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Module 1
• What is strategic human resource management? Distinguish
between strategic HRM and traditional HRM. (18)
• Define job analysis. What are the advantages of job analysis?
• Explain the term recruitment. Discuss the various sources of
recruitment. (18)
• Define Human Resource Management. Explain the nature of
Human Resource Management. (19)
• Define job analysis. Discuss the components of Job analysis.
• Briefly describe the steps in the selection process. (19, 23)
• What is Human Resource Planning? Explain the steps involved
in it. (23)

Module 2

• Explain the meaning and scope of HRD. (18)

• Define Performance Appraisal. What are the limitations of
Performance Appraisal? (18,19)
• What is Succession Planning? Elaborate on the advantages of
Succession Planning. (18)
• What is Training? Explain any Five methods of Training.
• Explain the term Succession Planning in detail. (19)
• What is Human Resource Development? Explain its various
functions. (23)
• Explain the modern methods of Performance Appraisal. (23)
Module 3

• What is Leadership? Explain briefly the Transformational and

Transactional theories of Leadership.(18)
• Define the term Motivation. Explain the factors influencing
Motivation. (18)
• Explain the term Employee Morale. What are the factors
influencing Employee Morale? (18)
• What is the meaning of Leadership? Discuss different styles of
Leadership. (19)
• Define Motivation. Explain Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory.
• Enumerate the causes of grievance in organisation. (19,23)
• Explain the significance of Human Relations. (23)

Module 4

• What is an Emotional Quotient? What are the factors affecting

Emotional Quotient? (18,19)
• Define the term counselling. Explain briefly the terms of
Counselling. (18)
• Describe briefly the challenges before the HR manager in the
changing business environment. (18)
• What is the meaning of Mentoring? Explain the importance of
Mentoring. (19)
• Write a note on Employee Engagement. (19,23)
• What is a Spiritual Quotient? What are the factors influencing
Spiritual Quotient? (23)
• Discuss in detail Workforce Diversity. (23)

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