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Верни отговори на Progress Test

1 - 1. moved, 2. married, 3. started

2 - 1. lived, 2. worked, 3. wanted

3 - 7. stopped, 8. travelled, 9. visited, 10. described

4 - 1. made, 2. wore, 3. gave, 4. had

5 - 1. came, 2. hit, 3. went

6 - 1. was, 2. studied, married, 4. received.

7 - 5. died, 6. took, 7. celabrated, 8. played, 9. sang

8 - 1.What did you do ...?, 2. went, 3. didn't think, 4. didn't wake, stayed.

9 - St. St. Cyril and Methodius Day

10 - Halloween

11 - 1. What did you do ...., 2. didn't arrive, 3. didn't forget , 4. didn't leave.

12 - 1. When did you last go to the countryside? 2. Who did you go with? How did you
get there?

13 - 1.spent, 2. taught, 3. drew, 4. bought, 5. thought, 6. built, 7. kept.

14 - 1. stood, 2. found, 3. fell, 4. ran, 5. ate, 6. knew, 7. lost.

15 - school rules, homework, phone number, free time, e-mail address, whiteboard,

16 - earrings, second hand, railway,wallpaper, housekeeper, carpet, overweight.

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