Report Writing

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By Sachin Mandle
Types of Report
Types of Report
Objectives of Report
Significance of Report Writing

n Making
ment of

Analysi igation
s Invest
Significance of Report Writing
rial Tool

n en t Perform
Perm a ance
or d Tracker

Control Invest
Features of report
Clarity Objectivity
Reports sho
and concis
jargon or te
uld be writt
e language
en in clear
, avoiding
writing A report should be objective,
meaning that it should be free from
chnical term bias or personal opinions. This is
be confusing s that may
to the reade particularly important when
presenting data or analysis.

Accuracy ed
Evidence Repo r ts s h o uld be bas on

ho u ld in c lu de evidence so u rc es a nd accurate
Reports s reliable ould be
n y cla im s or findings, o rm a tio n sh
to suppo rt a data. Inf
tis t ics , quotes, or an d cr os s -checked to
such a s st a verifie d
relevant t it is co r re ct and up-
t o ensure th a
literature. to-date.

Visual aids Structure

visual A report sho
y in c lu d e uld be struct
A repor t m
s c ha r t s, tables, Recommendations in a logica
l and orga
aids such manner, wit
p hs , w h ic h ca n help to Many reports subheadings
h clear hea
and gr a include , and section
t h e k e y p o in ts and recommenda
tions s.
illustrate suggestions or
in fo r m a tio n easier for future a
make the based on
the finding
to understand. analysis pre
s or
of report
The basic
Planning of Report
Planning of Report
Planning of Report
Planning of Report
Visual aids in report

There are two main categories of visuals aids-

1.Tables-Tables are used to organize, logically present, and/or compare data in columns
and rows, using numbers and words.
2.Figures-Illustrate all other types of data. Figures include pie charts, line graphs, bar
graphs, layouts, photographs, drawings, and photographs.
Characteristics of Effective Visuals-
Clarity: visuals should be clear, clean, and simple
Consistency: visuals should generally maintain a uniform look and feel within one presentation or
document; visuals representing a company should maintain consistency with that company’s
Relevancy: visuals should make sense as a part of the whole communication and clearly illustrate
their concepts
Persuasiveness: visuals should inspire increased understanding and, in some cases, an emotional
bond with the content they enhance
Visual aids guidelines in report
1. Place the visual as close as possible to its related text.
2. Give each visual a number and a clear descriptive title.
3. Refer to the number/title within the body text when discussing the visual’s content.
4. Surround the visual with enough white space to emphasize the image and enhance its
5. Label all units (x and y axes, column heads, parts of diagrams, etc.)
6. Provide the source of the data and/or visual image if you did not create it yourself.
Use only those images that you can use ethically (e.g., free images without copyright,
creative commons licenses, or used with author’s permission).
7. Do not change or distort the data or image.
8. If at all possible, try to orient the image in the same direction as the body text
Common visuals used in professional communication, along with their general purpose-
How To Write a Job Application Letter-
Follow these steps to write an appealing letter that could convince a
hiring manager to consider you:
1. Read the job advertisement details
2.Write a clear heading
3.Address the letter to the right person
4.Begin by expressing interest in the job
How To Write a Job Application Letter-
Follow these steps to write an appealing letter that could convince a
hiring manager to consider you:
5. Describe your eligibility for the job
6.Highlight your attributes
7.End the letter with a thank you
Some Useful Job Application Tips-

1 Keep the letter concise 3 Include keywords from

2 Highlight your abilities the job advertisement
Recruiters and hiring This can help reiterate your
managers are busy people It will also help to include understanding of the job
and often have to process specific and verifiable requirements and your
hundreds of applications instances of your work suitability for performing the
They may not have the time experience required tasks
to go through a lengthy or
multiple page application
Some Useful Job Application Tips-

4 Review the letter for

5 Customize the letter

Grammatical and spelling Employers are more likely to

mistakes can create an review and shortlist well-
impression of negligence and customized letters than
lack of focus generic ones
Avoid that by proofreading it
carefully before sending it
Offer of employment
Job description-

A job description is a written explanation that

outlines the essential responsibilities and
requirements for a vacant position.
Job description-
Job descriptions should include:
A brief introduction to the company and its
An overview of the job responsibilities.
The necessary skills, competence levels,
knowledge, and qualifications relevant
candidates should have.
Testing that the company may require.
Working conditions and location. It should also
cover whether the role is office-based, remote,
or hybrid.
The type of employment—full-time, part-time, or
independent contractor.
Main objectives of a job description for employers-

