Sample Research Paper About Teenage Pregnancy in The Philippines

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Title: Sample Research Paper About Teenage Pregnancy In The Philippines

Teenage pregnancy is a prevalent issue in the Philippines, affecting the lives of numerous young
individuals and their communities. Understanding the root causes, consequences, and potential
interventions regarding this matter is crucial for policymakers, healthcare professionals, educators,
and families alike. Writing a comprehensive thesis on teenage pregnancy demands rigorous research,
critical analysis, and proficient academic writing skills. However, navigating through the complexities
of this topic can be daunting and overwhelming for many students.

The process of crafting a thesis on teenage pregnancy involves extensive literature review, data
collection, statistical analysis, and interpretation of findings. It requires a deep understanding of
sociocultural factors, healthcare systems, educational policies, and psychological dynamics
influencing teenage reproductive health behaviors. Moreover, synthesizing diverse perspectives from
various disciplines such as sociology, public health, psychology, and economics is essential for
producing a well-rounded research paper.

Challenges encountered in writing a thesis on teenage pregnancy include:

1. Accessing reliable data: Gathering accurate and up-to-date information on teenage pregnancy
rates, trends, and related factors in the Philippines can be challenging due to limited data
availability and inconsistencies in reporting.
2. Ethical considerations: Respecting the privacy and dignity of teenage mothers and their
families while conducting research poses ethical dilemmas. Ensuring informed consent,
confidentiality, and cultural sensitivity is paramount in conducting ethical research on this
sensitive topic.
3. Analyzing complex issues: Teenage pregnancy is influenced by multifaceted factors such as
socioeconomic status, education, family dynamics, peer influences, and access to
reproductive health services. Analyzing these interconnected variables requires advanced
analytical skills and interdisciplinary perspectives.
4. Addressing stigma and stereotypes: Overcoming societal stigma and negative stereotypes
associated with teenage pregnancy is essential for conducting unbiased research and
advocating for evidence-based interventions. Challenging misconceptions and promoting
empathy and understanding are integral parts of the research process.

Given the complexities and challenges involved in writing a thesis on teenage pregnancy, seeking
professional assistance can be beneficial for students striving to produce high-quality research papers.
⇒ ⇔ offers expert guidance and support to students undertaking research on
teenage pregnancy in the Philippines. With a team of experienced writers, researchers, and subject
matter experts, ⇒ ⇔ provides customized assistance tailored to meet the specific
needs and requirements of students.

By availing the services of ⇒ ⇔, students can:

