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Are you struggling with writing your thesis on drug abuse and addiction? You're not alone.

a well-researched and insightful thesis on such a complex and sensitive topic can be incredibly
challenging. From gathering relevant data to analyzing it critically, and then articulating your findings
in a coherent and persuasive manner, every step demands meticulous attention to detail and a deep
understanding of the subject matter.

Drug abuse and addiction are multifaceted issues with far-reaching implications for individuals,
families, and societies as a whole. Navigating through the vast array of research studies, statistics,
and expert opinions can feel overwhelming, leaving many students feeling stuck and unsure of how
to proceed.

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The popularity of such approaches began with the establishment of Alcoholics. On the other hand,
both private and employer subsidized plans also provide coverage for treatment of addicts (NIDA,
2011). A recent article states, “”Rural centers have reduced access to highly educated professionals,
were more likely to be nonprofit, dependent on public funding, offering fewer wraparound services,
and had less diverse specialized treatment options for the public (Edmond et al.). These rural areas
have underfunded research, untrained specialists, and ill-equipped facilities that are proven to be
inadequate to combat this horrendous issue. Drug addiction seems to be a rapidly growing social
problem that leaves many lives destroyed in its wake. For young teens, the emphasis should be on
gateway substances whose use comes earlier in the typical sequence of substance use specifically,
tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana. In these cases it is not too tough to normalize situations when there
is an instance of an employee is detected to have a habit of substance abuse. Make sure your child
has plenty of school activities and activities outside of school as this often gives them an
opportunity to meet ew friends that are also staying busy. It is clear that there are a number of
treatment interventions for opiate dependence. To. Overview of the Public Health Burden of
Prescription Drug and Heroin Overdos. As a research psychiatrist and scientist, Dr. How to solve
square root problems with variables. For shorter papers, you may want to focus on one particular
drug and address the same concepts. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in
Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Western Europe with and estimated
number of 340,000 people consuming these drugs. Conclusion Drug abuse is a global problem which
affects everyone in an environment. Others include stress, and the parenting an individual may be
subjected lead to rise to addiction in person’s life. In such cases the employees may feel like quitting
the job. The tendency to take risks including sexual risks gets high. Let us now have an overview of
what substance abuse exactly is and also of the different aspects related to it. With all these steps, we
would be on a pathway to saving our future generations and possibly end illegal drug abuse.
Wurmser, L. (1973). The personality of the compulsive drug user. A problem such as drug abuse
requires a community effort to get involved and be vigilant. University of Michigan Injury Center
Beletsky et al. Child-serving systems need to intervene early in the lives of youth to prevent or treat
abuse, support young people, and provide them with the tools to choose the right path. Psychotropic
medication in a randomly selected group of citizens receiving re. The abuser maintains the high by
smoking or injecting more methamphetamine. Fundamental functionality can be severely altered by
excessive use and can even prove to be irreversible. Individual, government and society experience
these effects. Conclusion It is clear that drug addiction is real. Paul Coelho, MD Psychotropic
medication in a randomly selected group of citizens receiving re. Although many homeless addicts do
fall through the cracks in regards to other disorders that do cause those to become homeless, such as
mental illness and abuse.
