Wordlist ICAP - 240116 - 183814

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Abet: assist
Abeyance: delay, pause, suspension
Abject: helpless, wretched
Accolade: praise, tribute
Accord: consensus, harmony, agreement
Adamant: obsolete, unyielding
Adept: proficient, expert
Adhere: follow, stick (to)
Adjuvant: helper, assistant
Admonish: scold, reprimand
Admonition: scolding, reprimand
Adolescent: young
Adore: love
Adroit: expert, competent
Adulterate: contaminate, spoil
Affix: attach
Affluent: wealthy, prosperous
Aggravate: worsen, intensify
Akin: similar
Alleviate: lessen, improve
Alter: change, amend
Altercation: argument, quarrel
Ambiguous: vague, unclear
Ambush: trap, ensnare
Amicable: friendly, cordial
Amnesty: pardon, forgiveness
Amplify: increase
Anarchy: disorder, chaos
Animation: energy, liveliness
Apportion: allot, assign, allocate
Apprehend: arrest, detain, stop
Appraise: evaluate, assess
Apprise: inform, explain
Appropriate: apt, suitable
Arbiter: arbitrator, mediator, referee
Arbitrary: illogical
Archaeology: study of human history or ancient cultures
Archives: records
Arena: ground, rink, ring
Ascent: climb, rise, ascension
Assessment: evaluation
Assurance: guarantee, oath, promise
Atrocity: brutality, cruelty
Audit: review, examination
Augment: enhance, enlarge
Autocrat: dictator
Autocratic: dictatorial, despotic
Autonomous: independent, sovereign
Autonomy: independence, sovereignty
Avidity: greed, desire
Banner: a piece of cloth with sth written on it
Bash: party, celebration
Basking: lying, lounging, relaxing
Beneficiary: recipient, receiver
Benevolent: kind, caring
Bestow: confer, give
Blitz: offence
Blunder : mistake, blooper
Bona fide: genuine
Bonanza: bonus, windfall
Bondage: slavery
Breach: crack, break
Brisk: abrupt, sharp
Browse: look, peruse
Buoyant: floating, cheerful
Calamity: disaster, catastrophe
Candid: frank, honest
Candour: frankness, sincerity
Captious: critical, petty, trivial
Carnivorous: flesh-eating
Censure: criticize, criticism
Cerebral: intellectual, wise, rational
Chaos: Disorder, confusion
Charisma: charm, appeal
Chicanery: Deception, trickery
Chronic: lasting, continuing
Cite: mention, quote
Climax: peak, apex
Clone: replica, duplicate
Cognate: similar
Coherent: intelligible, clear
Collaboration: cooperation
Collateral: security: surety
Commensurate: equal, appropriate
Compatible: harmonious, well-matched
Compel: force, coerce
Compendium: collection, compilation
Confiscate: seize, remove
Conflicting: differing, contradictory
Confounded: confused
Connoisseur: specialist, expert
Conscription: recruitment, enrolment
Consortium: group, association
Constitutional: legal, lawful, legitimate
Constrain: restrain, compel, force
Consummate: ideal, perfect
Contemporary: modern, current
Contempt: scorn, disrespect
Contemptuous: scornful, disrespectful
Convention: agreement, bond
Conventional: conservative, orthodox
Conversant: familiar
Converse: opposite, contrary
Credible: reliable, trustworthy
Crucial: essential, critical, vital
Crux: root, heart, core
Cubicle: compartment, booth
Culinary: cooking
Culminate: conclude, end
Dearth: lack, scarcity
Defalcation: fraud, scam, embezzlement
Delegation: assignment, allocation, representatives
Delusion: illusion, misunderstanding
Demur: object, protest, hesitate, delay
Demurrage: delay, fine, penalty
Denounce: condemn, criticize
Deploy: organize, position, install
Despair: disappointment, dejection
Destiny: fate, purpose
Destitute: poor
Detention: custody, imprisonment, arrest
Detest: hate
