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Internal Assessments

Program – MBA Program

Subject – Marketing Of Services

Semester - 3

Assessment Type – (Subjective Assignment)

Questions & Answers:

1. What is the importance of a good service quality in telecommunication services


Good service quality is of paramount importance in telecommunication

services marketing for several reasons:
 Customer Satisfaction
 Customer Retention
 Competitive Advantage
 Brand Reputation
 Customer Loyalty and Lifetime Value
 Reduced Customer Support Costs
 Service Differentiation

Customer Satisfaction: High service quality leads to increased customer satisfaction.

Telecommunication services are highly competitive, and customers have various
choices available to them. Providing a superior level of service quality helps in
meeting or exceeding customer expectations, which in turn enhances customer
satisfaction. Satisfied customers are more likely to remain loyal, recommend the
services to others, and contribute to positive word-of-mouth marketing.

Customer Retention: Good service quality plays a crucial role in customer retention.
When customers receive reliable and efficient telecommunication services, they are
less likely to switch to competitors. A satisfied and loyal customer base contributes
to a stable and sustainable customer retention rate, reducing customer churn and
the associated costs of acquiring new customers.

Competitive Advantage: In a crowded telecommunication services market, offering

superior service quality can serve as a key differentiator. It sets a company apart
from its competitors and enhances its competitive advantage. When customers
perceive that a particular telecommunication service provider consistently delivers
high-quality services, they are more likely to choose that provider over others.

Brand Reputation: Service quality has a significant impact on the overall brand
reputation of a telecommunication service provider. A good reputation is built on
the perception of reliable, responsive, and customer-centric services. Positive word-
of-mouth from satisfied customers contributes to a strong brand image and
enhances the credibility and trustworthiness of the company.

Customer Loyalty and Lifetime Value: Providing good service quality fosters
customer loyalty. Loyal customers are more likely to continue using the
telecommunication services over an extended period, leading to higher customer
lifetime value. By nurturing long-term relationships with customers through quality
service experiences, telecommunication service providers can increase revenue and

Reduced Customer Support Costs: High service quality can lead to a decrease in
customer support costs. When services are reliable, efficient, and error-free,
customers face fewer issues or problems, resulting in fewer support inquiries or
complaints. This reduces the need for extensive customer support infrastructure and
resources, leading to cost savings for the telecommunication service provider.

Service Differentiation: In a market where telecommunication services may seem

similar, service quality becomes a crucial factor for differentiation. By consistently
delivering excellent service quality, a telecommunication service provider can
position itself as a preferred choice among customers. This differentiation helps in
attracting new customers and retaining existing ones.

In summary, good service quality in telecommunication services marketing is

vital for customer satisfaction, retention, competitive advantage, brand reputation,
customer loyalty, and overall business success. It helps in building strong
relationships with customers, fostering positive perceptions, and creating a distinct
position in the market.

2. What is vision statement? Find any vision statement of any services company and
explain it.
A vision statement is a concise and inspirational declaration that outlines the
long-term aspirations and goals of a company. It describes the desired future state
the company aims to achieve and provides a sense of direction and purpose. A vision
statement typically captures the company's core values, aspirations, and its intended
impact on stakeholders. Google is an example of a vision statement from a services

Company: Google

Vision Statement: "To organize the world's information and make it universally
accessible and useful."

Explanation: Google's vision statement reflects its primary goal of organizing and
providing access to the vast amount of information available worldwide. The
statement emphasizes the company's commitment to making this information
universally accessible and useful. It highlights Google's focus on leveraging
technology to enable people to find information quickly and easily, irrespective of
their location or device. The vision statement captures the essence of Google's
mission and its ongoing efforts to improve information accessibility and user
experience through its various products and services.

It is important to note that vision statements can vary in length and format.
Some organizations have more elaborate vision statements that provide additional
details or incorporate elements of their mission statement. However, the key
purpose of a vision statement is to inspire and guide the company toward its desired
future state.