The article however does not give its definition of the terms that would form a basis of argument on
the matter, instead it recommends for further research. It was also a way for all of us to see the
problems of drug abuse and how everyone is affected. Extended use increases risk to the lungs and
reproductive system, as well as suppression of the immune system. When a mother or father abuses
drugs, this creates a problem for children and teenagers. Compared to the light users, heavy
marijuana users made more errors and had more difficulty sustaining attention, shifting attention to
meet the demands of changes in the environment, and in registering, processing, and using
information. These drugs configure the brain receptors and stimulate the nerve cells to send abnormal
messages (NIDA, 2011). Mind the Gaps: Meeting the needs of people with Co-. United Nations
Department of Drugs and Crime (2008). Furthermore, there are increasing numbers of guidelines
being established for the. There have been numerous instances where the person who abuses the
substances has been suffering from depression, lack of the enthusiasm for activity, declination of
grades and forgetfulness. The disorder of addiction involves the progression of acute drug use to the
development of drug-seeking behaviour, the vulnerability to relapse, and the decreased, slowed
ability to respond to naturally rewarding stimuli. High doses may result in image distortion, a loss of
personal identity, and fantasies and hallucinations. Top essay writing services are identified by their
reliability and high quality products. Anonymous and the use of medication to prevent relapse: an
anonymous survey of. Too much of stress is one of the reasons for which people resort to substance
abuse. Research shows that the most affected population is the youth and this leads into wastage of
their most important age in their lives which could have been used in career development. This
behavior results largely from the effects of prolonged drug exposure on brain functioning. If the
substance abuser happens to be the earning member of the family, he starts thinking that he has
every right to spend as much money on buying substances as he wishes. Effective treatment
programs typically incorporate many components, each directed to a particular aspect of the illness
and its consequences. In addition, the physical sensation that the rush gives the abuser most likely
results from the explosive release of dopamine in the pleasure center of the brain. Instead, they
should give them a hand to escape from that dangerous addiction. A number of clinical research
studies are currently underway to investigate how the effectiveness of substance abuse treatment
programs may be enhanced through recognition and treatment of other disorders. To Develop and
implement a set of principles upon which prevention programming can be based. Encouraging gains
have been made in treating couples and families with substance abuse problems. More research is
needed involving diverse and international populations, but efficacious treatments are growing in
type and number that bodes well for improving the lives of millions worldwide. This mode of taking
drugs contributes to the spread of HIV. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers
as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Drug abuse is the misuse or overdose of any medication or
drug, including alcohol. In fact, in United States local, state, and federal governments offer a large
amount of medication to a drug addict. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Drugs
can be abused in a variety of different ways by people from every walk of life.
To reduce drug abuse and stop it for good, work needs to be done at the starting level. The rate has
raised astronomically in the last few years and happens even more than car accidents. However, to
most of the drug addict, quitting is a problem as this problem affects their brain. The question of the
extent to which peers influence factors into drug addiction will also be discussed; students aged 18-
22 are the main target of their paper. Effects of Marijuana on the Brain Researchers have found that
THC changes the way in which sensory information gets into and is acted on by the hippocampus.
Drug abuse is a disease of the brain, and the drugs change brain chemistry, which results in a change
in behavior. Drugs and their consequences What is it about your general topic of interest that
interests you. The signs include: frequent drinking above usual norm, developing tolerance to
alcohol, wanting to quit but being unable to, experiencing withdrawal symptoms after stopping
alcohol consumption and finally the one that is a clear indication of addiction, letting both personal
and professional responsibilities flounder in favor of drinking. Steroids areanabolic drug to build
growth hormones that include the androgens (male sex hormones) principally testosterone and
estrogen and progestogens (female sex hormones). This leads to drug addiction even though the
good feelings get harder and harder to experience with time. They may include people such as truck
drivers trying to reach their destination, workers trying to stay awake until the end of their normal
shift or an overtime shift, and housewives trying to keep a clean house as well as be a perfect
mother and wife. In many countries, cigarette smoking has been stated to be a main cause for
premature deaths. Americans, with New York being the second closet city (“Heroine Use in. Paul
Coelho, MD Psychotropic medication in a randomly selected group of citizens receiving re. Effective
treatment should also serve the patient's multiple needs and not only drug addiction. However, there
are many people who are drug addicts that maintain a normal, functional life. Kelly, J.F. (2003). Self-
help for substance use disorders: history, effectiveness. This information can help in preventing
overdose, medical complications, as well as provide information on any changes that they may be
experiencing due to their drug addiction. Georgia’s rural counties are no exception, and face the
overwhelming task of confronting the prevailing issues of substance abuse. As evidence, research has
shown that prevention programs that use the media to raise public awareness of the severity involved
in substance abuse among communities are proven to work (Robertson). Therefore, the problems
caused by substance abuse never remains confined within the personal sphere, rather, it affects a
wider range of space including the industry as well as the society that the person is involved with. A
person abuses such drugs as marijuana, alcohol, crystal meth, heroin, methadone, crack cocaine,
morphine, and ecstasy for their desired effects. One of the most influential psychological models in
the field of addiction has been the. As a result, holding town hall meetings monthly to raise
awareness, providing transportation to treatment centers along bus routes, and lastly, ensuring that
families affected by substance abuse have adequate food, housing, and mental health services.
Therefore, you should be prepared to spend time writing and rewriting the work, until you are happy
that you have created something that is of as high a standard as can be. New and unique methods of
intervention for preventing substance abuses have become badly necessary. Drug abuse often leads to
crime as a result of reduced impulse control. This means such care requires more attention and
absolute obedience to the individuals undergoing such form of therapy. The “”Now Is The Time
Project “”builds and expands the capacity of state and local educational agencies to increase
awareness of mental health and substance use issues among school-age youth”” including Georgia
(“”SAMHSA). If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional writers.
