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Title: Writing a Research Paper on HIV/AIDS: Challenges and Solutions

Undertaking the task of writing a thesis on HIV/AIDS is undoubtedly a formidable challenge. It

requires not only a deep understanding of the subject matter but also the ability to synthesize
complex information, conduct thorough research, and present findings in a clear and coherent
manner. The intricacies involved in crafting a comprehensive and insightful research paper can often
feel overwhelming, leaving many students feeling lost and uncertain about where to begin.

One of the primary difficulties in writing a thesis on HIV/AIDS lies in the vast amount of existing
literature on the topic. With decades of research and countless studies conducted, navigating through
this extensive body of work can be a daunting task. Moreover, staying updated with the latest
advancements and developments in the field adds another layer of complexity to the writing process.

Another challenge is the sensitive nature of the subject matter. HIV/AIDS is a deeply personal and
emotionally charged topic, and addressing it in a scholarly manner requires a delicate balance of
empathy and objectivity. Navigating through ethical considerations, cultural sensitivities, and
stigmatization associated with the disease can pose significant challenges for researchers.

Furthermore, the technical aspects of writing a thesis, such as structuring the paper, adhering to
academic conventions, and citing sources accurately, can also prove to be stumbling blocks for many
students. Balancing these technical requirements with the need for originality and critical analysis
further complicates the writing process.