3. How will we develop market positioning strategy?

Developing a market positioning strategy involves identifying and defining

the unique value proposition and competitive advantage of a product, service, or
brand in the target market. Here's a step-by-step approach to developing a market
positioning strategy:

 Define Target Market

 Conduct Market Research
 Identify Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
 Competitive Analysis
 Define Positioning Statement
 Develop Messaging and Communication
 Test and Refine
 Consistency and Differentiation

Define Target Market: Clearly identify the specific target market or audience for our
product or service. Understand their needs, preferences, behaviors, and
demographics. This will help tailor our positioning strategy to effectively address
their requirements.

Conduct Market Research: Gather insights about our target market, competitors,
and industry trends. This can include market surveys, customer interviews,
competitor analysis, and market data. Identify gaps, opportunities, and customer
pain points that can inform our positioning strategy.

Identify Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Determine the unique value proposition
of our product or service that sets it apart from competitors. Focus on the distinct
features, benefits, or attributes that make our offering superior or different. This
could be based on price, quality, innovation, convenience, customer service, or other

Competitive Analysis: Assess the strengths and weaknesses of our competitors'

positioning strategies. Identify gaps in the market where our product or service can
offer something unique or better. Differentiate ourself from competitors by
highlighting our strengths and addressing customer pain points that are not
effectively met by existing solutions.

Define Positioning Statement: Craft a concise and compelling positioning statement

that communicates our unique value proposition and target market. This statement
should succinctly describe the benefit or value our product or service offers, the
target audience it caters to, and how it stands apart from competitors. The
positioning statement should resonate with our target market and be aligned with
our overall marketing and branding efforts.

Develop Messaging and Communication: Create messaging and communication

strategies that effectively convey our positioning to the target market. This includes
developing compelling marketing messages, brand storytelling, visuals, and
communication channels that effectively reach and engage our target audience.

Test and Refine: Implement our positioning strategy and continuously monitor its
effectiveness. Gather feedback from customers, conduct market tests, and analyze
the impact of our positioning on sales, market share, and customer perception.
Refine and adjust our positioning strategy based on the results and evolving market

Consistency and Differentiation: Consistently reinforce our positioning strategy

across all touchpoints, including marketing materials, advertising campaigns,
customer interactions, and product/service delivery. Continuously strive to
differentiate our offering and deliver on the promises made in our positioning to
build customer trust and loyalty.

The market positioning is an ongoing process, and it may need to be adapted

as market conditions, customer needs, or competitive landscapes change. Regularly
review and update our positioning strategy to ensure it remains relevant and
effective in meeting the evolving demands of our target market.

4. What is Process in marketing mix? Explain with the help of an example.

In the marketing mix, the process refers to the series of steps or activities
involved in delivering a product or service to customers. It encompasses the
procedures, systems, and interactions that occur during the customer journey, from
initial contact to post-purchase support. The process element focuses on creating a
seamless and efficient customer experience.

Example: Online Retailer

Process in the marketing mix for an online retailer involves all the steps involved in
delivering products to customers through the e-commerce platform. Here's how it
can be exemplified:
Order Placement: The process begins when a customer visits the online retailer's
website or mobile app and places an order. The customer selects products, adds
them to the virtual shopping cart, and proceeds to the checkout process.

Secure Payment: The online retailer provides a secure payment gateway to ensure a
safe transaction. The customer enters payment details, such as credit card
information or alternative payment methods, and completes the payment process.

Order Fulfillment: After receiving the order, the online retailer initiates the
fulfillment process. This involves picking the products from the inventory, packaging
them securely, and preparing them for shipment.

Shipping and Delivery: The retailer partners with logistics companies to ship the
products to the customer's designated address. The retailer provides tracking
information to the customer, allowing them to monitor the progress of their

Customer Support: Throughout the process, the online retailer offers customer
support through various channels, such as live chat, email, or phone. Customers can
seek assistance regarding order status, returns, exchanges, or any other queries they
may have.

Post-Purchase Follow-Up: After the product is delivered, the retailer may engage in
post-purchase communication. This can involve sending a feedback request, offering
assistance for product usage, or providing after-sales support.