Access reliable research materials and data sources relevant to teenage pregnancy in the
Receive personalized guidance and support from experienced academic writers and
Ensure adherence to ethical guidelines and standards in conducting research on sensitive
Enhance the quality and rigor of their thesis through critical feedback and constructive
Meet deadlines and academic requirements with confidence and professionalism.
In conclusion, writing a thesis on teenage pregnancy in the Philippines is a challenging yet rewarding
endeavor that requires dedication, perseverance, and expertise. By leveraging the resources and
support provided by ⇒ ⇔, students can overcome obstacles and produce impactful
research papers that contribute to addressing this pressing issue in Filipino society.
In a study conducted by the National Demographic and Health Survey in 2013, one out of every
young Filipino women age 15 to 19 is already a mother or pregnant with a first child. Contraception
is the primary protection against unwanted pregnancy and insufficient and inconsistent application of
contraception, as well as the lack of information among young people about the available methods of
contraception can be one of the main causes of adolescent pregnancies. Materials and Methods: A
hospital-based study was undertaken during September to December 2013 among mothers attending
the antenatal clinic, in Mc Gann Hospital, Shimoga. Preface Teenage pregnancy is the period where
children between ages of 13-20 become pregnant. The statistics may be better than they were, but
this is not reason enough to ignore the problem, because it is still a very big problem. During the
teenage years, a person has one of the most important duties of pursuing education and planning for
their better future but with pregnancy many teens choose to drop out of high school to work for
supporting the baby. Results: The distribution of adolescent mothers by age was: 12%-12 years old,
10%-13 years old, 11% -14 years old, 12%-15 years old, 13%-16 years old, 14%-17 years old, 15%-
18 years old, 15%-19 years old. To explore their experiences and perspective in addressing this
phenomenon. China would be the new essay in the run along with a offender of 1,,, many people
pregnancy ranked the fundamental greatest in knowledge in the pregnancy on teenage pregnant state.
As teenage pregnancy rises it brings the society into trouble as well. Anxiety sensitivity mainly
comprises symptoms of anxiety leading to fear due to a certain belief that anxiety has dangerous
somatic, psychological, or social penalties. It is considered to be a colossal problem in most countries.
The respondents are all aware of the biological concepts in early pregnancy. With approximately
750,000 American teenagers getting pregnant every single year the government is beginning to
worry. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. In addition to that, over the past
ten years, the number of Filipinos who got pregnant went up by sixty percent. Gladys assumed that
since Danielle had abdicated parental responsibility that Lindsey would do the same. Research
indicates that pregnant teens are less likely to receive, often seeking it in the, if at all. Indeed, it can
besides act upon whether or non we see a societal job as a job at all. Download Free PDF View PDF
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Effect of
adolescent pregnancy on maternal and foetal health vedangee nakhare Background: Adolescence is a
time when structural, functional, and psychosocial developments occur. This phenomenon is not
isolated to the United States and Great Britain; it is global. Nursing needs to be more present to the
public of adolescents, providing information on contraceptive methods and sexuality, avoiding
unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, sexual abuse and harassment. In
wellnourished girls, menarche usually takes place around the age of 12 or 13. Gender and
development office of the university may craft programs that empower student-teenagers to cope
with the challenges that they face during pregnancy. Understanding teenage pregnancy within UK
context is adamant to the purpose of study. G 4B Teenage Pregnancy Teenage pregnancy is a huge
issue going on in the United States. Reasons cited were marriage by 41 (19%), poverty by 62 (29%)
and 111 (52%) for disinterest. Crafting an argumentative essay is a type of process, and those pupils
who are permitted to choose a matter with regard to their argumentative essay commonly desire
choosing good old customary information like money penalties, cloning, gun keep control of,
abortion, and others. The health problems derived from adolescent pregnancy, birth and neonatal
attention depend more on factors of social and environmental risk than on physiological and
biological risk factors in adolescence. Solution of them, however, would say that those who start new
while still a teenager new plenty of additional challenges, on top of what their older colleagues
This paper intention is to analyses current situation on this topic, through available indicators on birth
rates, maternal and children mortality worldwide. The data were analyzed by using the Chi-Square
test. To explore their experiences and perspective in addressing this phenomenon. Inadequate access
to services tailored to young people. You can download the paper by clicking the button above.
Education must be taken advantage of since every child in the. The results of the Chi-Square test
showed that factors significantly related to teenage pregnancy adolescent behavior were the level of
knowledg. Teenage pregnancy has severe consequences for both partners although the females tend
to carry the greater burden. It has influence on their health, their education, social life and their
future as adults. Complication can also happen in fetus which caused low birth weight (LBW).
Nursing needs to be more present to the public of adolescents, providing information on
contraceptive methods and sexuality, avoiding unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted
infections, sexual abuse and harassment. There will be association between teenage pregnancy and
academic progression places evidence that education should put weight on reality adhering to
teenage pregnancy. Preface Teenage pregnancy is the period where children between ages of 13-20
become pregnant. Many programs focus only on the negative aspects of young people's sexual and
reproductive health; putting rights at the centre of teenage sexual health avoids treating adolescents
as a homogeneous collection of discrete problems. Taking a rights-based approach to adolescent
sexual and reproductive health encompasses the. The total number of this phenomenon is increasing
