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I B.


What is the full form of computer?
The Full-Form of computer is Commonly Operated Machine Particular Used
For Trade Education Research.

What is a computer?
A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or
data. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data. You may
already know that you can use a computer to type documents, send
email, play games, and browse the Web. You can also use it to edit
or create spreadsheets, presentations, and even videos

Characteristics of Computer System

1. Speed of Computer

 Computers are much faster to perform mathematical calculations than human.

 The computer is capable of performing millions of tasks per second.

 It takes an hour or a day for a person to do a mathematical calculation or any

work, to do the same calculation or work to a computer do in microseconds or
 This means that while it takes some time for humans to do a small calculation,
a computer can do millions of additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions
in the same amount of time.

 The computer is so fast that it can do work in the blink of an eye. Let us
understand this through an example.

 The song plays as you instruct the computer to play the song. As soon as you
give the instruction, the computer completes that instruction at full speed.

2. Accuracy of Computer

A computer is very accurate. It does not make any kind of mistake in
calculating. Sometimes we get some error but these are because of the
mistake performed by us.

 The Accuracy of the computer is constantly high and it can perform hundred
of operation with the carry-out calculation and analysis accurately and

 It is also a feature of the computer that the computer completes any work with
absolute accuracy, this means that any instruction received from the user is
done by the computer with full accuracy and speed.

 A computer never gives us wrong results under any circumstances. You can
absolutely trust the output of the computer.

3. Diligence of Computer
 A person gets tired of doing some work in a few hours and a computer has the
ability to do any work continuously for many hours, days, months.

 Even after the computer has worked for such a long time, there is no decrease
in its ability to work and the accuracy of the result.

 The computer does work without any discrimination. A computer is free from
monetary and tiredness.

 Even if the computer does any work for weeks in a row, then the computer will
do that work with the same speed and accuracy.

 No matter how long the computer works, but it never gets boring.

4. Reliability of Computer

Reliability is a very big characteristics of computer. Today almost all the big
industries or big e-Commerce companies like Amazon and Flipkart, and big
search engine companies like - Google and Bing, all these companies are
dependent on computers.
 Today every major industry and companies in the world have full confidence in
their computers, and their entire business is running from computers.

 Today the work of all companies is being done through computers. These
companies store all their data in the computer, the data of these companies
are many types of data such as the amount to be paid, the date of payment
and many other types of data, which will be used in future when the time
comes for that data use.

 Data place to another place is transported through a computer in a very short


 The computer does all its work very honestly. Night or day, the computer
continues its work without being tired. Today this is the reason why big e-
commerce companies and industries blindly trust computers.

5. Versatility of Computer

 Versatility means that the computer is capable of doing any kind of work. Let
us understand computer Versatility in detail.

 It means The computer is capable of performing any type of instruction given

by the user, such as playing videos, downloading, running the Internet, the
computer is capable of doing all these instructions.
 Versatility is the Characteristics of a computer. Its means is that the computer
is capable of working in almost every field.

 Today computers are being used almost everywhere like schools, colleges,
hospitals, offices, railway stations, hotels etc.

 A computer system is multitasking so that you can do two tasks very easily at
the same time

6.Storage Capacity of Computer

 Computer systems have a very large capacity to store any type of data. A
computer can store and resell any information due to its storage capacity.

 Computers have the ability to store all types of data such as data, pictures,
files, programs, games, and sound for many years and later we can get any
data in a few seconds at any time for taking that information and for future

 Computer storage is also called permanent storage because once in this store
any data means - file, folder, text data, video, image is stored, then that data is
stored for life, and when As long as you do not delete any data, the data is
saved in your computer's storage.

 This storage unit is present in every computer system. The storage device is
also called the main part of the computer


 Automation is also a special feature of computers.

 A computer is an automatic machine because once started on a job they carry

on until the job is finished without any human assistance.

 Let us understand this with an example, suppose you have to copy 100 or 200
files of your computer in Pen drive.
 As soon as you gave the computer the instruction to copy all the files, then the
computer starts copying all your 100 or 200 files to the Pen drive, then you do
not need to give instructions to copy every file again and again.

 This whole process of a computer is called automation. I hope you understand.

8. Quick Decision
 The computer takes the decision very quickly, given by the user which is the
instruction arithmetic data or logic data.

