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cyberspace is electronic media in the network Computers are widely used for one-way

and one-way communication purposes reciprocity online (directly connected). This virtual world
or cyberspace is an integration of various communication technology equipment and networks
computer (sensors, transducers, connections, transmissions, processors, signals, controllers). can
connect communication equipment (computer, telephone handheld, instrumentation, electronics
and others) scattered all over interactive world mediated by the internet.
One of the most widely used social media is Twitter. Twitter is an online social
networking site that is used for people to communicate in short messages which are often called
"tweet". Twitter is used to get news, follow famous celebrities, and keep in touch with friends.
In cyberspace, one of them is Twitter, lots of people misuse it, for example, like judging
other people, spreading hoax news, spreading adult videos, etc. but there are also many people
who use Twitter wisely, such as providing important information to everyone, as a place to vent
complaints, ask for other people's opinions, where sales marketing, etc.
One of the advantages of Twitter compared to other social media is the trending topic
feature. With this feature, you can always be up to date and follow trends that are being
discussed by netizens. The trending topics feature is very helpful in keeping up to date with
current events. In fact, often viral content on other social media goes viral on Twitter first.
the disadvantages of twitter are that for ordinary people it may be very complicated, there
are no games, and messages are limited to only 140 words

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