Returns and Refunds: In case of returns or exchanges, the online retailer has a
process in place to handle such requests. They may have a clearly defined return
policy, a dedicated customer service team to assist with returns, and a refund
process to ensure customer satisfaction.

By focusing on an efficient and customer-centric process, the online retailer

aims to provide a seamless and satisfactory experience for customers. A well-
designed process enhances customer satisfaction, promotes repeat purchases, and
builds a positive brand reputation.

It's important for companies to continuously evaluate and improve their

processes to identify bottlenecks, streamline operations, and enhance the overall
customer experience. Analyzing customer feedback, monitoring key performance
indicators, and staying updated with industry best practices can help in optimizing
the process element of the marketing mix.

5.What is service quality? What steps are required to improve service quality? Also
explain SERVQUAL.

Service quality refers to the overall excellence and satisfaction experienced

by customers when interacting with a service provider. It represents the extent to
which a service meets or exceeds customer expectations and requirements. Service
quality is a critical factor in establishing customer loyalty, building a positive
reputation, and achieving long-term business success. Improving service quality
involves a systematic approach to address gaps and enhance the delivery of services.

Some key steps that can be taken to improve service quality:

 Understand Customer Expectations

 Set Clear Service Standards
 Train and Empower Employees
 Improve Communication Channels
 Enhance Service Delivery Processes
 Implement Quality Assurance Systems
 Seek Customer Feedback

Understand Customer Expectations: Gain a deep understanding of customer

expectations by conducting market research, customer surveys, feedback analysis,
and customer journey mapping. Identify the specific service attributes and
dimensions that customers value the most.

Set Clear Service Standards: Define clear and measurable service standards that
align with customer expectations. These standards should encompass various
aspects such as responsiveness, reliability, empathy, competence, and tangibles
(e.g., physical environment, appearance). Clearly communicate these standards to
employees and ensure they are aware of their role in delivering exceptional service.

Train and Empower Employees: Provide comprehensive training to employees to

enhance their skills, knowledge, and customer service capabilities. Empower
employees to make decisions and resolve customer issues promptly. Foster a
customer-centric culture within the organization by recognizing and rewarding
exceptional service behaviors.

Improve Communication Channels: Establish effective communication channels to

facilitate seamless interactions with customers. This can include multiple
touchpoints such as phone, email, live chat, social media, or self-service portals.
Streamline communication processes to ensure prompt and accurate responses to
customer queries, concerns, or requests.

Enhance Service Delivery Processes: Continuously review and improve service

delivery processes to eliminate bottlenecks, reduce waiting times, and enhance
efficiency. Streamline workflows, implement technology solutions, and leverage
automation where appropriate to improve service speed and accuracy.

Implement Quality Assurance Systems: Develop and implement quality assurance

systems to monitor and measure service quality. This can involve regular
performance evaluations, mystery shopping, customer satisfaction surveys, and
service quality audits. Use these systems to identify areas for improvement and
implement corrective actions.

Seek Customer Feedback: Actively seek feedback from customers to understand

their experiences and identify areas of improvement. Encourage customers to
provide feedback through surveys, reviews, or feedback forms. Analyze feedback
data to identify patterns, trends, and specific areas that require attention.

Continuous Training and Improvement: Service quality improvement is an ongoing

process. Continuously invest in employee training and development programs to
keep pace with changing customer expectations and industry trends. Regularly
evaluate service quality metrics, analyze performance data, and implement
improvement initiatives based on insights and feedback received.

SERVQUAL is a widely recognized model for measuring and evaluating service

quality. It consists of a questionnaire-based survey that assesses customer
perceptions and expectations across five dimensions of service quality: reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles. By comparing customer
perceptions and expectations, organizations can identify gaps and areas for
improvement in each dimension to enhance overall service quality.

In summary, improving service quality involves a holistic approach that

includes understanding customer expectations, setting clear standards, training and
empowering employees, enhancing communication channels, optimizing service
delivery processes, implementing quality assurance systems, seeking customer
feedback, and continuously striving for improvement. By prioritizing service quality,
organizations can build strong customer relationships, differentiate themselves in
the market, and drive sustainable business growth.

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