Detonate: explode
Detrimental: harmful
Devoid: empty, barren, lacking
Dignity: self-respect, pride
Dilapidated: ruined, decrepit
Dilemma: problem
Diligent: hard-working, industrious
Discrepancy: difference, disagreement
Disperse: scatter
Distress: suffering, pain
Dogma: belief, doctrine
Dogmatic: rigid, strict
Domain: area, territory
Dormant: sleeping, inactive, latent
Draconian: harsh, strict
Efficacy: usefulness, effectiveness
Elevate: raise, lift, promote
Elicit: draw, cause, provoke
Elite: leading, top
Eloquent: expressive, fluent
Elucidate: clarify
Eminent: renowned, prominent
Empirical: experimental, observed
Equivocal: vague, unclear
Espionage: spying, intelligence
Evade: avoid, escape
Exaggerate: overstate, amplify
Exasperate: irritate, annoy, infuriate
Exception: exclusion, omission
Excessive: extreme, undue
Exodus: migration, departure
Exploit: deed, achievement, misuse
Exquisite: beautiful
Extinct: non-existent, dead, vanished
Extra-terrestrial: alien, celestial: space
Feeble: week, thin
Feign: pretend, fake
Fervour: passion
Fiasco: flop, disaster
Fidelity: loyalty, devotion
Finicky: choosy, picky
Flair: talent
Foe: enemy, rival
Folly: foolishness
Foremost: leading, primary
Forsake: abandon, reject
Fortune: luck, wealth, prosperity
French leave: absence
Gadget: device, tool
Generic: general, universal
Germane: useful, relevant
Glamour: charm, attraction
Glib: superficial, casual
Gradual: slow, steady
Graphic: vivid, clear, lifelike
Habitat: home, environment
Hazily: vaguely, unclearly
Hazy: misty, foggy, blurred
Heroic: brave
Heterogeneous: mixed, dissimilar, varied
Hindrance: obstacle, interference, interruption
Hoard: store, heap, pile
Hypothesis: theory, assumption, guess
Hypothetical: theoretical, imaginary, assumed
Imminent: forthcoming, impending
Immunity: protection, exception
Impeach: accuse, charge, indict
Implement: perform, tool
Impound: seize, hold, confiscate
Impregnable: secure
Imprudent: foolish, impulsive
Incapacitated: injured, disabled
Incessant: nonstop, continuous
Incoherent: illogical, confused
Incredulous: doubtful, suspicious
Indigenous: native, original, home-grown
Indigent: poor
In lieu: instead
Inquisition: inquiry
Insanity: foolishness, folly
Insipid: dull, colourless, tasteless
Institute: organization, found
Integral: essential, vital, central
Intimate: close, friendly, inform
Intrinsic: basic, core
Invaluable: precious, vital
Irk: displease, annoy
Itinerary: route, journey
Jettison: abandon, discard
Jeopardize: risk, threaten
Keep in abeyance: reserve, suspend, put off
Latent: hidden, dormant
Laudable: admirable, praiseworthy
Lax: soft, slack
Lean: thin, bow
Legacy: inheritance
Lethal: deadly, dangerous, fatal
Liaison: link
Lineage: ancestry, family
Literally: exactly
Lynch: hang, murder
Magnanimous: generous
Makeshift: temporary
Manifold: many, diverse
Manipulate: control, influence, operate
Manipulation: control, influence
Manipulative: controlling, influencing
Meritorious: admirable, commendable
Metamorphosis: change, transformation
Meticulous: careful
Mitigate: lessen, soften, weaken
Monopoly: control, domination
Mortality: death
Mutation: change
Myriad: countless
Naïve: simple, innocent
Narcissism: self-admiration, egotism
Native: natural, indigenous, resident
Navigate: direct, steer
Nebula: cloud, mist, fog
Nebulous: unclear, cloudy, foggy
Nexus: connection, link
Nostalgia: homesickness, longing, desire
Nostalgic: homesick, longing
Notable: famous, important
Nutshell: shell, casing
Oasis: shelter, refuge
Obligation: duty
