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Backdraft – A fatal behavior of fire that is characterized by sudden and rapid ( violent ) burning of

heated gases in a confined area that occurs in the form of explosion due to improper ventilation.

- An impending explosion characterized by heat, smoldering fire, high fuel vapor

concentrations and low oxygen.

32 Degress Fahrenheit – The freezing point of a water in Fahrenheit

Ventilation – It is the systematic removal of heated air, smoke and fire gases from a burning building
and replacing them with cooler air.

- Is the careful planned release of the by products of combustions from a confined area or

Fire Suppression – Refers to all of the tactics and tasks that are performed on the fire scene to achieve
the final goal of extinguishing the fire.

Merit and fitness – The DILG shall establish a system of promotion for the uniformed personnel of the
BFP. What is the general basis for promotion of a BFP personnel?.

Inspection order – Before a Fire Safety Inspector (FSI) will inspect a certain establishment, what
document should be issued by the City /Municipal Fire Marshall authorizing the former to perform the
said Function.

Boiling Point – It is the temperature at which the vapor pressure is equal to normal atmospheric

Oxygen, fuel, heat, and self-sustained chemical chain reaction – The four (4) elements of fire

Republic Act no. 9263 – This act shall be known as the “ Bureau of Fire Protection and Bureau of jail
Management and Penology Professionalization Act of 2004 ”.

Class B Fuel – It is a class of fuel that consist of flammable liquids such as alcohol, acidic solutions, oil,
and other chemicals such as those petroleum products. It has a class symbol of red square and can be
extinguished by foam.

Fire Hazard – It is any condition or act which increases or may cause an increase in the probability of the
Occurrence of fire, or which may obstruct, delay, hinder or interfere with firefighting operations and the
safeguarding of life and property.

Director – According to Republic Act No. 9263, what is the rank of chief, BFP?.

High Hazard – This is a classification of hazard of content which are liable to burn with extreme rapidity
of from which poisonous gases or explosion are to be expected in the event of fire.

Fire – It is the heat and light that comes from burning substances, produced by the combustion of
substances. – It is a chemical reaction in which a substances combines with oxygen, heat it released and
the form of substances is destroyed.
Republic Act No. 6975 – What is the law that created the bureau of fire protection (BFP) which is under
the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)? This act is also known as the “Department
of the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990”.

15 meters – A high rise building is one which the distance between the floor of the topmost storey and
ground level is 15 meters or more.



Abatement – Any act that would remove or neutralize a fire hazard.

Approved – acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.

Blasting Agent – Any material or mixture consisting of a fuel and oxidizer used to set off explosives.

Closed container - Any container so sealed by means of a lid or other device that neither liquid nor
vapor will escape from it at ordinary temperatures.

Class K Fires – Fires in cooking appliances that involve combustible cooking media (vegetable or animal
oils and fats).

Class A Fires – Fires involving ordinary combustible materials such as wood, cloth, rubber and plactics.

Class B Fires – Fires involving flammable liquids ands gases.

Class C Fires – Fires involving energized electrical equipment.

Class D Fires - Fires involving combustible materials, such as sodium, magnesium, potassium, and other
similar materials

Pyrophoric – Descriptive of any substances that ignites spontaneously when exposed to air.

Chief, BFP – The highest position in the BFP.

Aircraft – Any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air the than
the reactions of the air against the earth’s surface.

Bale - A large bundle or package of hay or a raw material such as cotton, tightly with string or wire to
keep it in shape during transportation or storage.

Combustible Liquid – Any liquid having a flash point at or above thirty seven and eight tenths degrees
celcius (37.8°)

Fuel, Heat, Oxygen – These are the 3 elements of the Fire Traingle.

Fire Exit Drill – A practice drill for the orderly and safe evacuation of occupants in the buildings.

Meritorious/spot promotion – It is a kind of promotion by any personnel of the BFP who has exhibited
act of conspicuous courage and gallantry at the risk of his/her life above and beyond the call of duty. If
approved, the said personnel shall be promoted to the next higher rank.
Distillation – It is the process of first raising the temperature to separate the more volatile from the less
volatile parts, and then cooling and condensing the resulting vapor so as to produce a nearly purified

Presidential Decree No. 1613 – This decree is otherwise known as the “Law Amending the law on
Arson”. This is the law that punishes any person who burns or sets fire to the property of another.


Accidental cause – It is a cause of fire in which the proven cause does not involve any deliberate human
act to ignite or spread the fire.

Span of Control – It refers to the number of persons an individual can supervise effectively, it is also
known as span of attention.

Fire pattern – In fire arson investigation, this is known as the actual physical effects that can be seen
measured after a fire including charring, oxidation, distortion, melting, color changes, and structural

Presidential Decree No. 1613 – This decree is otherwise known as the “Law Amending the law on
Arson”. This is the law that punishes any person who burns or sets fire to the property of another.

Deputy Chief for Operations – What is the position title for the third (3rd) officer in command at the
organizational structure of the BFP?.

