80%
b. 60%
c. 40%
d. 90%

66. Deficiency of Vitamin-B complex causes

a. Dermatitis
b. Pellagra
c. Rickets
d. Scurvy

67. In hypermetropia, distinct image of the object forms

a. Behind the retina
b. In front of retina
c. No image is formed
d. Depends on age of person

68. Which of the following statements is included in the FDA Dietary Guidelines?
a. Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables daily
b. Choose a variety of grains daily, especially whole grains
c. Choose a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol
d. All of the above

69. Pelvis consists of ____ number of bones

a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6

70. To prevent food borne illnesses:

a. Eat only raw meat, fish, and eggs
b. Eat canned food even if the cans have bulges or dents
c. Wash everything thoroughly-hands, utensils, cutting boards
d. Always thaw frozen food at room temperature

71. How many minutes should an average person walk a day?

a. 30 minutes
b. 40 minutes
c. 20 minutes
d. 60minutes

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28

72. Which food has maximum biological value for protein

a. Soyabean
b. Egg
c. Meat
d. Fish

73. Physical exercise enhances

a. Heart function
b. Breathing
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

74. Eating disorders are linked to physical problems such as

a. Heart irregularities
b. Heart attacks
c. Stunted growth
d. All of the above

75. Healthy eating for fat loss includes

a. Food intake modification
b. Eating smaller, more frequent meals
c. Eating more slowly
d. All of the above

76. The amount of energy a person need in a day depends upon

a. Age and body size
b. Age, body size, gender and activity level
c. Age, body size, gender, activity level and occupation
d. None of the above

77. Which of the following is not a degenerative disease

a. Hypertension
b. Atherosclerosis
c. Obesity
d. Alzheimer’s disease

78. The feature common to both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa is
a. Calcium deposits
b. Purging to prevent weight gain
c. Fear of gaining weight
d. Refusal to maintain normal body weight

79. Which of the following is not a symptom among people with eating disorders
a. Anxiety disorders
b. Depression
c. Schizophrenia
d. Substance abuse

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28

80. Try to add more ____ to our meals

a. Carbohydrates
b. Fiber
c. Junk food
d. Soda

81. An eating disorder is a mental disorder defined by

a. Abnormal thinking
b. Abnormal eating behaviour
c. Abnormal friends
d. Abnormal surroundings

82. The type of food that is often eaten during binges is

a. High fat – high carbohydrate containing food
b. Protein containing food
c. Nutritious food
d. High fiber food

83. Hyper obesity value in terms of BMI

a. >25
b. <25
c. >40
d. <40

84. What constituent of food forms the bulk of what we eat every day
a. Vitamins
b. Minerals
c. Macronutrients
d. Micronutrients

85. What is junk food

a. Fattening and unhealthy food
b. Taste food
c. Stored food
d. None of the above

86. An apple a day

a. Keeps the doctor away
b. Keeps all the troubles away
c. Keeps you awake whole day
d. None of the above

87. Which vitamin is good for eyes?

a. Vitamin D
b. Vitamin K
c. Vitamin A
d. None of the above

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28

88. Obesity occurs due to

a. More consumption of calorie
b. More consumption of proteins
c. More consumption of vitamins
d. None of the above

89. What is the recommended daily water intake?

a. 0.5 litre
b. 1 litre
c. 2 litres
d. 3 litres

90. An extreme eating disorder in which individuals literally starve themselves due to an irrational fear of
eating and becoming fat referred as
a. Anorexia nervosa
b. Bulimia nervosa
c. Obesity
d. Malnutrition

91. The amount of force that a muscle can produce

a. Muscular strength endurance
b. Muscular strength
c. Power
d. Speed

92. The ability of joint to move beyond the normal range

a. Speed
b. Balance
c. Flexibility
d. Body mass

93. The first step in trying to treat overweight and obesity are
a. Healthy eating plan
b. Special diets
c. Both a and b
d. Eating a lot

94. What are the general sleep requirements for an adult?

a. 8 to 12 hours
b. 12 to 14 hours
c. 7 to 9 hours
d. 4 to 6 hours

95. Why do people have to use bath salts?

a. To heal wounds
b. To relax and sleep better
c. To soften the skin
d. All of the above

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103
Course Name: Scientific foundation for Health with Yoga Course Code: 22SFH18/22SFH28

96. The ability of hearth and lungs to deliver enough oxygen to the different parts
a. Muscular strength
b. Muscular strength endurance
c. Cardio-respiratory endurance
d. Flexibility

97. How many minutes should you play or do exercise every day
a. 10 minutes
b. 20 minutes
c. 30 minutes
d. 60 minutes

98. Ability to touch our toes is an example of

a. Muscular endurance
b. Muscular strength
c. Flexibility
d. Aerobic fitness

99. Empty calories refer to

a. Foods that are low in energy but high beneficial nutrients like vitamins and minerals
b. Foods that are high in energy but low beneficial nutrients like vitamins and minerals
c. Foods that are high in energy and beneficial nutrients like vitamins and minerals
d. Foods contain little energy and beneficial nutrients like vitamins and minerals

100. What are the ways which can help you to achieve good health and well being
a. Eating healthy meals, regular exercising
b. Drinking lot ow water only
c. Regular exercising only
d. None of the above

Prepared by Dr. Mahesha. N, Associate Professor, Department of Civil engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-103

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