Oblivious: unaware, ignorant
Obnoxious: hateful
Obscure: vague, ambiguous, unclear
Obsolete: out-of-date, old-fashioned
Obviate: remove, avoid
Octogenarian: an eighty-year-old
Onus: duty, burden
Opponent: rival, enemy
Opportune: suitable
Opt: choose
Option: choice
Orbital: circular, round
Ordnance: weaponry, weapons
Ostentatious: showy
Ozone: gas, air, smell
Paltry: small, unimportant
Panacea: remedy, cure, solution
Panorama: view
Panoramic: scenic, comprehensive, general
Paradox: contradiction
Paragon: model, ideal
Paranoia: fear
Pecuniary: financial, fiscal, monetary
Penalty: fine, punishment, consequence
Penetrate: enter
Perennial: lasting, continuous
Peripheral: minor, marginal
Perpetual: continuous, eternal
Perplexity: confusion
Persecution: torture
Pertinent: relevant
Pessimism: negativity, doubt
Plebiscite: referendum, vote, ballot
Pilfer: still, thieve
Plight: condition, trouble
Ponder: consider, think
Predicament: climax, crisis
Pre-empt: prevent, block
Premonition: feeling, sign, insight
Prevalent: prevailing, dominant
Profound: deep
Prohibit: forbid
Proliferation: spread
Prolific: productive, fertile
Promulgate: circulate, spread
Prone: inclined, disposed, apt
Propensity: tendency, inclination
Protracted: delayed, prolonged
Puerile: childish, foolish
Pundit: expert, guru
Purge: remove
Rampant: widespread, wild
Reckless: irresponsible
Rectify: correct
Redemption: improvement, restoration
Redundant: excessive, unemployed
Refurbish: renovate, repair
Relentless: unyielding, continuous
Remedy: cure, solution
Render: give, change
Rendezvous: meeting, meeting place
Renounce: reject
Repatriate: deport, oust
Replica: copy
Repugnance: hatred
Rescinded: cancelled
Rescue: save
Residue: remainder
Resilient: strong
Resolve: decide, judge
Retort: reply
Retrieval: recovery, rescue
Revamp: repair, renovation, restoration
Revoke: cancel
Ruin: decay, decline
Rustic: rural
Sadden: depress, upset
Sagacious: wise
Sage: wise
Sanctuary: refuge, holy place
Satire: mockery, irony
Sceptic/Skeptic: doubtful
Scintillating: shining, sparkling
Sedimentation: accumulation (of deposits)
Segment: section, piece
Shrewd: sharp
Shrink: contract
Siphon: filter, tube
Sleazy: corrupt
Solvent: wealthy
Spineless: weak, sad, cowardly
Splendid: wonderful, marvelous
Spurious: false, fake
Stable: steady, firm
Stagnant: motionless, quiet
Stalemate: deadlock, tie
Stigma: disgrace, shame, stain
Stimulate: excite, encourage
Stipulation: condition, requirement
Stultify: pacify, humiliate
Subsequently: consequently, afterwards
Substantiate: prove, confirm
Succulent: tasty
Succumb: surrender, yield
Suffrage: attestation, vote, proof
Superfluous: extra
Supersede: replace, succeed
Surge: flow
Sustain: tolerate, withstand
Swallow: gulp, sip, accept
Sweat: perspiration, moisture
Swift: speedy
Syndrome: disease
Synopsis: summary
Tangle: knot, twist
Tedious: boring, dull
Tenacity: firmness, obstinacy
Theocracy: churchdom, government of religious people
Torso: trunk, chest
Tortuous: winding, twisting
Toxin: poison, venom
Transcript: record, copy
Trigger: activate, generate
Tycoon: magnate, lord, big businessperson
Ultrasonic: speedy, supersonic: inaudible
Uncanny: strange, weird
Undermine: weaken, mitigate
Vertigo: faintness, stillness
Viable: feasible, possible, practical
Vigilance: alertness
Vintage: out-of-date
Vitriolic: cruel, hurtful
Voyage: journey
Warranty: assurance, guarantee
Weigh: balance, evaluate
Yearn: desire, long
Zealous: enthusiastic, keen

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