 All Mathematical data is called arithmetic data.

 Copy Document, Delete file, open camera etc this type of data is called Logical

9. Multitasking

 Multitasking is also a very special feature of computers. A user can do different

types of tasks on the computer at the same time.

 Like we are using MS Word in computer as well as listening to songs and also
getting printouts.

 We can do a lot of work at the same time.

10. No Feeling
 In computers, like humans, there is no feeling and emotion, nor does the
computer have any knowledge and experience, because a computer is a
machine which works continuously on the instruction of humans without any
selfishness and without tiredness.

11. Power of Remembering

 Power of remembering is also very special Characteristics of the computer.
 You can store many types of information and data on your computer in very
large quantities. Whenever you need this data in future, you can get that data
in a few seconds matter why.

 You can get the data even after a long time. It depends on you, after how long
or after how many years you need the data.

12. No IQ
 A computer is a dumb machine, without a user, a computer is a useless
machine and device.

 Until a user does not give any instruction, it cannot do any work and only after
completing the instruction, he completes that work very fast.

 A computer system is completely dependent on us humans how to work.

What are the limitations of Computer?

 There are many limitations of a computer system is
following below.
  Lack of common-sense
  Zero IQ
  No Feeling
  Computers can’t Decide
  Computers can’t Express their Ideas
  Computers can’t Implement

The computer is capable of performing many types of tasks in every field, but the
computer is unable to perform certain types of tasks, which we call computer

Although a computer is many times ahead of humans in working, but there are
some tasks where humans are better than computers.
By the way, you should know that the computer cannot function without human
instructions, the computer is completely dependent on us.

Like humans, our computers do not have the ability to think, and neither have the
knowledge to understand right and wrong.

There is some list out the limitations of computer, which are given below.

 Lack of common-sense
 Zero IQ
 No Feeling
 Computers can’t Decide
 Computers can’t Express their Ideas
 Computers can’t Implement
 Computers can’t Think
 Depend on the user input.
 An expert user can work on a computer

Lack of common-sense

 Common sense is also the main limitations of the computer, as you all
would know that a computer works on the instructions of humans.
 A computer is designed in such a way that it works only on logic and not
on common sense.
 Let us understand this with an example.
 You must have used Microsoft Word, Whenever you type something in
Microsoft Word, sometimes some word gets mistyped while typing, then
you must have seen that the red underline comes down under that word, it
means that the word is wrong.
 The computer tells us that the word is wrong, but the computer has no
common sense to correct that word.
Zero IQ

 Zero IQ is also one of the major limitations of computers.
 Zero IQ means that the computer does not have brains.
 Simply say that, computer systems do not have the ability to think and
 A zero IQ in a computer means that the computer is programmed, or is
designed based on the work it is already to do.
 If a particular type of task is to be performed by a computer that is not
already programmed in the computer system, then the computer cannot
perform that task.
 You all will know that computer is also known as dump machine. The more
the computer is instructed, the computer performs that work.

 No Feeling

 Any emotion is not one of the limitations of computers. We are not

computers like humans.
 A human can work only eight hours in a day, but the computer can work
continuously for several hours.
 A computer can work continuously from 24 hours to 48 hours or
continuously for several days.
 No matter how long the computer system works, it does not affect the
speed of computer work nor does the computer ever feel tired.
 Computers can’t Decide

 Like us humans, computers do not have the ability to make decisions. In
these cases, human is ahead of computer.
 Computer systems only work in logic, not in judgment.

 I have written some names before you. Like - Avinash, Jhon, Simran, Ava,

 We know whose boy's name is in this and which name is of the girl, but the
computer does not know which name is of the boy and which name is of
the girl.

 Computers can’t Express their Ideas

 One research revealed that computers cannot express their ideas.
 Because a computer is a machine and a machine can never be Express their
 Because computers only work on the instruction of humans. It is also one
of the limitations of computers.
 Computers can’t Implement

 It is also a major part of the Computer of Limitations.
 Computers never implement anything because computers are unable to do
 Let's understand this for example.
 When you type something on the computer, then you must have noticed
that some red line comes down under some word, it means that the word
is wrong.
 As soon as you click on that word, there is an option to correct that word
and that word becomes correct.
 This means that the computer is unable to implement the wrong word and
correct it

Computers can’t Think

Computers can never think because a computer is a machine.