Despite these challenges, it is important for students to remember that they do not have to tackle the
task alone. Seeking assistance from reputable academic writing services can provide much-needed
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In conclusion, while writing a thesis on HIV/AIDS may present numerous challenges, it is a task that
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contributes to our understanding of this critical global issue.
The statistics regarding the same are discussed in the subsequent sections. Furthermore, flawed or
inaccurate interpretations of the data collected might also lead to disastrous consequences which in
turn may hamper the policies and programs current in progress. In all the articles the topic of possible
existence of the cure for HIV is discussed. In Togo, previous studies on adherence to ART have
reported good adherence to ART during the first year of follow-up. The objectives of the study were
to determine the level of adherence to combined antiretroviral therapy among the patients, evaluate
the improvement in their immune status and identify reasons for sub-optimal adherence to therapy.
Systematic sampling method was used to select study participants. HIV can also be contracted
through blood transfusions. However, this can only be achieved through coordinated efforts to
address political, social, legal and economic barriers that key populations face in accessing HIV
services. The study found a low level of awareness of the linkage between the lifestyle of CSWs and
renal health challenges, and a high degree of denial of susceptibility to renal health challenges. This
study aims to assess the proportion of adherence to ART and identify possible factors related to non-
adherence to ART among people living with HIV (PLHIV) in Selected Public Hospital of Addis
Ababa. Educating people to practice safer sex is probably the only control method currently available
to health authorities, nevertheless, this could be introduced in more detail so that it can help reduce
the number of people becoming infected with HIV. Also, key informant interview was conducted
with health professional. Volume eluted was 4 ml. 4) 0.5 ml of the Elution Buffer (ELB) was
pipetted into the Carrier RNA (CAR). Guided by Health Belief Model, the study adopted the case
study approach. To conclude, decision to start patient on ART can be made judiciously when viral
load is used along with CD4 count estimation. As yet, there were 22 million people died, 42 million
of people are infected by AIDS. Such a trend bears testimony to the fact that the efforts put in at
global level, have indeed been successful in curbing the spread of the deadly virus. This method of
transmission is now almost entirely limited to people who inject drugs and share needles. JULIANA
BENAVIDES GUERRERO Seminario BioMol- Aura Cristina Pena Santos Seminario BioMol- Aura
Cristina Pena Santos AuraCristinaPeaSanto Bursitis is inflammation or irritation of a bursa sac. The
neglect of such a critical aspect could lead to flawed interpretations and conclusions regarding
awareness among youth. But the only thing that the scientists wanted us to remember that HIV virus
is easier to prevent than to cure. The Thai doctors also prefer to work at private hospitals because
they. Gender differences in viral load necessitate gender specific recommendations for initia- tion of
ART. Statistics show that about 35% of AIDS cases have been in the age group of 20-29. Globally
there are numerous cases of getting infected as a result of physical or sexual violence, when the
victim was unable to avoid getting the virus. If HIV cases decline then simultaneously the AIDS
epidemics will fall too. Starting ART based on immunological criteria has its own limitations.
Starting patient on ART is easy but as ART is a life- long treatment, adherence to therapy is a
problem. Condoms were distributed for free to sex workers and sex workers are. Epidemiologists
warn that by the year 2010 this number can reach 8 million people — more than 10% of adult
population of the country.
You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Data was collected by interviewing the
clients and review of their medical records using str. Starting ART based on immunological criteria
has its own limitations. When looking at initial attitudes to the disease if we look at the statement
provided by Day and Klein the confused nature. Percentage of commercial sex that used condoms
increase from around. Sadly, most children with HIV contracted it from their infected mothers
during pregnancy or childbirth. Since AIDS is the last stage of a long period of HIV infection, the
number of AIDS cases is like the tip of a very large iceberg. (refer to visual). Acute HIV infection
progresses over time to asymptomatic HIV infection and later to advanced HIV or full blown AIDS.
The requirements often seem personally restrictive but are very effective and can save your life. It is
extremely hard to find the appropriate therapy for patients, because the virus has a tendency to a
very rapid mutation. The statistics regarding the same are discussed in the subsequent sections. The
FNI among female sex workers (FSWs) remained low (median 1.3%, range 0.04 to 14.4%), with
little variability by region and epidemic. The cultures thus formed, govern the manner and pattern of
behavior among such individuals. There are many alterable factors known to affect the treatment
adherence. This is mainly on account of the rigid socio-cultural trends which are prevalent among
some of the low income countries, which incidentally happen to be among the worst hit regions.
Conclusions: Although significant challenges to wider use remain, PrEP holds promise as a safe and
highly effective method to be used as part of a combined HIV prevention strategy for MSM and
TGW in Thailand. Results: We retrieved four journal articles and 20 UNAIDS reports covering 29
countries. The transmission of HIV can also be controlled by using barrier methods, such as
condoms and femidoms, during sexual intercourse. Goldschmidt, MD, Family Practice Inpatient
Service, San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco, CA 94110 MD Find this author on Google
Scholar Find this author on PubMed Search for this author on this site Betty J. Due to the biological
differences as well as sole and position in the society, the nature and range of suffering is also
different for men and women. The problem has been exacerbated by poverty, illiteracy, weak