each year. Results revealed that most adolescent mothers gave birth when they were 17-19 years old;
most of them continue their studies and returned to school after three years and above. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. Pregnancy in the period of adolescence irreversibly changes the lives of minors. These
include a lack of education, financial security, mental, essay, and to some extent physical,
immaturity. Primigravidae aged between 20 and 25 years were taken as a control group. The
majority of teenage girls will not go back to school after they have found out there pregnant or have
all ready had the baby. Adolescent pregnancy is a global phenomenon with serious health, social and
economic consequences. China would be the new essay in the run along with a offender of 1,,, many
people pregnancy ranked the fundamental greatest in knowledge in the pregnancy on teenage
pregnant state. In present study, approximately 76% adolescent mothers received antenatal care as
compared to 84% in control group. Teen pregnancies were, often presented as a medical problem to
be, treated with more access to clinics, birth control and abortion. If so, it is unknown if the drugs
themselves directly influence teenagers to engage in riskier behavior, or whether teenagers who
engage in drug use are more likely to engage in sex. If you are using mobile phone, you could also
use menu drawer from browser. Therefore, it's important to prevent adolescent pregnancies. The
director of the University of the Philippines Population Institute and Antenatal, YAPS coordinator,
stresses that. Assessing a quick-expression and long term connection new the issue new usually also
a great idea to concentrate on when working away at argumentative motherhood essay.
Also, the average educated and adequately aware women, were falling preys to poverty, traditions
and domestic pressure, when it came to deciding the right age for child-bearing. This becomes such
a problem in states because Every teen has dream about how they want to graduate from high school
and then go to college, but some teens are not willing to take the challenge. In this study 57.7%
teenage pregnancies were associated with complications. Philippines is one of the Asian countries
which shares similar situation. Most of the women interviewed are from the lower middle class, got
pregnant at age 16, had support from their family members, but only financially from their partner, in
addition to having suffered some type of domestic violence. The respondents are all aware of the
biological concepts in early pregnancy. Unfortunately, only 40% of teen mothers finish high school.
To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds
to upgrade your browser. Assessing a quick-expression and long term connection new the issue new
usually also a great idea to concentrate on when working away at argumentative motherhood essay.
The most common comorbidity associated in teenage mothers was pregnancy i. This is due to
complication during pregnancy and labor. The major maternal complications were Pretermlabour 16.6
%, Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy 11.66 %, Premature Rupture of Membranes 15 %, anemia
(13.3 %). Low Birth Weight 25 % and stillbirths 1.9 % were major adverse fetal outcomes. Maternal
and Child Health Social Research Infant and Maternal Mortality morbidity pattern among elderly.
Despite the availability of information and the availability of contraception, as well as the right to an
abortion that is guaranteed in most of the modern societies, countries face many cases of adolescent
pregnancies. In a wider sense, the health system and social functioning are burdened in their entirety.
InVenka Child aged 16 from Bristol worked with Fixers to teenage a short video about challenges
teen mothers go through. If you are using mobile phone, you could also use menu drawer from
browser. This can be done by offering teenagers information in a convenient, friendly, and familiar
environment so that they are well informed of the choices that they have Sarantaki and Koutelekos,
2007. The difficulties that come with an unplanned pregnancy in teens can have a profound effect on
their life. In developed countries majority of teenage pregnancies occur to unmarried girls unlike
developing countries including India where teenage pregnancies occur to married girls and are
associated with early marriages. No differences were appreciated in respect of the birth, or health of
the neonate. Essay on Young Motherhood Written text Now, bear in mind all traditional necessities
and then the ideas to those people young people who new to generate a amazing argumentative
newspaper. The effect of these pressures put on them is the Inability to make. Naomi Bar-Yam
pointed out that teenagers have been having babies since the beginning of time pregnancy this is still
a norm in much of the world. Results: Teenage pregnancy 9.76% of the total Obstetric admissions. It
is not only bad for the mother, but also her child and the society. Gender and development office of
the university may craft programs that empower student-teenagers to cope with the challenges that
they face during pregnancy. The director of the University of the Philippines Population Institute and
Antenatal, YAPS coordinator, stresses that. You can download the paper by clicking the button
above. Attaining a low education status means it much harder for the parent to find a Job that would
pay enough money to suit her needs and the child.
Data were encoded and analyse using Qualitative Data Analysis Miner Program and interpretative
phenomenological analysis. The study sought to determine the factors contributing to and biological
concepts of adolescent mothers in early pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy has a negative impact on
mother and baby. Many solutions to counteract the more negative findings have been proposed.
Mean age of the adolescents was 18.2 years. (Table1) presents the demographic characteristics of the
subjects and the antenatal care they had received (Table 1). Here in the philippines we believe in the
saying of our national hero dr. According to the study done by the population institute of the
university of the philippines more than 46 percent of teenage. Amoun Wzear Download Free PDF
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Committee On Adolescence Committee On Early Childhood Adoption, Dependent Care 2001.
Results: Of 8,567 women who gave birth during the 1-year study period, 450 women were
adolescents, giving a pregnancy rate of 18.3% during the study period. With different perspectives on
teen pregnancy and how it should be dealt with, teens need to be informed about teen pregnancy and
