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CSE 415 – Paul G. Allen School of CSE, U.W.

Your Name: _____________________________

Bayes Net Free Parameters

A. In each of the following examples, fill in the missing probability value(s). Each random variable has
its domain given in the table in which it appears.

1. 2.

W P(W) sun cold 0.2

sun sun warm
rain 0.32 rain cold 0.22
rain warm 0.1

W T P(W,T)

3. 4.

M P(M) W T P(W | T)
bull 0.28 sun cold 0.2/0.42
bear 0.24 sun warm
neutral rain cold
rain warm 0.1/0.58

B. In each of A1-A4, how many values were given (i.e., these represent the minimum number of values
needed to force all the others; this is also known as the number of free, or unforced, parameters) ?

A1. _____ ; A2. ______; A3. ______; A4. ______

C. Here is a Bayes net graph. (No values are given, though.) A table is required at each node to provide
either a marginal (at X and at Y) or a conditional (at Z and at W) distribution. 1. Write the number of
rows that will be in each table, next to the node. 2. Write the number of free parameters required at
each node, next to your answer for (C1) and underline the number. Note that some variables have
binary domains but others have ternary domains.

D. What is the total number of free parameters for the Bayes Net in (C)? ______. How many free
parameters would be required if a single, full-joint distribution table were used? _____
provided by S. Tanimoto, 2021

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