If there is any other family member who turns to be his or her accomplice, it just adds to the
financial crisis of the family to a large extent. It must be, by now, quite evident that all of these
problems affects not only the person but also others associated with him. Most patients require long-
term or repeated episodes of care to achieve the ultimate goal of sustained abstinence and recovery
of their lives. As evidence, U.S. Attorney John Horn stated, “”For most areas of the country,
substance abuse is the single largest public health issue, and these startling trends have unfortunately
come to Georgia (“”Atlanta Summit). The abuser maintains the high by smoking or injecting more
methamphetamine. As a result, holding town hall meetings monthly to raise awareness, providing
transportation to treatment centers along bus routes, and lastly, ensuring that families affected by
substance abuse have adequate food, housing, and mental health services. Prevention is always
better than finding a solution to a future problem. Stephanie 25-year-old female student from the
year column that appears every december over a decade. The signs include: frequent drinking above
usual norm, developing tolerance to alcohol, wanting to quit but being unable to, experiencing
withdrawal symptoms after stopping alcohol consumption and finally the one that is a clear
indication of addiction, letting both personal and professional responsibilities flounder in favor of
drinking. This will help in stopping of drug abuse and such individuals will be able to lead
productive lives. Due to the rapid addition in drug related offense and drug maltreaters in Asiatic
states, the constitution of effectual countermeasures for demand. They are legal Some of the drugs
that have the most users are completely legal. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic.
Extended use increases risk to the lungs and reproductive system, as well as suppression of the
immune system. For shorter papers, you may want to focus on one particular drug and address the
same concepts. The Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics Harm
in homeopathy: Aggravations, adverse drug events or medication errors. What do you think
contributes to higher rates of use and abuse among this subgroup. The rate of the High School
students reporting lifetime Hallucinogens use increased to 36% from 7.7%. Most amazingly, lifetime
risk at 2003 was estimated at 14.5% (Gelder, Harrison and Cowen, 2006, 258-266). Tweaking -
Tweaking occurs at the end of the binge when nothing the abuser does will take away the feeling of
emptiness and dysphoria, including taking more methamphetamine. During the rush, the abuser's
heartbeat races and metabolism, blood pressure, and pulse soar. Young people who smoke marijuana
heavily over long periods of time can become dull, slow moving, and inattentive. Embed Host your
publication on your website or blog with just a few clicks. Narcomenudeo Implementation JMMR
2015 Resourcd File Resourcd File Honors Thesis Honors Thesis Adverse Drug Reactions of Lithium
Monotherapy in Bipolar Affective Disorder. Governments in many countries have established
ministries to tackle the issue of substance abuse. Moreover, there risk factors leading to vulnerability
to drug addiction. Experimentation with alcohol and illegal drugs will likely be introduced during
these years and turned into a habitual routine for many American youths. Blanchard, J.J. (Ed.),
(2000). Special issue: the co-occurrence of substance abuse in. This, in its turn, causes problems in
relations with family, friends, at work or in university. Overview of the Public Health Burden of
Prescription Drug and Heroin Overdos. There are so many types of drugs being abused today, both
legal and illegal.
However, there are many people who are drug addicts that maintain a normal, functional life. There is
also growing support and consensus for the combination of approaches such as. The Scottish Model
for co-morbidity is based upon 5 key. We have too many people using drugs in our society today.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Additionally, drug
abuse and addiction leads to impaired judgment. Effects on Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Recent
findings indicate that smoking marijuana while shooting up cocaine has the potential to cause severe
increases in heart rate and blood pressure. The earlier that someone starts abusing drugs the more
likely they are to develop an addiction to that drug. Therefore, the problems caused by substance
abuse never remains confined within the personal sphere, rather, it affects a wider range of space
including the industry as well as the society that the person is involved with. There have been
numerous instances where the person who abuses the substances has been suffering from depression,
lack of the enthusiasm for activity, declination of grades and forgetfulness. Other drugs such as
marijuana as well were legal in the 1880’s. Nicotine and alcohol are not illegal and yet they are highly
addictive. Husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, and sadly children are all impacted. Within
such an understanding and definition, the reader can come to an appreciable level of understanding
that personal experience, gender, race, and socio-economics play a powerful role in determining the
overall extent and level of exposure that a certain individual might have with respect to drug
addiction (Elmeland, 2012). The initial decision to take drugs is often voluntary to most people.