1 2
Clearly define the job role
Attract applicants with the
right qualifications and levels
and set clear expectations of experience Provide a reference point
Discourage unsuitable for managers and HR to
candidates from applying evaluate a new joiner’s
performance compared to
the responsibilities outlined
in the job description
Main objectives of a job description for applicants-

4 5
Indicate whether the job in
Demonstrate company
expectations, allowing the
question aligns with their applicant to judge if their Job descriptions should
interests, skill set, goals, qualifications are sufficient provide candidates with a
and morals Help prepare for the interview basic idea of the questions
process interviewers may ask about
their experience,
qualifications, and work
Candidates can check salary
ranges—if included in a job
description—to compare
multiple roles within a given
industry and decide which
ones to apply for
Letter of Acceptance -
Formally conveys your acceptance of the job to
the employer
It expresses your gratitude and ensures that you
are clear about the terms and conditions of the
Cover the following aspects in your letter of acceptance :
Your enthusiasm to join the company
The full job title of the position
Thanks to the employer for giving you an opportunity to serve
the company
A formal statement that you accept the offer
A confirmation that you will be reporting to work on the stated
joining date
Any other details the employer asks you to in the offer letter
Tips for writing a good acceptance letter-
Use formal and professional language.
Keep the email brief and concise.
Express your gratitude towards the employer for offering you
the job.
Demonstrate your commitment and excitement for the job to
reassure the employer that they made the right decision in hiring
Letter of Resignation -
A resignation letter is a formal document that
lets your employer know that you are resigning
from your position
It can be submitted either by email or printed
It expresses your gratitude and ensures that you
are clear about the terms and conditions of the
What Not to Include in a Resignation Letter-

Future Career Moves

Distasteful Language
Emotional Attachments
Criticism of Coworkers
Projecting Bitterness
Do's of group discussion-

1 Listen to other participants 3 Give others time to speak

2 Maintain eye contact with the group
Listening carefully to what Try to set speaking limits for
others say can help you learn Try to make each person feel yourself mentally, such as
or understand a topic better important by looking at them aiming to speak for 30-40
It also shows respect to the for a few seconds before seconds before letting
other members because they moving on to the next person someone else have a turn
see you're valuing what This can make your dialogue
they're saying feel more personal.
Do's of group discussion-

Keep potential disagreements

4 polite 6 Support your claims
5 Dress professionally
Politely disagreeing with Research data to support
someone shows maturity, What you choose to wear can your claims
which is important in a group have a positive effect on Supporting your claims
discussion your performance and brings more validity to your
perception by your peers in a statements
group discussion
If you wear professional
clothes, it can communicate
you're serious about the
Do's of group discussion-

Welcome counterarguments
7 9 Acknowledge others
8 Prepare for the discussion before speaking
In a group discussion, other Some statements you can
members may counter-argue Some general topics you can use to acknowledge another
your points review for preparation- speaker-
It's best to handle these 1. Domestic and foreign current 1. I agree with what you said
encounters by being polite affairs about that idea. You made a
2. History facts great point with the evidence
3. Literature you shared.
2. Thank you for sharing that. I
want to expand on that some
Do's of group discussion-

Initiate the conversation

10 12 Show confidence
11 Take notes
Initiating a group discussion Speaking in a strong, even
can also show group Taking notes during a group tone is one way to show
members where and how the discussion can help you confidence
conversation might progress. process information better You can also sit with a
It also shows your It may also be helpful to straight posture and position
confidence write any thoughts or
questions you want to ask
the group
Dont's of group discussion-

Enter the conversation

1 3 Speak about other topics
2 Overspeak
Quickly entering the To avoid moving the
conversation may show that To avoid overspeaking, keep discussion away from the
you're unprepared your points precise main topic, make sure what
Plan when would be the best You can also speak again you're adding is relevant
time for you to contribute later if you want to share Before you speak, ask
your thoughts. more ideas yourself if it pertains to the
overall conversation
Dont's of group discussion-