sex. Being bore to an adolescent mother, the baby would also suffer some health problems such as
premature birth, low birth weight and other problems. Low birth weight raises the probabilities of
blindness, deafness and serious respiratory problems, mental retardation, mental illness and cerebral
palsy. As a result, this generated emergent themes which depicted the experiences of the participants.
Complication can also happen in fetus which caused low birth weight (LBW). Teenage pregnancy is
not only costing the country but the lives of these young parents as well. During the teenage years, a
person has one of the most important duties of pursuing education and planning for their better
future but with pregnancy many teens choose to drop out of high school to work for supporting the
baby. Assessing a quick-expression and long term connection new the issue new usually also a great
idea to concentrate on when working away at argumentative motherhood essay. Many countries
include comprehensive sex education in school curriculum to help teens avoid unwanted pregnancies.
The factors excluded from the study group were, pregnancies complicated with overt diabetes,
chronic hypertension, renal, thyroid, cardiac diseases. In a study conducted by the National
Demographic and Health Survey in 2013, one out of every young Filipino women age 15 to 19 is
already a mother or pregnant with a first child. Evaluation of an infant simulator intervention for
teen pregnancy prevention. Unfortunately, only 40% of teen mothers finish high school. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. The study concluded that determinant of teenage pregnancy was significantly
important to the modern world. A University of Chicago study of youth transitioning out of foster
care in Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin found that nearly half of the females had been pregnant by age
19. Contraception is the primary protection against unwanted pregnancy and insufficient and
inconsistent application of contraception, as well as the lack of information among young people
about the available methods of contraception can be one of the main causes of adolescent
pregnancies. Materials and Methods: A hospital-based study was undertaken during September to
December 2013 among mothers attending the antenatal clinic, in Mc Gann Hospital, Shimoga. For
adolescents the main reasons for engaging in such relationships include companionship, recreation,
learning, and to impress others. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. All were
primigravids. 185 (86%) women were 18 years old and 29 (14%) were 17 years old. 15 (7%) women
were married at 16 years, 92 (43%) at 17 years and 107 (50%) at 18 years. Abortion, Adolescence,
Childbirth 1079 Words 3 Pages.
This chapter highlights the biological determinants that influence adolescent sexuality and
pregnancy. Early pregnancy becomes a social problem in our society and also in the Philippines. The
causes of unwanted pregnancy were the low lecel of social prosperity, poverty, forced sex, and
raping. The mean age at marriage was 17.4 years, and mean interval between marriage and
conception was 1 year. Whether it's Windows, Mac, iOs or Android, you will be able to download
the images using download button. Not only does a teen pregnancy crash the mother, it may also
crash the baby. When used in combination, and access to can reduce unintended teenage
pregnancies. Many countries include comprehensive sex education in school curriculum to help teens
avoid unwanted pregnancies. Philippines is one of the Asian countries which shares similar situation.
The total number of this phenomenon is increasing each year. With literature review, the study
investigated into papers written concerning the topic under study. This study would like to focus on
exploring the lived experiences of Filipino teenage mothers in their pre and post-natal stage on how
they prepare and accept their new roles as mothers. Owing to the increasing awareness regarding
maternal and foetal wellbeing, majority of the teenage mothers were booked. Own Essay On
Teenage Being pregnant tension in the teenager mom Condoms have to be sent out in academic
institutions simply because of the developing number of young gestation, to reduce the distribute of
sexually transferred sicknesses amongst adolescent which is a great investment towards the
authorities that may help handle individuals. Conclusion: Observations throw light on the fact that
knowledge about the risks involved in adolescent pregnancy is lacking among the adolescent
mothers. Zakiul Alam this paper will try to cover the introduction and beginning of a research with
respect to selecting some variables. This makes the country rank number three in the SEAN region
with the most number of teenage pregnancy cases, It Is also alarming to know that the Philippines,
among the SEAN sectors, is the only nation wherein the rate is increasing. Teen pregnancy causes a
lot of endless problems in the lives of the teen and the newborn child. The objective is to cover the
major issues related to teenage pregnancy and. These parents depend on the help their country gives
and their country cannot neglect these people, with this being said, Instead of allocating more money
for other Issues concerning the nation, the government allots a percentage of the national budget to 1
OFF tans sector. Not only are those kids ruining their life by not finishing school and stop their
future to raise their child, their also ruining others people life around them. Most of the women
interviewed are from the lower middle class, got pregnant at age 16, had support from their family
members, but only financially from their partner, in addition to having suffered some type of
domestic violence. Teenage pregnancy has severe consequences for both partners although the
females tend to carry the greater burden. Mainly because youngsters regularly demonstrate a habit of
instantaneously dismissing disputes that do not favor them, a strong solution will curb this desire.
The statistics may be better than they were, but this is not reason enough to ignore the problem,
because it is still a very big problem. In present study, approximately 76% adolescent mothers
received antenatal care as compared to 84% in control group. It is not only bad for the mother, but
also her child and the society. In present study, all the mothers were married in both the groups. In
some part of the video, a teen mother is shown opening a fridge solution is almost empty. For
example, Hoffman, 1998 found that postponing a teenage birth to after the age of 20 would increase
the total educational attainment.

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