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Evolve Digital Level 3 – Low Intermediate

Vocabulary summary
Unit 2, Lesson 1
Describing possessions

brand new (adjective) – completely new

“Do you like my car? It's brand new. I bought it yesterday."

common (adjective) – happening often or existing in large numbers

“Electric cars are a lot more common these days. I know a lot of people who have

damaged (adjective) – harmed or broken

“My car was damaged in the accident."

fancy (adjective) – with a lot of decoration, or very complicated

“My sister chose a fancy cake for her wedding. It was very beautiful, but I would
prefer something simple."

in good condition (adjective) – like new; not damaged

“I am going to sell my bike. It's in good condition. It's not damaged, so I should get a
good price."

modern (adjective) – using the newest ideas, design, technology, etc.

“My friend has a new virtual reality headset. It's so modern. New technology is
outdated (adjective) – not modern enough
“My parents need a new computer. Theirs is very old and outdated."

plain (adjective) – simple and not decorated

“Ian prefers plain, simple clothes. He doesn't wear any patterns or stripes."

special (adjective) – better or more important than usual things

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“I made my nephew a special cake for his birthday. He didn't want a plain chocolate
cake like usual, so I made him a soccer-themed cake."

used (adjective) – not new and has been owned by someone else
“I bought a couple of great books today at the market. They are used, but they are in
good condition."

useful (adjective) – helping you to do or achieve something

“The GPS feature on my phone is really useful. I can find the places I need to go

useless (adjective) – does not work well and is not helpful

“My phone is useless. The battery always runs out as soon as I turn it on, so I can't
use it."

Unit 2, Lesson 2
Describing tech features

device (verb) – a piece of equipment that is used for a particular purpose, e.g. to
connect to the internet

“They are all using different devices. Some are using phones, others are using
tablets, and one is using a laptop."

folder (noun) – a place on a computer where files e.g. documents, pictures, etc. are
“You can create folders to organize your files. You can put your music files, movies,
and work documents into separate folders."

home screen (noun) – the main area on a device where you can find all your apps
on your phone, or other main folders on your computer
“To access the camera on your phone, go back to the home screen and find the
camera app."

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model (noun) – a design of machine or device that is made by a particular company
“I need a new smartphone, but there are so many different models I don't know
which one to get."

storage (noun) – the amount of space you have available on a device, such as a
computer or cell phone, to store digital data (such as photos, music, videos, etc.)
“My phone has 27 GB of total storage. But I have 20 GB of pictures and music on my
phone. So, I only have 7 GB of storage left."

set up (phrasal verb) – to prepare something for use

“I just bought a new laptop but it's taking a long time to set up, so I can't use it yet.

sync (verb) – when you sync a device with your computer, it updates both the device
and the computer with the most recent information
“You can sync your phone with your tablet to update your data on both devices."

work (verb) – if a machine or piece of equipment works, it is not broken

“Oh no! My laptop won't work. It won't turn on. I don't know what's wrong with it!

delete (verb) – to remove something, especially from a computer's memory`

“I deleted the file from my computer as I no longer needed it.

try (verb) – to do, test, taste, etc. something to discover if it works or if you like it

“Me and my friends decided to try that new gaming app everyone is talking about.
We love it!

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