Repeat other participants
6 Bring irrelevant or false
5 Interrupt others statistics
Repeating other If you aren't completely sure
participants' points during a Wait for others to finish your information is correct,
group discussion may not speaking before you it's best not to share it
add value to the overall contribute your thoughts
conversation Patiently waiting your turn
to share your thoughts also
allows you to show respect
to your group members
Dont's of group discussion-

Make eye contact with
9 Use judgmental language
the evaluators
8 Focus on only one
Try not to make eye contact To avoid judging others,
with the evaluators of the One group member doesn't understand everyone works
discussion feel you're speaking to only at a different pace and has a
Do your best to focus on your them different educational
fellow members since This also allows you to fully background
they're involved in the engage with everyone else Try to focus on sharing your
discussion knowledge with the group
Preparation for Interview
Pre-Interview Preparation-
1. Review the job description-
Read the job description to thoroughly understand
how the employer has described the position
Carefully review the keywords and key phrases
the employer uses to describe their expectations
You may also get some clues from the job
description about the questions the interviewer
may ask
Preparation for Interview
Pre-Interview Preparation
2.Consider your eligibility for the job-
Think about your qualifications and experience
Ask yourself why you are required to apply for
that job and why the employer should hire you
Preparation for Interview
Pre-Interview Preparation
3.Learn more about the company-
Get in-depth information about the company
through its website, social media pages, employee
reviews and other online sources
Get some insight on its latest revenue, growth
prospects and business plans
Researching the company well helps you align your
CV with its expectations
Preparation for Interview
Pre-Interview Preparation
4.Prepare a list of expected interview questions-
here are some common questions to include in
your list:
Tell me about yourself
Why are looking for a job change?
Why do you want this job?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
What motivates you?
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Preparation for Interview
Pre-Interview Preparation
5.Practice mock interviews-
Mock interviews can be a great help in this regard.
they can create a real interview-like environment
and help boost your confidence
Ask your friends or family to conduct a mock
interview for you
Consider recording the entire process to analyse
your performance
Preparation for Interview
Pre-Interview Preparation
6.Organise your documents-
Take a printout of your resume
Put all the important documents including your
mark sheets, certificates, ID proofs and
photographs in a folder
Keep hard copies of all your documents with you
Preparation for Interview
Pre-Interview Preparation
7.Update your social media profile-
If you are on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or any
other social media platform, make sure you have
an updated profile
Employers often check your social media presence
to get an idea about your personality and
Preparation for Interview
Pre-Interview Preparation
8.Make travel arrangements-
Familiarise yourself with the location map that the
company has sent you
Based on the distance and the time it would take
to commute, plan your timing and decide on the
mode of transport
Have contact information of the HR department
ready with you just in case you need any help
locating the company
Preparation for Interview
Pre-Interview Preparation
9.Decide on your interview dress-
Choose a formal dress that you would be wearing
for the interview
Make sure the clothes are clean and wrinkle-free
Overall, plan for a neat and clean look with well-
cut hair and shaved or trimmed beard
Preparation for Interview
Appearing the Interview Preparation
1. Reach the location early-
Reach the venue a few minutes before the
It gives you some time to rest and relax
Use the washroom or freshen yourself up
Reaching early helps reduce anxiety and gives
time to mentally prepare for the interview
Preparation for Interview
Appearing the Interview Preparation
2.Be polite-
Sit patiently in a good posture while waiting for
your turn
Be polite to the people you meet including the
receptionist, security guard and other candidate
Preparation for Interview
Appearing the Interview Preparation
3.Be mindful of your body language
Be firm and confident while speaking to the
Be mindful of your body language while interacting
with the receptionist or HR executive
Pay attention to how you smile and greet them
Preparation for Interview

Appearing the Interview Preparation

4.Ask thoughtful questions to the interviewer-
If you have any doubts regarding the position,
company or any other issue, you can get them
clarified towards the end of the interview
Preparation for Interview

After The Interview-

1.Analyse your performance-
After you come back from the interview, take out
a few minutes to analyse how you performed and
what areas could have been better
This goes a long way in improving your interview
Preparation for Interview

After The Interview-

2Inform your references-
If you have given any references in your CV or in
the job application, make sure you inform them
Let them know the skills and qualities you would
like them to recommend you for
Preparation for Interview

After The Interview-

3Follow up with HR-
Follow up with the HR department on the outcome
of the interview
You can do so through phone or email

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