The machine never does any work by itself, unless it is given an instruction.

Depend on the user input.

The computer always depends on the user. Without human instruction,
computers cannot do any work.
Because until the computer gets no input then how will the computer give the

An expert user can work on a computer

Only the person who knows the computer can use the computer.
Because without computer knowledge you cannot operate the computer.

Advantages of Computer | Benefits of

 Speed
 Accuracy
 Storage
 Versatility
 Automatic
 Diligence
 Reliable
 Cost effective
 Multitasking of Computer
 Keep Your Entertained
 Save Your Time
 Get Information
 Can Make Money
 Data store Capability
 Connect on the internet to get all things
 Product Employment
 Problem Solves by using Internet
 Increase job opportunity
 Advantages of Computer in Education
 Advantages of Computer in Business
 Advantages of Computer in Office
 Advantages of Computer in Our Daily Life

 Advantages of Computers For Students

 Advantages of Computer in Banking Sector
Computers are very reliable. The computer maintains your data for a long time,
so that whenever that data is needed in future, you can take that data from the
The cost-effectiveness in computers means that it reduces paperwork.

Today most people prefer to work on a computer rather than paper, which saves
them both time and money.
What are the Benefits of using the Computer?

There are many benefits of computer, we can do many things sitting at home
from a computer.

We can also open our business and run it, it is going to be a very big platform in
the coming days.

You must know about the speed and accuracy of the computer.

It became necessary for students to know about computers as there is a need for
a large institute for computer professionals.

If you are a student, you can also study on a computer, you can also correct your
grammar, you can also solve your math problem.

You can also pay bills by connecting to the Internet.

There are many other things that you can do by connecting the Internet to a

It has many advantages but we tell you some of these important benefits which
are like this

Multitasking of Computer
You can do many things on your computer simultaneously, such as you can also
do work related to your business on your computer and can also listen to songs
and do Net surfing on your computer or else Can also work on software together.
keep your Entertained

You can store millions of songs and videos in your computer and you can also
store millions of movies so that when you feel like you can entertain yourself by
watching songs, videos or movies.
You can also watch live movies from popular sites with the help of a computer.
Such as Netflix, Amazon, Hotstar Prime etc.
Save Time
you can save your time with the help of a computer. Several examples are given
1. You can know the money in your bank account sitting at your home. Not only
this, but you can also pay all the bills sitting at home and you can send money
to your employees and anyone, for this you need to be connected to the
Internet, only then you can do all these things with the help of your computer.
Huh. You can do all this without going out of the house.
2. with the help of some websites like Amazon, Flipkart, you can order for the
same thing sitting at home. which you find at the shop, you can get it to your
door at the same price or less.
Get information

you can get all kinds of information from any place in the world with the help of
the internet from home and not only that, but you can also read and remember
on the internet. with its help
You can also teach others. here you can also get find the answer to your
Can Make Money

With the help of the internet you can also earn money, for example- you can also
open your shop on the internet so that people of the world can shop at your
There are many ways on the computer that you can make money, such as you
can make money by making videos on YouTube.
You can also earn money by studying others online, nowadays people are also
very fond of reading online.
Data store capability
Suppose you want to see as an old record from many years ago, then you can see
it with the help of a computer.
The computer has a huge ability to store data depending on your hard disk, you
can keep a lot of records in it and can see it whenever you want.
In this, you can store any kind of data, be it video, audio, photo or text document.
Connects on the internet to get all things
Today it is very important to connect internet because now everything is
happening through the internet.
You can get food from your favorite restaurant through the internet, you can use
vegetables, grocery items, clothes, shoes and with the help of internet.
You can get a lot, you can teach someone online and you can also study yourself.
With its help, you can make your business accessible to the people who cannot
reach it, as well as you can see every corner of the world.
Product Employment
Nowadays everyone wants to work on a computer because it can never go wrong
because the computer works with incredible accuracy and speed.
Working without a computer is tedious, takes a lot of time and sometimes goes
The computer creates thousands of jobs every year. The need for computer
professionals has increased a lot in the last few years.
Every organization, every business needs computer experts, professionals in its
Problem solves by using the internet

If you are in any class or if there is any question related to business. then you will
get the answer to every question here.
Now computer skill is an important part of every student. By connecting your
computer to the internet, you can know the answer to every question.
Increase job opportunity
In this pandemic Covid-19 situation, computers play a large role in employment.

