Before The Flood Qs

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Before the Flood Questions

All questions are in the order they appear in the video. Timings for when to answer the questions are
listed next to each question. Here is the link for the documentary:
1. How are the human caused mass extinctions in the past (Dodo, Passenger Pigeon, etc)
different than what is happening today? (7:30)
The difference is that we now know the harm we are doing but continue to do it anyway.

2. How has the ice of the Baffin Islands changed during the hunters’ lifetime? (13:30)
The ice melted by 50 feet and became black.

3. Why do we ignore climate change? What does science have to say? (23:00)
We ignore climate change because we believe that just one person cannot make a difference. Many
people also have bigger problems in life.

4. What does Michael Mann say is the reason why there is confusion over global warming?
What does James Inhofe, the chair of the Senate Environment Committee, say about global
warming? (28.00)
The politicians are spreading confusion. They are usually being funded by brands using fossil fuels.

5. Describe Ma Jun’s national pollution map database in China. What is it? He says if you give
people the data, you empower the people. Do you agree with him? Explain. (30.30)

6. What does the ocean do for our climate / society? Why is it not doing this job? (43:30)
The ocean helps to regulate our climate, allow us to transport and trade, and have diverse species.
However, climate change, overpopulation, and overfishing are deteriorating the ocean.

7. Explain why and how forests store carbon. Why are the forests of Indonesia being destroyed?
Trees and other plants absorb CO2 from the atmosphere during photosynthesis. Deforestation is
occurring in Indonesia to allow for agriculture, timber extraction. Forest fires also destroy forests.

8. Why does Gidon Eshel suggest that people switch from eating beef to chicken? Use details
from the movie to support your answer. B) Why does Elon Musk say that batteries and solar
power are the answer for developing countries? (54:00)
Cows produce methane when they fart or burp.
Fossil fuels are bad. They are also self-sustaining.
9. Describe one of the tipping points that could affect the Earth. (1:05:30)
Melting of ice caps encourages global warming as there is less ice and more water. This is kind of a
loop as global warming causes ice caps to melt and ice caps melting speeds up global warming.

10. After listening to Dr. Piers Sellers, what is one misconception that people often have about
climate change? B) Is Dr. Sellers optimistic about the future? Do you agree with him? Explain
That people think climate change will cause every place in the world to get warmer, but some places
get colder. He is optimistic because he has faith in people. He believes that people will do something
once they are reasonably well informed. I do not agree with him because humans are too lazy. Even if
they do know, they will not feel obliged to do anything about it, unless it is a law.

This task is to be completed in class on Wednesday.

Is this documentary a message of hope, or a message of despair? Do you think that humanity will be
able to solve the problems of Climate Change? In approx. 300 words write a response to this question.
Support your views with examples from the film.
The documentary spreads a message of both hope and despair. The documentary discussed the
dangers of and solutions for climate change

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