education and public health systems and the low social status of women. There are no worries of
contracting any sexually transmitted diseases and people who are abstinent usually have fewer
problems than those who get sexually involved too soon. Shade SB et al. (2000) also observed
similar gender differences in viral load. C till further use. 2.3. Specimen, Control and Reagent
Preparation 1) Frozen plasma specimens were kept at room tempera- ture until completely thawed
and were vortexed for 5 - 10 seconds before use. 2) The reagents were allowed to reach ambient
tem- perature before proceeding. Where possible, we compared incremental costs and effects. These
gender differences in viral load could necessi- tate gender specific recommendations for initiation of
ART. Such children have problems with a stiffness of the arms or legs, have problems with
coordination. Now, the new government (new party) is not doing enough. Sec- ondly the mean CD4
count is inherently low in Indian population compared to western population. Due to a decrease in
HIV prevalence in Thailand, government reduced its HIV. Social care groups must work in tandem
with the health care givers, in order to ensure that violence and incidences of sexual abuse among
women and children are addressed in a strict manner, in order to protect this group from contracting
the disease.
Despite lack of funding, much of the risk-reduction information that later became available to the
public was generated by advocates within the homosexual community. The vulnerability of male and
female are influenced by societal factors such as gender roles, socioeconomic environment, class
differences, and prevalent ideology including cultural norms, values and attitudes. Is it rather due to
unhealthy lifestyle or inappropriate diet. See other similar resources ?0.00 5.00 1 review Download
Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. A total of 303 persons were recruited for the
study. Such a trend bears testimony to the fact that the efforts put in at global level, have indeed been
successful in curbing the spread of the deadly virus. To browse and the wider internet
faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Seminario biologia
molecular-Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Caceres Download Free PDF View PDF HIV pre-
exposure prophylaxis and health and community systems in the Global South: Thailand case study
Donn Colby, Nittaya Phanuphak Introduction: Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is recommended by
the World Health Organization as an effective method of HIV prevention for individuals at risk for
infection. Methods: We systematically searched MEDLINE, EMBASE and UNAIDS reports, and
contacted UNAIDS country directors for published MOT results from MOT inception to 25
September 2012. In Togo, previous studies on adherence to ART have reported good adherence to
ART during the first year of follow-up. Being that most of us in this room fall near or in that age
range, my goal today is to inform you of how the virus is contracted, symptoms of this disease, and
most importantly, the best way to go about taking more precaution into preventing this fatal disease.
In case the child was cut somewhere a bandage should be put for 24 hours. The presence of these
may indicate an HIV infection. The neglect of such a critical aspect could lead to flawed
interpretations and conclusions regarding awareness among youth. This means that people can be
educated about the spread of infection and encouraged to change their behaviours so as to protect
themselves and others. The implementation of a theoretical perspective which takes into
consideration the feminist and symbolic instructionism aspects would help the policy makers in
comprehending precisely, the manner in which factors such as gender, power and socio-cultural
stigmas affect the responses of women towards palliative care. Starting patient on ART is easy but as
ART is a life- long treatment, adherence to therapy is a problem. Children lose appetite because of
drug treatment often. Also, key informant interview was conducted with health professional.
Another significant flaw in the programs advocated by the PEPFAR include, the policy to promote
the use of condoms among highly vulnerable groups such as prostitutes, or sexually active youth. The
prevention of AIDS requires a lot of self discipline and strength of character. Virological monitoring
should be combined with clinical and immunological monitoring for better patient management.
Make sure your partner has not had several sex partners, does not use intravenous drugs, and make
sure its not someone who has had any sexually transmitted diseases. (4) Avoid multiple sex partners.
Clinical implications include the use of different cognitive remediation strategies based on sex. Social
care groups must work in tandem with the health care givers, in order to ensure that violence and
incidences of sexual abuse among women and children are addressed in a strict manner, in order to
protect this group from contracting the disease. In countries where there is adequate knowledge, the
access to life saving drugs, condoms and clean sterile equipments is a rarity. Now many of you may
already know that AIDS has a long period between infection with the virus and the appearance of
symptoms. Meaning that some of those people between the ages 20 and 29 probably contracted the
virus when they were teenagers. In 2010, 71% of countries have some form of laws to protect people
living with HIV. People living with HIV might also be discriminated even in their family. An
The attitude was evaluated via 5 scale Likert questionnaires. This means that people can be educated
about the spread of infection and encouraged to change their behaviours so as to protect themselves
and others. Also the awareness regarding the disease is relatively lower in such countries as
compared to its developed and industrialized counterparts. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and
she'll connect you with the best. Two pivotal trials that showed that the use of oral antiretroviral
medication as PrEP can reduce HIV transmission were conducted partially or entirely at Thai sites.
Due to the use of 100% condom program, the HIV prevalence decrease. Though momentous strides
in the diagnosis, treatment as well as the survival of those who are. Seminario biologia molecular-
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Moreover, condom use had decreased which also increase the.
