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Meraz ahmed

Negating the filed of the high court as to the place occurrence learned counsel magistrate submit that the high
court did not considered the case in its proper perspective in perusal inof entire evidence of record would clearly
establish the place occurrence that the prosecution as succeeded in probing guilt beyond reasonable doubt
evidece on record clearly that the investigating officer had record place stand are of the complaint guilt from the
place incident which was summoning exercised were in in view whom place was evidece offece some ins PW1
bhola Singh PW2 baijnat singh is large ask and there the high court raise despite on the place occurrence was
before on the doubt rase by the high court on the admit on incident learned magistrate submit that the high court
as allowed on emphases on the present of semi digestions food in the medical board and has adopting drawing
case argument that the record would a time have been doctor in their exercised in judgment clearly stated that the
incident might case taken place whom the high court error in record offece contrary to the evidece particular for
the reasion with in village generally people week early in the morning and start were after cannot be a better
summoing to ask a clearly that the decision might have been at the instace learned magistrate food submit learned
magistrtate with all the aforesaid reason high court on to have been inviestigaing that the judgement of the trial
court in respect the submit learned magistrate place on this court learned magistrate for the state submit of the
appellants and constitiuon that the high court in respondent accused service relicence state materila evidece
which clealry establish guilt accused to to according to have high court in view the genuine that the a fir was lost
and concered 50 makes have been in reason evidece both I wetness pw1 and pw2 were limit statement establish
by the medical board and accused was establish was that the affect in the reasion despite learned magistrate from
the that the and evidece valuable on record this court should exercised judgment under article 136 of the code
india statement empugned by the accused

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