Because all the work is being done from home with the help of a computer.

Today, due to computers, people are able to do their work.

Advantages of computer in Education

Today, almost all learning things are available online on computer. In the field of
education, computers are changing the lifestyle of students or learners.

Most of the schools or universities or colleges are working with computers such
as online admissions, online exams, online training etc., which is why the learning
skills of the students are increasing day by day.

In education, most teachers use computers for teaching, for practical and to
improve their own skills, to give teaching material etc.

Teachers use computers to teach students and to expand their knowledge or

Let's do something to get more information.

In education, students use computers for online learning, for online training, and
for additional knowledge.

In the field of education, computer communication between students, teachers

and parents is now an easy method.
Advantages of computers in Business

Most businessmen are using computers extensively in their business. With the
help of computer, customers can do online work, online orders etc.

Some documents, files, information etc. can be shared with each other through
computer to email contact.

Now business is being done 24 hours a day with the help of computers. Every
work is done very easily and correctly.

Today, most businessmen use computers for sales, for marketing, for
manufacturing, for accounting, for product design, for inventory control, for
quality control, for development, etc.
In business, people are making more and more efforts to work online, building
their businesses around the world and reaping maximum benefits.
Advantages of computers in Office
Today, computers are being widely used in various offices like a government and

There are many types of software to do every office work. Through computer
software, employees are doing various tasks in the office very easily, very quickly
and correctly.

Computers are improving day by day in various office communication,

productivity, data storage networking etc. so that people in the office can work
Computers are used to keep records of workers who work in an office.

Today, most use computers for office work, sales, marketing, manufacturing,
accounting, product design, inventory control, quality control, development, etc.

Advantages of Computers in our Daily Life

Nowadays almost no work in our daily life is possible without a computer.

This computer is becoming very useful for our lives because nowadays everything
is being done with the help of computers.

Our daily lives are becoming easier due to computers and our learning capacity is
also increasing.

Today we are surrounded by computers, we have become completely dependent

on computers, today computers have become a major part of our daily life.
Today we can make a lot of these e-notes without the help of pen and pencil with
the help of computer typing without spending anything.
Advantages of Computers for Students

A computer is like a god for students. Computers are very useful for students.

Today computers have completely changed the lives of students, with the help of
computers, students are learning to maximize their knowledge and ideas.

Today, almost all learning and reading items are available online on computers.

In the field of education, computers are changing the lifestyle of students or


Benefits of computer for students For example, for students to read about any
subject, they can get information about that subject through computer and

Today, students are doing their learning and work in an easy way by developing
online skills as they wish in their daily lives.
Advantage of a Computer in Banking Sector
With the use of computers in the bank, the ability to work in the bank has
Every bank of the world is using computers today so that a lot of work of banks
can be completed in a short time.

With the entry of computers in the banking sector, the entire banking system has
changed and people are taking advantage of e-banking from home banking.
These all are merits of computer system.

Multitasking of Computer

You can do many things on your computer simultaneously, such as you can also
do work related to your business on your computer and can also listen to songs
and do Net surfing on your computer or else Can also work on software together.
keep your Entertained

You can store millions of songs and videos in your computer and you can also
store millions of movies so that when you feel like you can entertain yourself by
watching songs, videos or movies.
You can also watch live movies from popular sites with the help of a computer.
Such as Netflix, Amazon, Hotstar Prime etc.
Save Time
you can save your time with the help of a computer. Several examples are given
1. You can know the money in your bank account sitting at your home. Not only
this, but you can also pay all the bills sitting at home and you can send money
to your employees and anyone, for this you need to be connected to the
Internet, only then you can do all these things with the help of your computer.
Huh. You can do all this without going out of the house.
2. with the help of some websites like Amazon, Flipkart, you can order for the
same thing sitting at home. which you find at the shop, you can get it to your
door at the same price or less.
Get information

you can get all kinds of information from any place in the world with the help of
the internet from home and not only that, but you can also read and remember
on the internet. with its help
You can also teach others. here you can also get find the answer to your
Can Make Money