Convection – It is the transfer of heat by the movement of heated fluids or gases, usually in upward

Liquefied Petroleum gas – It is a gas that is partly in liquid state when under normal atmospheric
pressure and partly in solid state when under pressure inside the container. Its pressure is dependent
upon the temperature of the liquid.

Dusts – These are finely divided solids, four millimeters (4mm) or less in diameter which, mixed with air
in proper proportion, becomes explosives and may be ignited by a flame, spark or other source of

Arson – legally, what is known as the intentional or malicious destruction of property by fire?

Trailer – It is the technical term for the preparation of flammable substances in order to spread the fire.

Condensation – What is known as the conversion of a matter from gas phase (steam) to liquid phase

Republic Act No. 9592 – This is an act extending for five (5) years the reglamentary period for complying
with the minimum educational qualification and appropriate eligibility in the (BFP), amending for the
purpose certain provision of Republic Act no. 9263.

Overloading – It is a cause of fire which involves the use of one or more electrical appliances or devices
which draw or consume electrical current beyond the designed capacity of the existing electrical system.
Ember – It is a hot piece or lump that remains after a material has partially burned, and is still oxidizing
without the manifestation of flames.

Sprinkler System – It is an integrated network of hydraulically designed piping installed in a building,

structure or area with outlets arranged in a systematic pattern which automatically discharges water
when activated by heat or combustions product from a fire.

2034 – The BFP envision itself of ensuring a fire safe nation by what year?

Temperature – It is the measurement of the degree of thermal agitation of molecules. It is also known as
the hotness or coldness of something.

Flame Retardant – It is any compound or mixture which when applied properly improves the resistivity
or fire resistance quality of fabrics and other materials.

Fuel – It any material that stores energy that can be latter extracted to perform mechanical work in a
controlled manner. This can be in a form of solid, liquid, or gas.

Conduction – A transfer of heat that requires physical contact between the bodies or portions of bodies
exchanging heat.

Jumper – This is any piece of metal or an electrical conductor used to bypass a safety device in an
electrical system

Rescue Technician – A person who is trained to performed a specific type of technical rescue.

Expansion Nozzles – Used by mixing foam solution with water at adequate rates to discharge foam.
Depending on the characteristic of fire, low medium, and high expansion of foams are used properly.

Fog Gun – Used to fight fire inside a building or underground by straight spot water application or fine
fog application.

Fire Hose – A type of flexible tube used by firefighters to carry water under pressure from the source of
supply to a point where it is discharged to extinguish fire.

Hose Hoist – A device over which rope or hose may be pulled to raise or lower equipment when
firefighters are operating in building above the ground level.

APW (Air Pressurized Water) – A cools burning material by absorbing heat from burning material.
Effective on Class A fire, It has the advantage of being inexpensive, harmless, and relatively easy to clean

Mechanical Ventilation – The used of smoke fans consisting of ejectors and blowers, and the use of
water to create air movement. Mechanical aids can accelerate the air movement and even reverse the
airflow against natural air current movement.

Vertical Ventilation – Removal of gases and smoke through vertical channel. This will prevent fire
extension by convection from occurring at a remote part of the building.

Ejector – Types of smoke Fans used to suck out smoke and heat (negative pressure ventilation).
Fire extinguishment Theory – “To extinguish a fire, interrupt or eliminate the supply of any or all the
elements of fire” Fire can be extinguished by reducing the temperature, eliminating the fuel supply, or
by stopping the chemical chain reaction.

Overhauling – it is the process of ensuring that fire incident will no longer rekindle.

Flash over – Is a phenomenon where all combustible materials in an enclosure reaches a point of

Safety – it is a prime consideration when using tools and equipment that includes wearing of proper
personal protective equipment.

Forcible Entry – Is defined as gaining access to a structure when the normal means of entry are locked,
secured, obstructed or unable to be used for some other reason.

Drainage pump – is a equipment can be used to pump out water that accumulated from basements or
fire below ground.

Box-end Wrench – Is a rotating tool. A wrench with a closed loop ( a socket that fits over a nut or bolt

Ceiling Hooks – Are perfect for high ceiling hanging because they may be changed in height
without touching the roof.

The Clemens Hook – Is indeed a multipurpose tool utilized for a range of forcible entry and
ventilation applications, largely due to its sophisticated head design. Its versatile design makes
it a crucial apparatus in firefighting and rescue services.

Salvage efforts protect property and belongings from damage, particularly from the effects of
smoke and water. Overhaul ensures that a fire is completely extinguished by finding and
exposing any smoldering or hidden pockets of fire in an area that has been burned.

Which tool is commonly used during salvage and overhaul operations?

-Usually hand tools such as a pike and axe are used. In the case of large structures, often total
losses, larger tools are used. Overhaul is often done along with salvage. Salvage is preserving
as much of the property from damage as possible, including the damage that comes from
fighting the fire itself. Chaps online tutorial service

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