Academic term, Addiction, Maressa Orzack 590 Words 3 Pages Prevent Drug Addiction. It has to be
kept in mind that an employee who has taken to substance abuse can affect the very work
atmosphere in the work place. Fundamental functionality can be severely altered by excessive use
and can even prove to be irreversible. QR Codes Generate QR Codes for your digital content. The
availability of drugs especially opiates and cocaine greatly increased during this time period, resulting
in the first drug epidemic. This usually involves peers, and it is done for entertainment use
(MedlinePlus, 2013). Despite this enormous challenge, drug addiction can be overcome through
myriad ways of treatment. Even the spouses sometimes are unable to stomach, as the cycle of drug
abuse becomes widespread (Drug Rehad Advice Center, n.d.). The other effect of a drug addict is
insufficient work performance. However, it is since the middle of the nineteenth century that the
drug addiction and substance abuse has turned out to be a dangerous peril that has, in multiple ways,
not only undermined the human civilization but also dehumanized mankind at times. Early
Institutional Care For Addiction In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, individuals
suffering from an addiction to alcohol were grudgingly housed in a variety of locations. Another
drug widely abused is cocaine, with a large percentage of the. However, simple switching to smoking
or injecting methamphetamine offers the abusers a quick transition to a binge pattern of abuse. It is
very natural that the presence of the substance abusers in a family increases the likeliness of the
children to take up substance abuse very soon. It is a well known fact that the harmful effects of drug
addiction can be extremely difficult to endure. Lingford-Hughes, A.R., Welch, S.J, Nutt, D.J. (2004).
Evidence based guidelines for the.
The Scottish Model for co-morbidity is based upon 5 key. There are so many types of drugs being
abused today, both legal and illegal. In the absence of an active social life that gives them a variety
of different things to do such as sports, exercise, or other hobbies, children become bored. It was
also a way for all of us to see the problems of drug abuse and how everyone is affected. These
combined in a person’s life affect addiction to vulnerability. A problem such as drug abuse requires a
community effort to get involved and be vigilant. Finding an easy fix often seems easier than facing
the real problem and dealing with it. Counseling also happens to be one of the main effective
interventions that can prevent substance abuse. There are also some other factors that contribute to
the increase of the likeliness of a person’s abusing drugs. In 1988, it was discovered that the
membranes of certain nerve cells contain protein receptors that bind THC. Addicts have a much
higher likelihood of committing crimes than others. Isralowitz, R. (2002). Drug use, policy, and
management. Westport. It have saved so many lives since it stared to be distributive in the
pharmasict, but it is also true that some of the heroin addicts have been using it more than once. Drug
Addiction Drug addiction is a persisting problem and affects the brains resulting into compulsive
drug seeking and use even when there are negative outcomes to the individual and society (NIDA,
2011). Additionally, he has added another type of drug called amphetamines which he has been
using over the last few years once every week. Consequently, such individuals are accustomed to
repeating the beneficial behavior of abusing drugs. However, despite its effectiveness in reducing
dependency on illicit opiates such as. Addiction or substance abuse is nothing new as one of the
human tendencies. The article also revealsthat dentists are the third leading prescribers of opioid at
8% after internists 14. This disfigures dopamine that is responsible for controlling movement,
emotion, motivation, and feelings of pleasure (NIDA, 2011). This includes young children, teenagers,
adults and elderly people. While these rising rates of substance abuse are not simply a problem faced
by individual citizens, but rather an issue for the entire state of Georgia. If you would like this paper
removed from our website, please contact us via our Contact Us Page. Consequently, this decrease in
satisfaction forces leads to more use of drug in order to maintain the function of dopamine to
normality (NIDA, 2011). In addition, this paper also relates a comparison between European
American and Mexican American incident. Moreover, those people that live with substance
dependence have a higher risk of adverse outcomes (Gateway Foundation, 2013). It is vital to
understand the community’s culture and how that culture is affected by drug abuse. Lack of proper
parenting and nurturing is also one of the most possible reasons that play important roles in inspiring
one to resort to substance abuse. sample research paper on analysis of type
function model an. Addicts need the social support provided by their supporters and members of the
community to overcome the addiction.

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