With the help of the internet you can also earn money, for example- you can also
open your shop on the internet so that people of the world can shop at your
There are many ways on the computer that you can make money, such as you
can make money by making videos on YouTube.
You can also earn money by studying others online, nowadays people are also
very fond of reading online.
Data store capability
Suppose you want to see as an old record from many years ago, then you can see
it with the help of a computer.
The computer has a huge ability to store data depending on your hard disk, you
can keep a lot of records in it and can see it whenever you want.
In this, you can store any kind of data, be it video, audio, photo or text document.
Connects on the internet to get all things
Today it is very important to connect internet because now everything is
happening through the internet.
You can get food from your favorite restaurant through the internet, you can use
vegetables, grocery items, clothes, shoes and with the help of internet.
You can get a lot, you can teach someone online and you can also study yourself.
With its help, you can make your business accessible to the people who cannot
reach it, as well as you can see every corner of the world.
Product Employment
Nowadays everyone wants to work on a computer because it can never go wrong
because the computer works with incredible accuracy and speed.
Working without a computer is tedious, takes a lot of time and sometimes goes
The computer creates thousands of jobs every year. The need for computer
professionals has increased a lot in the last few years.
Every organization, every business needs computer experts, professionals in its
Problem solves by using the internet

If you are in any class or if there is any question related to business. then you will
get the answer to every question here.
Now computer skill is an important part of every student. By connecting your
computer to the internet, you can know the answer to every question.
Increase job opportunity
In this pandemic Covid-19 situation, computers play a large role in employment.

Because all the work is being done from home with the help of a computer.

Today, due to computers, people are able to do their work.

Advantages of computer in Education

Today, almost all learning things are available online on computer. In the field of
education, computers are changing the lifestyle of students or learners.

Most of the schools or universities or colleges are working with computers such
as online admissions, online exams, online training etc., which is why the learning
skills of the students are increasing day by day.

In education, most teachers use computers for teaching, for practical and to
improve their own skills, to give teaching material etc.

Teachers use computers to teach students and to expand their knowledge or

Let's do something to get more information.

In education, students use computers for online learning, for online training, and
for additional knowledge.

In the field of education, computer communication between students, teachers

and parents is now an easy method.
Advantages of computers in Business

Most businessmen are using computers extensively in their business. With the
help of computer, customers can do online work, online orders etc.

Some documents, files, information etc. can be shared with each other through
computer to email contact.

Now business is being done 24 hours a day with the help of computers. Every
work is done very easily and correctly.

Today, most businessmen use computers for sales, for marketing, for
manufacturing, for accounting, for product design, for inventory control, for
quality control, for development, etc.
In business, people are making more and more efforts to work online, building
their businesses around the world and reaping maximum benefits.
Advantages of computers in Office
Today, computers are being widely used in various offices like a government and

There are many types of software to do every office work. Through computer
software, employees are doing various tasks in the office very easily, very quickly
and correctly.

Computers are improving day by day in various office communication,

productivity, data storage networking etc. so that people in the office can work
Computers are used to keep records of workers who work in an office.

Today, most use computers for office work, sales, marketing, manufacturing,
accounting, product design, inventory control, quality control, development, etc.

Advantages of Computers in our Daily Life

Nowadays almost no work in our daily life is possible without a computer.

This computer is becoming very useful for our lives because nowadays everything
is being done with the help of computers.

Our daily lives are becoming easier due to computers and our learning capacity is
also increasing.

Today we are surrounded by computers, we have become completely dependent

on computers, today computers have become a major part of our daily life.
Today we can make a lot of these e-notes without the help of pen and pencil with
the help of computer typing without spending anything.
Advantages of Computers for Students

A computer is like a god for students. Computers are very useful for students.

Today computers have completely changed the lives of students, with the help of
computers, students are learning to maximize their knowledge and ideas.

Today, almost all learning and reading items are available online on computers.

In the field of education, computers are changing the lifestyle of students or


Benefits of computer for students For example, for students to read about any
subject, they can get information about that subject through computer and

Today, students are doing their learning and work in an easy way by developing
online skills as they wish in their daily lives.
Advantage of a Computer in Banking Sector
With the use of computers in the bank, the ability to work in the bank has
Every bank of the world is using computers today so that a lot of work of banks
can be completed in a short time.

With the entry of computers in the banking sector, the entire banking system has
changed and people are taking advantage of e-banking from home banking.

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