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Allah Almighty has created human beings as Ashraf al-Makhluqat (the best of creations) and pledged to make

those who completely follow the perfect person with the highest position of bondage and servitude. The Holy
Qur'an is the entitled to be a perfect guidance for a human being to achieve the purpose of his life. It is the
best example for the entire humanity. Mubashir Pakistan Hakeem ul Ummat Allama Muhammad Iqbal has
specially highlighted the love of pursuing the Prophet and the values of Uswa e Hasanah through his speech.
He says:
If you are faithful to Muhammad, we are yours,
What is the World, you are destined to the Tablet and the pen.
Obedience is the guarantee to be successful in this world, and the world hereafter. The only solution to all the
intellectual, social, political, educational and economic problems of the present day is in the love of pursuing
the prophet and the revival of the values of good deeds:

Hakeem Ul ummat dreamed of Pakistan for this special purpose. As the patron of the Muslim Ummah,
particularly the Muslims of Pakistan, he conveys the message of truth by becoming a practical ambassador of
Uswa e Hasanah in order to embrace success in both the worlds.
Ruh Forum (RUH Forum) has been established for the greater purpose of revitalizing values in every field of
life, so that people who are devoted to the passion of love and followers of the Prophet, follow the Sunnah
and become exemplary characters as well as the role models for the whole world, peace and security. Under
the auspices of RUH Forum, organizations such as Abroo e Millat (Emblem) School System, Ajjad Trust, Ataliq
Trust and Akhyar e millat are engaged in educational, social, economic and welfare work.
Emblem School System is equipping the generation with the jewel of knowledge and modern education
through basic education and training. Ancestral trust, family dignity, values and identity are not only being
highlighted but social improvement is also being done by harnessing the power of giving. In this regard, the
children are contributing to the education of deserving students through "Infaq Funds" by donating at least
one hundred rupees per month from their pocket money.
Through the Murbi / Ataliq Trust established for the love, respect and dedication of teachers, various students
are not only keeping the names and values of their beloved teachers alive, but also following the traditions of
Muwakhat-e-Madinah and Infaq fi Sabeelillah. They are also trying to improve in the fields of education and
training. RUH Forum is also trying to promote the practical diplomacy of values and virtues through
collaboration and cooperation with other organizations dedicated to love and worship.
Appeal: You can individually/collectively participate in the various educational, social and welfare projects and
trusts of RUH Forum, especially in the education and training of underprivileged children as teachers, mentors,
managers, sponsors, donors, guides and advisors. This valuable contribution can be the cause of economic,
academic, practical, intellectual and spiritual benefits along with spreading the light of virtues and good deeds
among society. Elders and children may join this charity drive through monthly membership of 100 rupees
from their pocket money.
Account Details:
Faysal Bank
RUH Forum
PK13FAYS 3077 3019 0022 8755)
Name: _________
Contact No: _________
Yvou are requested to take up membership in one or more of the following projects of RUH Forum by ticking
( ) in the column given below:-
1. Honorable Nation Educational Project. 3. Ancestor Trust
2. Social/community projects. 4. Ataliq / Morbi Trust.
5. Any work of your choice for social, economic, intellectual and spiritual awareness.
(Membership can be taken as worker, student, intern, teacher/mentor, sponsor, advisor, partner)

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