The problem has been exacerbated by poverty, illiteracy, weak education and public health systems
and the low social status of women. With less people who are affected HIV, less people would.
Methods: This was an analytical cross-sectional study conducted from May to July 2013 at the
regional hospital of Sokode among 291 PLWHA who had been on ART for at least three months
before the study. Results: A total of 291 PLWHA on ART were enrolled in the study. C) before
starting the purifi- cation reactions. 3) Batches of 21 samples and 3 controls (High positive control,
low positive control and negative control) were processed at a time. 2.3.1. Reagent Preparation (For
24 Tests) Reagent preparation was done under a laminar hood 1) The Inhibitor Removal Buffer was
prepared by pi- petting 20 ml of 96% - 100% ethanol to Inhibitor Re- moval Buffer (IRB). It was
designed to guide country-specific HIV prevention policies. However, although the programs and
policy initiatives of this organization seem appealing at first, it is highly unreasonable to focus the
preventive efforts on one particular group rather than addressing the society and larger community as
a whole. The cultures thus formed, govern the manner and pattern of behavior among such
individuals. It is not allowed to use the less quantity of the same drugs that are used for adults, but
this is the only way out for some less-developed countries. The fear of society and the social stigma
that follows, is touted as one of the key reasons for the rapid spread of the disease in the African
regions. This is why it is crucial that your government takes immediate action to reduce the epidemic.
Volume eluted was 4 ml. 4) 0.5 ml of the Elution Buffer (ELB) was pipetted into the Carrier RNA
(CAR). The prevalence of HIV and AIDS in the developing and third world, and how a. More that
twenty years after the first case of HIV Aids were reported, the issue of discrimination of HIV Aids
infected workers continue to elicit mixed reactions in most organizations. Overall, this will then
reduce the number of death cases and people becoming infected with the disease. The cost of the
HAART treatment includes the cost of AZT, Lamivudine and Nevirapine required for the first-line
treatment or the cost of Didanosine, Stavudine, Lopinavir, and Ritonavir for the second line of
treatment. The requirements often seem personally restrictive but are very effective and can save
your life. This is also the healthiest choice of all of the above. First model of one stop service for
drug users in drug dependent centers in s. A cross-sectional study was conducted among HIV-
positive patients using a well-structured questionnaire. Its goal is to achieve maximal and long-lasting
suppression of viral replication.
A total of 303 persons were recruited for the study. Based on this, we conducted a systematic review
of published and grey literature on the costs and cost-effectiveness of each intervention identified.
The presence of these may indicate an HIV infection. Now, the new government (new party) is not
doing enough. Report this Document Download now Save Save essay hiv For Later 0 ratings 0%
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enhanced title and description HIV is thought to have originated in non-human primates in sub-
saharan Africa. Of these 96 (23.70%) patients were clinically asymptomatic and were enrolled (
Figure 1 ). Today, we live in a highly dynamic world, which owing to rapid development in
technology, and globalization has shrunk like never before. In western countries along with clinical
and immunological criteria, HIV- 1 viral load is also used to start the patient on treatment. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. When looking at initial attitudes to the disease if we look at the statement provided by
Day and Klein the confused nature. Symbolic instructionism emphasizes the significance of
understanding the various explanations and significance of illness, the impact of illness, and the need
to adapt the services and programs in accordance with each individual case, rather than applying a
blanket rule for all those affected. Virological monitoring should be combined with clinical and
immunological monitoring for better patient management. For a valid run, result for each indi- vidual
specimen was interpreted as mentioned in Table 2. 3. Results During the study period of one year
from April 2009 to March 2010, 8966 HIV-1 infected patients were referred for CD4 count
estimation to our ICTC. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely,
please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. This is also the healthiest choice of all of the
above. People living with HIV might also be discriminated even in their family. An example. In
countries where there is adequate knowledge, the access to life saving drugs, condoms and clean
sterile equipments is a rarity. Seminario biologia molecular-Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Of
these 96 (23.70 % ) patients were clinica lly asymptomatic and were enrolled. These gender
differences in viral load could necessi- tate gender specific recommendations for initiation of ART.
In 13 countries, the largest FNI (range 26 to 63%) was acquired by the low-risk group and increased
with low-risk population size. Two pivotal trials that showed that the use of oral antiretroviral
medication as PrEP can reduce HIV transmission were conducted partially or entirely at Thai sites.
Children lose appetite because of drug treatment often. They scientists from different world
laboratories share their opinion on the right way of creation of this vaccine. The tool was divided into
various sections such as socio-demographic data, HIV knowledge and adherence to combined
antiretroviral therapy. This is because, it clearly dismisses the role played by the other groups in
spreading AIDS. The shortage is only expected to get worse, 10 percent of doctors surveyed by the
South African Medical Journal said they may leave within the next five years, and 1 in 3 new
doctors doing their required one-year community service said they plan to emigrate Itano 2002.
Seminario biologia molecular-Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Bursitis is inflammation or
irritation of a bursa sac. Mixing was done by in- verting; then vortexing was done until all of the
Carrier RNA was dissolved. 5) 5.0 ml of the Elution Buffer (ELB) was pipeted into the Proteinase K

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